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Easy input of currency formatted numbers for Vue.js.

ecma-402 input-mask vue vue-composition-api

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Easy input of currency formatted numbers for Vue.js.




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# Vue Currency Input


Vue Currency Input allows an easy input of currency formatted numbers based on the [ECMAScript Internationalization API (Intl.NumberFormat)](

Built on top of the [Vue Composition API](, it enables you to decorate _any_ input component with currency format capabilities.

## Features

- Turns the input component of your favorite framework (for example [Vuetify](, [Quasar]( or [Element Plus]( into a currency input field
- Supports both Vue 2 _and_ Vue 3
- Built on standards: Ensures the right locale dependent formatting by using [Intl.NumberFormat](
- Unobtrusive input by hiding the formatting on focus
- Built-in value range validation

## Getting started

Please read the [guide]( to get started or check out the [playground]( to see it in action.

## Support me

If you find my work helpful, or you want to support the development, star the repo or buy me a coffee:
