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Vue.js component implementing a cycling tristate checkbox that supports form submission

checkbox indeterminate javascript js tri-state tri-state-checkboxes tristate vue-components vuejs vuejs-components vuejs2

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Vue.js component implementing a cycling tristate checkbox that supports form submission




# Cycling Tristate Checkbox Vue.js Component

An animation says more than a thousand words:

![Chromium, Linux](screenshots/chromium-linux-animated.gif)
![Firefox, Linux, GTK theme "Adapta"](screenshots/firefox-linux-adapta-animated.gif)

Left: Chromium, Linux

Right: Firefox, Linux, GTK theme "[Adapta]("

## Why this component?

Browsers do not support fully functional tristate checkboxes out of the box. In particular:

- JavaScript is needed to activate indeterminate state.
- Clicking an indeterminate checkbox never gets you back to indeterminate state, there is no cycling through all three states out of the box.
- Form submission only sends `"on"` (or the value from `value=".."`) but never `"indeterminate"`.

This Vue component offers a fully functional cycling tristate checkbox.
It was written by [Sebastian Pipping](
and is licensed under the [MIT license](
I'm happy about [bugs reports]( for any issues you find.

If you like this component please support it with a star ★. Thank you!

## Features

- An API that is very close to how you'd use regular binary checkboxes with Vue.js
- Support for form submission (using properties `name`, `value`, `value-indeterminate`)
- Cycles through all three states while clicking: off, on, intermediate, off, on,…
- Support for keyboard navigation using tabulator and spacebar
- Support for integration with ``, either
- bound using `for=".."` or
- surrounding the component as a parent node
- Uses checkbox rendering native to the browser

## Design decisions

- Use native checkboxes as rendered by the browser for a look native to the current environment
- Be as close to `` as possible, e.g. support attributes `checked`, `disabled`, `id`, `name`, `value` with the same naming
- Be as close to Vue's own take on checkboxes, e.g. support attributes `v-model`, `true-value`, `false-value` with the same naming
- Support a binary mode so the component _can_ take over all checkboxes in an app in a uniform way if desired
- (The component comes as a plain `.js` rather than a `.vue` file to keep things simple… but I'm open to arguments why a `.vue` file would greatly benefit this very case.)

# How to use

## With `v-model`


var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
tribool_ref: null // i.e. indeterminate state


For a more elaborate version of this very example, please see

## Without `v-model`


var app = new Vue({el: '#app'})


Without `v-model` internal state storage is used.
In the example above, it can be accessed at `app.$refs.r1.state`.

For a more elaborate version of this very example, please see


All properties documented below are **optional**.

## Model configuration

| Property | Type | Default value | Description |
| v-model | String | n/a | External data property to use for storage of state |
| true-value | String/Boolean | true | Model value to use for checked state |
| false-value | String/Boolean | false | Model value to use for unchecked state |
| null-value | String/Boolean | null | Model value to use for indeterminate state |

## Form submission

| Property | Type | Default value | Description |
| name | String | n/a | Name to use during form submission; set to enable form submission |
| value | String | "on" | Form submission value to use for checked state |
| value-indeterminate | String | "indeterminate" | Form submission value to use for indeterminate state |

## Behavior switches

These properties are mostly useful in absence of `v-model`.

| Property | Type | Default value | Description |
| binary | Boolean | false | Whether to revert back to a binary checkbox, wins over indeterminate |
| checked | Boolean | false | Whether to start out checked |
| disabled | Boolean | false | Whether to start out disabled |
| indeterminate | Boolean | false | Whether to start out indeterminate, wins over checked |

## HTML anchor

Useful for URLs and binding a label with `for=".."`.

| Property | Type | Default value | Description |
| id | String | n/a | HTML node ID to use for the checkbox node of the component |

# Contributing

Bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests are welcome, in general.

# License

**vue-tristate-checkbox** is licensed under
the [MIT license](

If you like this component please support it with a star ★. Thank you!