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Sitecore Docker Tools are utilities which assist Sitecore developers in initializing and running containerized Sitecore environments.

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Sitecore Docker Tools are utilities which assist Sitecore developers in initializing and running containerized Sitecore environments.




# Sitecore Docker Tools

Sitecore Docker Tools are utilities which improve developer experience when running Sitecore in a Docker environment. This includes:

* `sitecore-docker-tools-assets`, a Docker image with development scripts and entrypoints which can be used during Sitecore container builds.
[![Image Build Status](](
* `SitecoreDockerTools`, a PowerShell module with functions used on the Sitecore container host to initialize the Sitecore Docker environment.
[![PowrShell Build Status](](

## Usage

Released versions of these utilities can be found on the Sitecore Container Registry and the Sitecore PowerShell Gallery. Usage details can be found in the [Sitecore container development documentation](

### Docker Image
The scripts found in the Docker image are intended to be copied in via your custom `Dockerfile`.

FROM ${TOOLS_IMAGE} as tools
COPY --from=tools C:\tools C:\tools

You can enable the [development entrypoint]( in your `docker-compose` override.

entrypoint: powershell.exe -Command "& C:\tools\entrypoints\iis\Development.ps1"

The development entrypoint also enables the application of development-specific configuration patches and configuration transforms at runtime via the `SITECORE_DEVELOPMENT_PATCHES` environment variable. You can see [available patches here](image/src/dev-patches).

SITECORE_DEVELOPMENT_PATCHES: DevEnvOn,CustomErrorsOff,DebugOn,DiagnosticsOff,InitMessagesOff,RobotDetectionOff

### PowerShell Module
The PowerShell module can be installed and imported from the Sitecore PowerShell Gallery.

Register-PSRepository -Name SitecoreGallery -SourceLocation
Install-Module SitecoreDockerTools
Import-Module SitecoreDockerTools

# See available commands
Get-Command -Module SitecoreDockerTools

## Building/Using from Source

### Docker Image
cd image\src
docker-compose build

### PowerShell Module
Import-Module .\powershell\src\SitecoreDockerTools.psd1

## Running Tests

Unit tests require use of [Pester v4](

From the root folder of either project:

Import-Module Pester -RequiredVersion 4.9.0
Invoke-Pester -Path .\test\*