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Adds aliases for fd, a modern replacement for find.

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Adds aliases for fd, a modern replacement for find.




# fd-zsh Plugin

[fd]( aliases plugin for zsh.

This plugin defines useful aliases that can be used for `fd` the moden alternative of `find`.

## Installation
This plugin is written with MacOS in mind. but it should work on any unix based OS.

1. First, Install exa

brew install fd
2. Clone this repository into zsh plugins folder
cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
git clone

cd $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/
git clone
3. Add the plugin to `/.zshrc`

You should add `fd-zsh` to the plugin list

`plugins=(... fd-zsh)`

4. Restart the terminal session

You can do this via
``` zsh
source $ZSH/

## Usage/Examples
This project contain some useful aliasses that you can run in your terminal that zsh supported like `ITerm2`.

You can type in the alias in your terminal. This is a list of available aliasses.

| Alias | Command | Help |
| fd | fd --color always | Always colorize output by default |
| fd_details | fd --list-details | list details |
| fd_ext | fd --extension | Filter by file extension, insert after this command |
| fd_name | fd --glob | Filter by file name (default: regular expression) |
| fd_case | fd --ignore-case | Search hidden files and directories |
| fd_abs | fd --absolute-path | Show absolute instead of relative paths |
| fd_exec | fd --exec | Execute command for each search result |
| fd_execlude | fd --exclude | Exclude files and directories that match the given glob pattern |
| fd_size | fd --size | SFilter by file size (insert after this command) |
| fd_owner | fd --owner | Filter by file owner (insert after this command) |
| fd_symbolic | fd --follow | Follow symbolic links |
| fd_version | fd --version | Show version information |
| fd_help | fd --help | Show help message |

## Contributing

Contributions are always welcome!

Pull requests are welcome. I will test them to make sure they are compatible.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

## Authors

- [@MohamedElashri](

## License
