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The platform used to run picoCTF 2019.

Last synced: 2 months ago
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The platform used to run picoCTF 2019.




# picoCTF

## Notice

This repository contains an older, deprecated version of the picoCTF platform which was used to run
the picoCTF 2019 competition. Our development efforts are currently focused on our
new web platform at [](, and this repo is
no longer maintained.

If you are looking to host your own CTF, we recommend a modern tool such as
[CTFd]( or [kCTF](

## Introduction

The picoCTF platform is the infrastructure which is used to run

The platform is designed to be easily adapted to other CTF or programming

If using the platform to host a custom competition, we recommend using the most
recent tagged [release]( The
`master` branch represents active development and may not be stable.
Additionally, we cannot guarantee the stability or security of any outdated

Additional documentation can be found at [][docs] or within the
[`/docs` directory](./docs/


Please visit our Discord server for other platform deployment questions not
covered in our documentation:

## Quick Start

The following steps will use [Vagrant]( to get you
quickly up and running with the picoCTF platform by deploying the code base to
two local virtual machines. You can read more about using `vagrant` in our

git clone
cd picoCTF
vagrant up

These commands perform the following:

1. Get the source code at the most recent development state (`git`)
2. Change into the source code directory (`cd`)
3. Bring up a local copy of the picoCTF platform (`vagrant`)
- This will take approximately 30-45 minutes based on your network speed as
vagrant downloads a base virtual machine and all the components to install
the platform. This is a one-time, upfront cost. Obligatory [xkcd][].


Now that your local copy of picoCTF has been deployed:

4. Browse to
5. Login with the automatically created administrator account
- user: `ctfadmin`
- password: `dev`

Make your first change. For example to change "CTF Placeholder" in the
navigation bar:

6. Edit `picoCTF-web/web/_includes/header.html`
7. Update the running site.
- If you have `ansible` installed locally on your machine it is as
cd infra_local
ansible-playbook site.yml --limit web --tags web-static
- If you do not, then you can run the same command from within the virtual
vagrant ssh web
cd /picoCTF/infra_local
ansible-playbook site.yml --limit web --tags web-static

Then check out the [infra_local](./infra_local) directory for more information
on using the local development environment in a more efficient manner.

### Next Steps

Interested in development? Check out the notes in [infra_local][il].

Interested in running a public event? Check out the notes in [infra_remote][ir]
and the [Running Your Own Competition][r] section of this document.

The documentation has more information on [Alternative Deployments][ad].

Continue reading for more information on the picoCTF project.


## Project Overview

This project is broken down into a few discrete components that compose to build
a robust and full featured CTF platform. Specifically the project consists of
the following:

1. [picoCTF-web](./picoCTF-web). The website and all APIs.
2. [picoCTF-shell](./picoCTF-shell). Where users go to solve challenges.
3. [problems](./problems). CTF problem source code.
4. [ansible](./ansible). Used for configuring machines.
5. Infrastructure Examples. Different ways to deploy the picoCTF platform
- [infra_local][il]. Local infrastructure (Vagrant)
- [infra_remote][ir]. Remote infrastructure (Terraform)

### Walkthrough

Once you bring everything up, the main flow between components is:


Here is a walkthrough:
1. The user connects to the "Web Server". This is an nginx server.
- The nginx server serves up content in [picoCTF-web/web](picoCTF-web/web).
- The nginx server only serves up static HTML files.
- Most HTML files contain javascript, which is rendered browser-side for
- The browser rendering in turn makes requests to a REST-ful like API `/api/`
to nginx. Requests to `/api` are forwarded to an API server (running on the
same host for development).
- There is a special interface called `/admin`, which is used by the admin to
connect to new shell servers.
2. The users `/api` request is forwarded to the API server.
- The API server is a python flask server with code under
- There is an API for adding users, checking passwords, etc.
- There is an API for serving up challenges, checking flags, etc.
- The API keeps track of user score and membership to teams.
3. A user can `ssh` to the shell server.
- The shell server is loaded with problems, with examples in
- The web server connects to the shell server and retrieves a JSON file
containing problem instance location, point value, etc.
- The web server authenticates users using password data stored and via the

Some important terminology:
+ A _problem_ is a logical CTF problem. (Sometimes called a _challenge_)
+ Solving a problem gives a user points.
+ A problem can be _locked_ or _unlocked_ for a user.
+ Super important: problems *do not* have flags. They are purely logical.
+ A _problem instance_, or _instance_ for short, is a generated version of a
challenge to be solved by a user.
+ A single problem can have instances `inst_1`, `inst_2`, ..., `inst_n`. Each
instance has its own flag `flag_1`, `flag_2`, ..., `flag_n`
+ Users are assigned specific problem instances, and they are expected to
submit only their flag. For example, if user Foo has instance `inst_1`, only
`flag_1` is a valid flag (aa separate instance flag `flag_2` is not valid)
+ Instances were invented to help combat flag sharing. If player Foo has been
assigned `inst_1` but submits `flag_2`, then whomever has `inst_2` shared
their flag. There may be legitimate reasons for flag sharing, but in many
competitions it is indicative of cheating.
+ Instances are generated from a _template_. Think of it like templating in a
web framework. For example, a buffer overflow problem may template the
specific buffer size so a solution for `inst_i` will not work for `inst_j`.

### picoCTF-web

The competitor facing web site, the API for running a CTF, and the management
functionality for CTF organizers. The development [Vagrantfile](./Vagrantfile)
deploys picoCTF-web to a virtual machine (web) at If you
want to modify the look and feel of the website, this is the place to start.

### picoCTF-shell-manager

The tools to create, package, and deploy challenges for use with the picoCTF
platform. This supports the deployment of auto-generated challenge instances and
provides competitors shell access to aid in challenge solving. The development
[Vagrantfile](./Vagrantfile) deploys the shell-server as a second virtual
machine (shell) at If you want to modify challenge
deployment primitives, this is the place to start.

### picoCTF Compatible Problems

Example challenges that are compatible with the picoCTF platform. These
challenges can be easily shared, deployed, or adapted for use in a CTF. The
development [Vagrantfile](./Vagrantfile) installs these examples to the shell
server and loads them into the web interface. If you want to see how to create
challenges or leverage the hacksport library, this is the place to start.

### Ansible for Automated System Administration

The tool we use to install, configure, deploy, and administer the picoCTF
platform is [Ansible]( This allows us to create
flexible, parameterized, automated playbooks and roles that apply across
development, staging, and production environments. If you want to modify way the
platform is configured, this is the place to start.

## Running Your Own Competition

If you are looking to run your own CTF competition, you should:
1. Make sure you can bring up the local infrastructure (`Vagrantfile`
and [infra_local][il])
1. Make sure you understand how to deploy the infrastructure via `terraform` and
`ansible` ([infra_remote][ir]).
2. You can reskin the look and feel of the site by editing the
[picoCTF-web/web](picoCTF-web/web) javascript and HTML code.
3. To enable password reset emails, log in using the site administrator
account and configure Email under Management > Configuration.
4. You should start writing your own problems, loading them into the shell
server, and syncing the web server problem set with the shell server via the
`/admin` URL endpoint.

Do not underestimate the importance of spending significant time in problem
development. Our internal system is:
1. We form a working group for the contest.
2. We often vet problem ideas with the group before implementation.
3. Implement and deploy. Hardcode nothing (or as little as possible).
4. *THE KEY STEP:* Play test! Often the initial problem will have an
intellectual leap built-in that's obvious to the creator but to no one
else. Play testing makes sure the problem is coherent, self-contained, and

For more on running events see:
- [The Many Maxims of Maximally Effective CTFs][maxims]
- [PPP's Suggestions For Running a CTF][ppp]


## Giving Back and Development

The picoCTF platform is always under development.
- See []( for setting up a git workflow and some
- We are especially interested any improvements on continuous integration and
automated testing.

If you are interested in research in CTFs (e.g., improving skill acquisition,
decreasing time to mastery, etc.), please feel free to email David Brumley.

## Credits

picoCTF was started by David Brumley with his CMU professor hat in 2013. The
intention has always been to give back to the CTF community.

The original heavy lifting was done by his graduate students, and special thanks
is due to Peter Chapman (picoCTF 2013 technical lead) and Jonathan Burket
(picoCTF 2014 technical lead) for their immense efforts not only developing
code, but for organizing art work, problem development, and so on.

In 2015-2016 significant effort was done by
[ForAllSecure]( at the companies expense. This includes
adding concepts like the shell server, and rewriting significant portions of the
web server.

Both CMU and ForAllSecure have agreed to release all code under the [MIT
LICENSE](./LICENSE) . We do encourage attribution as that helps us secure
funding and interest to run picoCTF year after year, but it is not
necessary. Also, if you do end up running a contest, do feel free to drop David
Brumley a line.

- Bug Reports: [GitHub Issues](
- Contributors (in no particular order): David Brumley, Tim Becker, Chris Ganas,
Roy Ragsdale, Peter Chapman, Jonathan Burket, Collin Petty, Tyler Nighswander,
Garrett Barboza, Mong-Yah "Max" Hsieh