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Vue.js Toggle Button - A dynamic, fully customizable toggle button aka toggle switch

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Vue.js Toggle Button - A dynamic, fully customizable toggle button aka toggle switch




# vue-toggle-btn
## A Highly Customizable, easy-to-use elegant toggle/switch button component

![MIT License]( "MIT License")
[![view on npm](](

###### Demo
![toggle-btn]( "Vue Toggle Btn")

# Usage
Install via NPM ```npm i vue-toggle-btn```

Then require in your project:
var VueToggleBtn = require('vue-toggle-btn');
or ES6 syntax:
import VueToggleBtn from 'vue-toggle-btn';
Then you can register the component globally:
Vue.component('vue-toggle-btn', VueToggleBtn);
Or in your Vue component:
components: {
You can then use the following selector anywhere in your project:
* To get up and running quick the package now supports rendering just the selector with default values

## Properties
```options``` is a full configuration object holding the toggle-button building blocks which are ```handle```, ```track``` and ```isActive```

| property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | object | holds all toggle button style configurations |
| isActive | false | holds the current boolean state of the button - can be `false` or `true` |
| handle | object | holds all handle style configurations |
| track | object | holds all track style configurations |

### handle
| property | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| diameter | number | 30 | Sets the handle diameter (the round button moving) |
| color | string | ```#fff``` | Sets the handle color |
| borderRadius | string | ```50%``` | Sets the handle border radius |

### track
| property | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| width | number | 70 | Sets the track width |
| height | number | 30 | Sets the track height |
| color | string | ```#ccc``` | Sets the default track color |
| activeColor | string | ```#2196F3``` | Sets the active status track color(after toggled) |
| borderWidth | number | 0 | Sets the track border width |
| borderRadius | string | ```34px``` | Sets the track border radius |

### events
| Event Name | Returns | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| **setIsActive** | `isActive` | Clicking the toggle button emits an its current `isActive` boolean state |

Listening to the event e.g:


Feedback would be much appreciated, questions, suggestions, issues are more than welcome.

👨‍💻 Follow me on [Twitter](

### Donation
If this project helped you reduce development time, you can buy me a cup of coffee :)

* Paypal - [email protected]