
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

The RadioDNS Manager is platform which can manage Hybrid Radio services such as RadioVIS, RadioEPG and Service Following

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

The RadioDNS Manager is platform which can manage Hybrid Radio services such as RadioVIS, RadioEPG and Service Following





This project gathers a web interface based on [plugit]( to manage RadioDNS
services ([RadioVIS, RadioEPG and ServiceFollowing](

Check each folder for specifics README about each part.

## How to run in local without installing dependencies
To start up a local demo instance

docker-compose -f docker-compose-standalone-demo.yml up --build -d

Then you may visit http://localhost:4000.

Your login credentials as admin are


Once you have configured the services you may test the generated metadata at http://localhost:5000/radiodns/spi/3.1/SI.xml.

To shut down the local instance

docker-compose -f docker-compose-standalone-demo.yml down

To remove the database and start afresh

docker volume rm radiodns-manager_db_data
docker volume rm radiodns-manager_mock_api_data
docker volume rm radiodns-manager_pgdata

## Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and
testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

### Prerequisites
- python 2.7 and 3.7
- docker 18.06.1+
- virtualenv 16.0.0+
- docker-compose 1.23.2+

### Installing
To install automatically the python environment on an unix system use the `` script (in the scripts folder).

On windows you'll have to setup a virtual env for the following projects (create and activate the venv + installing pip
- LightweightPlugitProxy (python3)
- RadioDns-PlugIt (python2)
- RadioVisServer (python2)
- MockApi (python3)
- tests (python3)

### Running the dev stack
Launch the dev databases with:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d

Then head to each following folders in order and follow their
- LightweightPlugitProxy
- RadioDns
- RadioVisServer
- MockApi

The default configuration of the services should be able to make the stack run for local development.

To stop the dev databases run:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml down

## How to run tests
If you haven't already, run the `` (if you are on an unix based system, script located in the scripts folder).
Then set your working directory to the tests folder and read its README for further instructions.

The following projects also have unit tests:
- RadioDns-PlugIt
- LightweightPlugitProxy

Please refer to their respective README for further instructions.

## Deployment in production -
Deployment instructions on a production server are detailed in [the docs](/docs/

## Deployment in production
Deployment instructions on a production server without are detailed in [the docs](/docs/

## General architecture
Architecture is described in [the docs](/docs/

## Contributing
- Always fix version of dependencies.
- Any new module that can be written in python 3 must be written in python 3.
Please read []( for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

## Contact
Contact the EBU (Ben Poor [email protected]) if you need more information about RadioDNS and its associated developments.

## Contributors
* Maximilien Cuony [@the-glu](
* Malik Bougacha [@gcmalloc](
* Michael Barroco [@barroco](
* Mathieu Habegger [@mhabegger](
* Ioannis Noukakis [@inoukakis](

## Copyright & License
The code is under GPLv3 License. (see LICENSE.txt)