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Typesafe React hooks and utility functions that simplify the process of working with Substrate-based networks and ink! smart contracts.

blockchain hooks ink javascript polkadot polkadot-blockchain polkadot-js polkadot-js-api polkadot-network react react-hook react-hooks reactjs rust smart-contract smart-contracts substrate typescript web3

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Typesafe React hooks and utility functions that simplify the process of working with Substrate-based networks and ink! smart contracts.




![inkathon Devtooling Banner](inkathon-devtooling-banner.png)

# `useInkathon` – React Hooks & Utility Library

[![License: GPL v3](](
[![Built with ink!](](

This library provides typesafe React hooks and utility functions that simplify the process of working with Substrate-based networks and ink! smart contracts. It abstracts away the complexities of polkadot{.js} but still lets you access the full power of the underlying API.

The project is part of a [Scio Labs]( initiative to improve the developer experience in the ink! ecosystem and a proud member of the [Aleph Zero EFP]( 💜

Other projects include:

- `create-ink-app` CLI (_Coming soon_)
- [`ink!athon`]( Boilerplate
- [`useInkathon`]( Hooks & Utility Library
- [`zink!`]( Smart Contract Macros

**Join the discussion in our [Telegram Group](** 💬

**Checkout our [TypeDoc Documentation](** 📃


1. [Getting started 🚀](#getting-started-)
2. [Features ✨](#features-)
3. [Contract Registry 🗳️](#contract-registry-️%EF%B8%8F)
1. [How it works](#how-it-works)
2. [Typed Contracts](#typed-contracts)
4. [Examples 📚](#examples-)
5. [Package Development 🛠](#package-development-)


## Getting started 🚀

> **If you are looking for a boilerplate to start your dApp project from scratch, checkout [ink!athon](**

1. Go to your existing project and install the package from the npm registry:

pnpm add @scio-labs/use-inkathon
# or
npm install @scio-labs/use-inkathon
# or
yarn add @scio-labs/use-inkathon

2. Wrap it around your app or parent component:

import { development, UseInkathonProvider } from '@scio-labs/use-inkathon'



1. Use the primary `useInkathon` hook for connecting the wallet or accessing the API:

import { useInkathon } from '@scio-labs/use-inkathon'

const { api, connect, activeChain, activeAccount, … } = useInkathon()

## Features ✨

At its core, this library serves as a **wrapper for polkadot{.js}, potentially saving you over 100 lines of code.** This includes:

- Utility functions for API initialization, connection, account management, balance checks, transfers, contract interactions, etc.
- React hooks & provider for easy access to all of the above, including:
- [`useInkathon`]( – Main Hook responsible for connection, account management, etc.
- [`useBalance`](
- [`usePSP22Balances`](
- [`useContract`](
- [`useRegisteredContract`]( _(read more below)_
- Contract interaction helper functions with automatic upfront gas estimation, including:
- [`contractTx`](
- [`contractQuery`](
- [`decodeOutput`](
- Constants definitions for Substrate-based chains, wallets, and assets
- Works multichain with live & dynamic chain-switching out of the box
- Full contract-level type-safety with [`typechain-polkadot`]( via [`useRegisteredTypedContract`](

> [!NOTE]
> Checkout our [TypeDoc Documentation]( for more details.

## Contract Registry 🗳️

Often when working with smart contracts in the frontend, you have to import the contract metadata multiple times across a project, then determine the matching deployment address for the active chain, and create a `ContractPromise` instance manually each time.

The idea of a _Contract Registry_ is to **define contract metadata & addresses only once and use them everywhere with a simple hook:**

const { contract } = useRegisteredContract('greeter')

### How it works

Start by defining an async `getDeployments` function that returns [`SubstrateDeployment[]`]( metadata objects for each contract deployment on each chain.

> [!NOTE]
> Checkout an advanced example within the ink!athon boilerplate [here]( where metadata is imported dynamically based on defined chains and contract identifiers.

import { alephzeroTestnet, SubstrateDeployment } from '@scio-labs/use-inkathon'

export const getDeployments = async (): Promise => {
return [
contractId: 'greeter',
abi: await import(`../deployments/metadata.json`),
address: '5HPwzKmJ6wgs18BEcLdH5P3mULnfnowvRzBtFcgQcwTLVwFc',

The function's result passed to the `UseInkathonProvider` provider:



Then access the contract as above:

const { contract } = useRegisteredContract('greeter')

### Typed Contracts

> [!NOTE]
> Make sure to also install `@727-ventures/typechain-types`, `bn.js`, and `@types/bn.js` as dependencies in your project. Find a complete setup & usage example in the [`ink!athon boilerplate`](

If you are using [`typechain-polkadot`]( to generate type-safe contracts, you can use the `useRegisteredTypedContract` hook instead:

import GreeterContract from '[…]/typed-contracts/contracts/greeter'

// …

const { typedContract } = useRegisteredTypedContract('greeter', GreeterContract)
const result = await typedContract.query.greet()

> Currently, only queries are supported until [typechain-polkadot#138]( is merged. Alternatively, we're considering switching to the [`prosopo/typechain-polkadot`]( fork completely.

## Examples 📚

Within this repository:

- [Vanilla React Example](./examples/react-ts) (`examples/react-ts`)
- [Vanilla CLI Scripts Example](./examples/scripts-ts) (`examples/scripts-ts`)

Live examples:

- [ink!athon Boilerplate](

## Package Development 🛠

**If you want to contribute, please read our [Contributor Guidelines](** 🙏

> **Pre-requisites:**
> - Setup Node.js v18 (recommended via [nvm](
> - Install [pnpm]( (recommended via [Node.js Corepack](
> - Clone this repository

# Install dependencies
pnpm i

# Enable pre-commit hooks
pnpm simple-git-hooks

# Run tsup in development mode (watching)
pnpm dev

# Run package compilation in parallel with vanilla React example
pnpm run dev:react-example

# Build the package
pnpm build

How to import a development version of this package locally?

Unfortunately, importing this package locally into other local projects requires some manual steps. You need to build & pack this package into a `.tgz`-build and then update this dependency in your other project. These steps must be repeated each time you make changes to this package.

# 1. [THIS PACKAGE] Generate a .tgz package of the build
pnpm tsup && pnpm pack

# 2. [OTHER PROJECT] Add it as a dependency in your other project like:
# `"@scio-labs/use-inkathon": "file:../scio-labs-use-inkathon-0.0.X.tgz"`
pnpm add ../use-inkathon/scio-labs-use-inkathon-0.0.X.tgz

# 3. [OTHER PROJECT] Subsequent updates can be done via
pnpm update @scio-labs/use-inkathon --force