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Rules-based Context Item Menu Visibility

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Rules-based Context Item Menu Visibility




# Konabos.SharedSource.MenuItemRules
## Rules-based Context Item Menu Visibility

1. Add a new class and create a command, inheriting from `Konabos.CMS.MenuItemRules.Command.RulesBasedMenuCommand` and implement the `Execute` method.

using Konabos.CMS.MenuItemRules.Command;
using Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands;

namespace Konabos.CMS.MenuItemRules
public class MenuCustom : RulesBasedMenuCommand
public override void Execute(CommandContext context)
throw new NotImplementedException();

2. Register the command in config, for example:



3. Create the menu item in the `Core` database under: `/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Context Menues/Default`. Set the **Message** field to your command, e.g. `menu:custom(id=$Target)`

4. Create a `Rule` under `/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Context Menu Items/Rules` in the master database. The Rule name should match the sanitized command name which does not include any invalid item name characters. Using the above as an example: **menucustom** and **menuanother**.

5. Edit the rule, set your Conditions and then set the Action to **"set the command state to enabled"** in order to make the menu item visible.

![Add Menu Visiblity Rules]( "Add Menu Visiblity Rules")

If you want to integrate the code into your own project - the items have been serialized or there is a TDS project or there is an items-only package. You need to update the `Type` field in **/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Definitions/Elements/Context Menu Rules/Set Command State** in master database.