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Cozy Plotter Art Terminal

Last synced: 2 months ago
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Cozy Plotter Art Terminal




# cozyvec

cozyvec is a terminal program for creating [plotter]( art (specifically via SVG files) in javascript with minimal setup.


The library has been designed for brevity, so the code for a specific plot can be tweeted under the hashtag [#cozyvec]( (much like PICO-8's [#tweetcart]( and processing's [#つぶやきProcessing](つぶやきProcessing)) by providing shortcut versions of most tokens that are 1-4 characters.


## Browser Version

Browser version available at:

However, the standalone builds are a better user experience (menu items)

## Install & Run

You can download [builds]( for OSX, Windows and Linux, or if you wish to build it yourself, follow these steps:

git clone
cd cozyvec/desktop/
npm install
npm start

## Library

- `l2|lineTo(x,y)` draw line from last point
- `m2|moveTo(x,y)` move to point
- `clsp|closePath()` draw line to last move to point
- `ppr|paper(name[,orientation])` change paper to size in library
- `ppr|paper(w,h[,name[,orientation]])` custom paper in mm
- `pen(w)` pen width in mm, also starts new SVG group (to help with pen swapping)
- `mbox|marginBox([a[,b[,c[,d]]]])` create bounding box with margins [x1,y1,x2,y2] default 40 mm, partial arguments follow css margin conventions
- `log(s)` log message s, gets overwritten by errors and other logs
- `err|error(s)` error message s and quit
- `W|WIDTH` canvas width
- `H|HEIGHT` canvas height
- `PI` π
- `TAU|TWO_PI` 2*π
- `HPI|HALF_PI` π/2
- `pow(a,b)` exponentiation
- `sqrt(a)` square root
- `sqr|square(a)` square number
- `cub|cube(a)` cube number
- `abs(a)` absolute value
- `ceil(a)` round up to nearest integer
- `flr|floor(a)` round down to nearest integer
- `sgn|sign(a)` return the sign of a number
- `sin(a)` sine
- `cos(a)` cosine
- `tan(a)` tangent
- `asin(a)` arcsine
- `acos(a)` arccosine
- `atan(a)` arctangent
- `at2|atan2(y,x)` arctangent2
- `min(...a)` minimum
- `max(...a)` maximum
- `mid(a,b,c)` clamp b to [a,c]
- `smid|smoothMid(a,b,c)` clamp b to [a,c] with [smoothing](
- `dst|distance(x1,y1,x2,y2)` distance between points
- `rnd|random()` random \[0-1)
- `rnd|random(a)` random \[0-a)
- `rnd|random(a,b)` random \[a-b)
- `srnd|seedRandom()` seed rng with 0
- `srnd|seedRandom(s)` seed rng with s
- `nse|noise(pos)` [simplex noise]( (pos can be a number or 1-4 numbers in a list)
- `nse|noise(pos,freq,amp)` simplex noise
- `nse|noise(pos,freq,amp,octaves,lacunarity,gain)` fractal simplex noise

## Shortcuts

- `CmdOrCtrl+G` documentation
- `CmdOrCtrl+R` run code
- `CmdOrCtrl+E` export SVG
- `CmdOrCtrl+I` export PNG
- `CmdOrCtrl+P` flip paper orientation
- `CmdOrCtrl+N` new file
- `CmdOrCtrl+O` open .js file
- `CmdOrCtrl+S` save .js file
- `CmdOrCtrl+Tab` dev console

## Paper Sizes

Paper sizes are defined [here](, create an issue or PR if you'd like me to add another standardized paper size to select from.

You can also call `paper|ppr(width_mm, height_mm[, name[, is_portrait]])` at the beginning of your script to define a custom size for your plot.

## Community

- [cozyvec hashtag](
- [cozyvectweets bot](
- [/r/cozyvec on reddit](

## Contributing

Please [create an issue]( if you have questions about behavior, find a bug, or want to make a feature/paper size request! I will also accept PR's, but might edit them first!