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The most beautiful and full featured file upload component for Vue JS

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

The most beautiful and full featured file upload component for Vue JS




#### ๐Ÿ”ฅ V2 is in the making...!

# Vue File Agent

> Every file deserves to be treated equally

High performant Vue file **upload** component with elegant and distinguishable **previews** for every file type and support for **drag and drop**, **validations**, default uploader with **progress** support and externally customizable in the "vue way"

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## Contributors

### Author


### Contributors


## Features

- Exclusively designed for Vue with performance and simplicity in mind
- No dependency but small footprint - **17KB** minified, gzipped
- Elegant and responsive design with two official themes: grid view and list view
- File input with drag and drop with support for folders
- Smooth Transitions
- Multiple File Uploads
- Max File Size, Accepted file types validation
- Image/Video/Audio Previews
- File type icons
- Default uploader with progress
- Externally controllable via Vue bindings and methods
- Built in support for server side validation and error handling
- Official [Upload Server Examples](upload-server-examples) for **PHP** and **Node Js**
- File names can be edited with `:editable` prop
- Intuitive drag & drop sortable with `:sortable` prop
- Resumable uploads with `:resumable` prop through []( protocol
- Can be used with any css/component framework, including but not limited to: Bootstrap, Bulma, Tailwind, Vuetify, etc.

## Basic Usage



**NOTE:** when `uploadUrl` is provided, auto uploading is enabled. See [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage) section below for manual uploading example.


export default {
data() {
return {
// ...
fileRecords: [],
uploadUrl: '',
// ...
// ...


### That's it?

Yes. That's it. It's _that_ simple. See [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage) section below to tailor it for your specific needs.

## Installation

npm install vue-file-agent --save

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueFileAgent from 'vue-file-agent';
import VueFileAgentStyles from 'vue-file-agent/dist/vue-file-agent.css';


or with script tag



[Download from Github](

## Advanced Usage


Upload {{ fileRecordsForUpload.length }} files



export default {
data: function () {
return {
fileRecords: [],
uploadUrl: '',
uploadHeaders: { 'X-Test-Header': 'vue-file-agent' },
fileRecordsForUpload: [], // maintain an upload queue
methods: {
uploadFiles: function () {
// Using the default uploader. You may use another uploader instead.
this.$refs.vueFileAgent.upload(this.uploadUrl, this.uploadHeaders, this.fileRecordsForUpload);
this.fileRecordsForUpload = [];
deleteUploadedFile: function (fileRecord) {
// Using the default uploader. You may use another uploader instead.
this.$refs.vueFileAgent.deleteUpload(this.uploadUrl, this.uploadHeaders, fileRecord);
filesSelected: function (fileRecordsNewlySelected) {
var validFileRecords = fileRecordsNewlySelected.filter((fileRecord) => !fileRecord.error);
this.fileRecordsForUpload = this.fileRecordsForUpload.concat(validFileRecords);
onBeforeDelete: function (fileRecord) {
var i = this.fileRecordsForUpload.indexOf(fileRecord);
if (i !== -1) {
// queued file, not yet uploaded. Just remove from the arrays
this.fileRecordsForUpload.splice(i, 1);
var k = this.fileRecords.indexOf(fileRecord);
if (k !== -1) this.fileRecords.splice(k, 1);
} else {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')) {
this.$refs.vueFileAgent.deleteFileRecord(fileRecord); // will trigger 'delete' event
fileDeleted: function (fileRecord) {
var i = this.fileRecordsForUpload.indexOf(fileRecord);
if (i !== -1) {
this.fileRecordsForUpload.splice(i, 1);
} else {


## License

The MIT License

## [Live Demo][]

[live demo]: