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Use the fzy fuzzy-finder in Zsh

fuzzy-finder fzy plugin zsh

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Use the fzy fuzzy-finder in Zsh




# zsh-fzy

zsh-fzy is a [zsh]( plugin that uses [fzy]( for
certain fuzzy matching operations. The plugin defines the following Zle

- `fzy-file-widget`: Starts recursive file selection, and inserts the chosen
file paths in the command line.

- `fzy-cd-widget`: Starts subdirectory selection, and changes to the chosen
directory with `cd`.

- `fzy-history-widget`: Starts command history selection, using the existing
input (if any) as initial search query, and replaces the command line with
the chosen one.

- `fzy-proc-widget`: Starts processes selection, and inserts the chosen
process ID in the command line.

## Installation

It can be installed manually, or by using a plugin manager, e.g.

zplug aperezdc/zsh-fzy

## Configuration

By default the widgets defined by the plugin are *not* bound. A typical
configuration could be:

# ALT-C: cd into the selected directory
# CTRL-T: Place the selected file path in the command line
# CTRL-R: Place the selected command from history in the command line
# CTRL-P: Place the selected process ID in the command line
bindkey '\ec' fzy-cd-widget
bindkey '^T' fzy-file-widget
bindkey '^R' fzy-history-widget
bindkey '^P' fzy-proc-widget

Additional configuration is done using Zsh styles. The following lists the
available styles and their defaults:

zstyle :fzy:tmux enabled no

zstyle :fzy:history show-scores no
zstyle :fzy:history lines ''
zstyle :fzy:history prompt 'history >> '
zstyle :fzy:history command fzy-history-default-command

zstyle :fzy:file show-scores no
zstyle :fzy:file lines ''
zstyle :fzy:file prompt 'file >> '
zstyle :fzy:file command fzy-file-default-command

zstyle :fzy:cd show-scores no
zstyle :fzy:cd lines ''
zstyle :fzy:cd prompt 'cd >> '
zstyle :fzy:cd command fzy-cd-default-command

zstyle :fzy:proc show-scores no
zstyle :fzy:proc lines ''
zstyle :fzy:proc prompt 'proc >> '
zstyle :fzy:proc command fzy-proc-default-command

Setting `:fzy:tmux enabled` will use a split pane when the shell is running
inside [Tmux]( Currently there are no options
to allow configuration of the Tmux pane used for the widgets. Contributions
to address this are very welcome, as well as day-to-day testing with this
option enabled.

For each widget, the `:fzy:${widget}` context contains the following options:

- `show-scores`: Whether to let `fzy` show the matching scores for each entry.
- `lines`: The number of lines of the screen to use for the list of candidate
matches. If undefined, `fzy`'s default is used. A value can be prefixes with
`min:`, which will cause `fzy` to use at least a certain amount of lines,
plus any additional lines which may be available below until the last row
of the terminal (note that this needs an [ECMA-48](
terminal (most are).
- `prompt`: The prompt shown before the user input.
- `command`: The command executed to generate the list of candidates for

### Commands

Commands used to generate lists of candidate entries for completoin must
write items to standard output, one per line. Commands
`fzy-file-default-command`, `fzy-cd-default-command`, and
`fzy-history-default-command` are used by default. The first two use `find(1)`
under the hood, and you may prefer to use other tools like
[RipGrep]( to produce the list of
candidate elements shown by the widgets:

zstyle :fzy:file command rg --files

Note that the `command` settings are arrays, please take it into account
when specifying them:

zstyle :fzy:file command rg --files # Correct. Array of two elements.
zstyle :fzy:file command 'rg --files' # Incorrect. Array of one element.