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:dizzy: A Vue.js background component for canvas-nest.

canvas canvas-nest html5-canvas nest particles vue-components

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:dizzy: A Vue.js background component for canvas-nest.




# vue-canvas-nest

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> A Vue.js component for canvas-nest.


## Install

``` bash
# install dependencies
npm i vue-canvas-nest

# or use yarn
yarn add vue-canvas-nest

## Usage

### Registe component
import vueCanvasNest from 'vue-canvas-nest'
export default {
components: { vueCanvasNest }


### How to use

#### Simply use


#### With config or el(area render)


## Config

- **`color`**: the canvas line color, default: `'255,0,0'`; the color is (R,G,B).
- **`opacity`**: the opacity of line (0~1), default: `0.7`.
- **`count`**: the number of lines, default: `99`.
- **`zIndex`**: the index of z space, default: `-1`.

**Note: Render the whole page if no el passed by default.**

#### Example:
const config = {
color: '0,0,255',
opacity: 0.7,
zIndex: -2,
count: 99,

## Contributors
- [ZYSzys](

## Thanks
- [canvas-nest.js](

## License
