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📐Colcade plugin for Vue.js 2 - Lightweight masonry

grid-layout plugin vuejs wrapper

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📐Colcade plugin for Vue.js 2 - Lightweight masonry




# 📐 Vue Colcade

*Lightweight masonry layout thanks to Vuejs*

![Travis (.org)](

A small wrapper for integrating [Colcade]( to Vuejs.

Vue.js plugin accessible globally from any component to run multiple colcade grid instances. Let's interact with differents grids throughout differents components. This plugin needs you to use the basic [Colcade configuration usage](

## Install

``` bash
npm install vue-colcade
yarn add vue-colcade

Import vue-colcade.js in the main project file

``` javascript
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueColcade from 'vue-colcade';


## Usage

In your Vue.js components, to create a new grid, simply use:

``` javascript
mounted: function mounted() {
name: 'myGridName', // name of colcade instance -> will be used as a reference for grid instance
el: myGridElement, // element that hosts the grid -> as mentioned in Colcade config
config: { // native Colcade configuration -> as mentioned in Colcade config
columns: '.grid-col',
items: '.grid-item',

That grid is accessible across all components by using the new global vue property: `$colcade`. So you can create as many grids as you want, referencing them by their `name`. Every future modifications thanks to vue-colcade must referred the `name` of the instance in order to affect it. As an exemple, if you create an instance with `myGridName` as name, you can update it with the following method: `this.$colcade.update('myGridName')`.

### Methods

*vue-colcade* offers following methods:

* **create** - `this.$colcade.create({})` - Create a new instance of Colcade grid -> see usage above
* **destroy** - `this.$colcade.destroy('myGridName')` - Destroy an instance of Colcade grid
* **update** - `this.$colcade.update('myGridName')` - Update grid items (after changing order, removing items...)
* **append** - `this.$colcade.myGridName.append(items)` - Add items to the end of layout
* **prepend** - `this.$colcade.myGridName.prepend(items)` - Add items to the beginning of layout

As exemple, in order to destroy a grid, just call: `this.$colcade.destroy('myGridName')`.

Then, if you need to update items values inside a colcade grid, you may call the following property in order to force Colcade to refresh itself: `this.$colcade.update('myGridName')`.

And, all native colcade methods are still accessibles :

``` javascript
this.$colcade.myGridName.destroy(); // be carefull, that doesn't destroy the myGridName instance but only the Colcade grid

By Alexis Colin, thanks to [Colcade]( by David DeSandro

### Licence

MIT License.