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Input field component to display a formatted currency value based on Vue.js

currency currency-prefix input maskedinput money numeric separator-symbol vue vue-numeric vue2

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Input field component to display a formatted currency value based on Vue.js




# vue-numeric

[![Node.js CI](](

Input field component to display a formatted currency value based on [Vue](

[Live Demo](

**Works with Vue 2.***

## Installation

### Install via CDN


### Install via NPM
$ npm install vue-numeric --save

#### Register as Component
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueNumeric from 'vue-numeric'

export default {
name: 'App',

components: {

#### Register as Plugin
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueNumeric from 'vue-numeric'


## Usage

![screen shot 2016-12-08 at 2 19 31 pm](

### Quick example


import VueNumeric from 'vue-numeric'

export default {
name: 'App',

components: {

data: () => ({
price: ''


### Currency symbol

Set the `currency` prop to add a currency symbol within the input.



### Minimum & maximum constraint

Limit the minimum and maximum value by using `min` and `max` props.

- `min` defaults to `0`.
- `min` and `max` accept `String` or `Number` values.



### Disable/enable negative values

`minus` defaults to `false` (no negative numbers).



### Enable decimal precision

By default the decimal value is disabled. To use decimals in the value, add the `precision` prop.
- `precision` accept a `String` or `Number` numeric value.



### Thousands separator
- Default thousand separator's symbol is `,`.
- Use the `separator` prop to change the thousands separator.
- `separator` only accepts `space`, `,` or `.`.
- When using the `.` or `space` as thousand separator, the decimal separator will be `,`.



### Input placeholder when empty


### Value when empty
By default, when you clean the input the value is set to `0`. You can change this value to fit your needs.


### Output Type
By default the value emitted for the input event is of type `Number`. However you may choose to get a `String` instead
by setting the property `output-type` to `String`.


## Props
|currency|Currency prefix|false|String|-|
|currency-symbol-position|Position of the symbol (accepted values: `prefix` or `suffix`)|false|String|`prefix`|
|max|Maximum value allowed|false|Number|9007199254740991|
|min|Minimum value allowed|false|Number|-9007199254740991|
|minus|Enable/disable negative values|false|Boolean|`false`|
|placeholder|Input placeholder|false|String|-|
|empty-value|Value when input is empty|false|Number|0|
|output-type|Output Type for input event|false|String|`Number`|
|precision|Number of decimals|false|Number|-|
|separator|Thousand separator symbol (accepts `space`, `.` or `,`)|false|String|`,`|
|decimal-separator|Custom decimal separator|false|String|-|
|thousand-separator|Custom thousand separator|false|String|-|
|read-only|Hide input field and show the value as text|false|Boolean|false|
|read-only-class|Class for read-only element|false|String|''|
|allow-clear|Use input type search|false|Boolean|false|

## License

Vue-Numeric is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](

## Support
Hello, I'm Kevin the maintainer of this project in my free time (which is getting lessen these days), if this project does help you in any way please consider to support me. Thanks :smiley:
- [One-time donation via Paypal](