
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A PHP library (SDK) for interacting with the Algorand network.

algod algorand algorand-algod algorand-codeigniter algorand-indexer algorand-kmd algorand-laravel algorand-lumen algorand-network algorand-php algorand-php-sdk algorand-symfony algorand-yii api indexer kmd php php-algorand-sdk sdk wallet

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A PHP library (SDK) for interacting with the Algorand network.




# PHP Algorand SDK 2.0 (algod, algokey, kmd, transactions and indexer)

A Pure PHP (no dependencies) library for interacting with the Algorand network.

All files in this directory will show you about the best pratices that you should do when implementing **php-algorand-sdk** into your project.

## Requirements
- PHP 7.3 and above.
- Built-in libcurl support.
- Algorand node, algod, kmd, indexer or PureStake

## Frameworks Compatibility
This SDK was developed to support several PHP Frameworks, tested with:
- **Native Frameworks**
- **FFS**
- **Laravel**
- **Lumen**
- **Yii**
- **Codeigniter**
- **Symfony**

In the **sdk** folder you will find the setup suggestions.

## Quick start

For running this example, you need to install `php-algorand-sdk` library before, and start the node.
$ git clone
$ ./goal node start -d data
$ ./goal kmd start -d data
$ ./algorand-indexer daemon -h -d data

After cloning the repository, you need to include the `php-algorand-sdk`:
require_once 'sdk/algorand.php';
require_once 'sdk/algokey.php';

#OR with namespace include

use App\Algorand\algorand;
use App\Algorand\transactions;
use App\Algorand\algokey;
use App\Algorand\b32;
use App\Algorand\msgpack;


For use the **algod**:
# Node
$algorand = new Algorand("algod","{algod-token}","localhost",53898); //get the token key in data/algod.admin.token

# PureStake
$algorand = new Algorand("algod","{pure-stake-token}","",0,true); //External PureStake


(see all avaliable functions in **algod.php**)

For use the **kmd**:
#Node only
$algorand_kmd = new Algorand("kmd","{kmd-token}","localhost",7833); //get the token key in data/kmd-{version}/kmd.token and port in data/kmd-{version}/
(see all avaliable functions in **kmd.php**)

For use the **indexer**:
$algorand_indexer = new Algorand("indexer","{algorand-indexer-token}","localhost",8089);

$algorand_indexer = new Algorand("indexer","{pure-stake-token}","",0,true); //true for External PureStake

(see all avaliable functions in **indexer.php**)

For use the **algokey**:
$algokey=new algokey;

(see all avaliable functions in **algokey.php**)

For use the **transactions**:
$algorand_transactions = new Algorand_transactions;
#Build and Sign a transaction, for details:

#Payment Transaction (ALGO)

"txn" => array(
"type" => "pay", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 27151092, //First Valid
"gen" => "mainnet-v1.0", // GenesisID
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"lv" => 27152092, //Last Valid
"note" => "Testes", //You note
"amt" => 1000, //Amount

(see all avaliable functions in **transactions.php**)

## Vídeo Tutorial

[![PHP Algorand SDK Vídeo Tutorial](](

## Application Examples
See at examples folder.

![Algorand Wallet PHP GUI]( "Algorand Wallet PHP GUI")

![Algorand Asset Manager PHP GUI](

![Algorand Explorer PHP GUI](

## Complete Guide

### Node setup (macOS and Linux)
Verified on macOS Monterey 12.5.1 and Ubuntu 22.04

For other cases, follow the instructions in Algorand's [developer resources]( to install a node on your computer.

### Steps:
- 1- Installing Algorand Node
- 2- Installing Algorand Indexer
- 3- Installing and Using the **PHP Algorand SDK**

### For macOS and Linux:
Create a temporary folder to hold the install package and files:
$ mkdir ~/node
$ cd ~/node

Download the updater script:

#### macOS
$ curl -O

#### Linux
$ wget

Ensure that your system knows it's an executable file:
$ chmod 744

Run the installer from within your node directory:
$ ./ -i -c stable -p ~/node -d ~/node/data -n

Create and change the config.json
$ cp data/config.json.example data/config.json
$ chmod 777 data/config.json
$ cp data/kmd-v{version}/kmd_config.json.example data/kmd-v{version}/kmd_config.json
$ chmod 777 data/kmd-v{version}/kmd_config.json
$ vim data/config.json

Change the line, press I to enable edition, make changes, press ESC and type :w + [enter], :q + [enter] to finish.
"EndpointAddress": "",
"EndpointAddress": "",

Start Node:
./goal node start -d data
./goal kmd start -d data
./algorand-indexer daemon -P "host= port=5432 user={user} password={password} dbname=algorand sslmode=disable" --no-algod

To see if the node is running:
$ htop
Press F10 to close the htop

### Sync Node Network using Fast Catchup
Fast Catchup is a new feature and will rapidly update a node using catchpoint snapshots. A new command on goal node is now available for catchup. The entire process should sync a node in minutes rather than hours or days.

### Get the catchpoint
$ wget -qO-

Use the sync point captured above and paste into the catchup option

Node Status:
./goal node status -d data
Results should show 5 Catchpoint status lines for Catchpoint, total accounts, accounts processed, total blocks , downloaded blocks.
Notice that the 5 Catchpoint status lines will disappear when completed, and then only a few more minutes are needed so sync from that point to the current block. ***Once there is a Sync Time of 0, the node is synced and if fully usable***.
Last committed block: 11494
Sync Time: 58.1s
Catchpoint total accounts: 9133629
Catchpoint accounts processed: 7786496
Catchpoint accounts verified: 0
Genesis ID: mainnet-v1.0
Genesis hash: wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=

## Installing the Algorand Indexer

For more details:

## Installing and Using the Algorand PHP SDK
Get the node tokens and address:
$ cat data/algod.token
$ cat data/kmd-{version}/kmd.token
$ cat data/kmd-{version}/

Clone Git Hub Project
$ git clone

After cloning the repository, you need to include the `php-algorand-sdk`:
require_once 'sdk/algorand.php';
require_once 'sdk/algokey.php';
require_once 'sdk/transactions.php';

#OR with namespace include

use App\Algorand\algorand;
use App\Algorand\algokey;
use App\Algorand\transactions;
use App\Algorand\b32;
use App\Algorand\msgpack;

## For use the **Algokey**:

### Start the Algokey
$algokey=new algokey;

### Generate New Key/Account/Address
echo "Words to string: ".implode(" ",$key['words'])."\n";

### Words to Private Key and Public Key (Array)
$words=explode(" ","connect produce defense output sibling idea oil siege decline dentist faint electric method notice style cook unlock rice confirm host tone test vehicle able keen"); //2OEZACD77WSR5C2HFEHO2BYHQEATOGFIUW3REGKOGNPPNYPPLROHDU2CQE
$privateKey=$algokey->WordsToPrivateKey($words); //Array
echo "Private Key: ".$privateKey."\n";
echo "Private Key decoded: ".$privateKey_decoded."\n";
echo "Public Key B32: ".$publicKey."\n";
echo "Public Key decoded: ".$publicKey_decoded."\n";

### Private Key to Words
echo "Words: ".implode(" ",$return_words)."\n";

### Sign Transaction with Algokey PHP
"txn" => array(
"type" => "pay", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 28237321, //First Valid
"gen" => "mainnet-v1.0", // GenesisID
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"lv" => 28238321, //Last Valid
"note" => "", //You note
"amt" => 1003, //Amount


### Broadcasts a raw transaction to the network.

$algorand = new Algorand("algod","4820e6e45f339e0026eaa2b74c2aa7d8735cbcb2db0cf0444fb492892e1c09b7","localhost",53898);

## For use the **Algod**:
Start the SDK
$algorand = new Algorand("algod",'{algod-token}',"localhost",53898); //get the token key in data/algod.token

$algorand = new Algorand("algod","{pure-stake-token}","",0,true); //true for External PureStake

### Get the versions

### Gets the current node status.

### Gets the node status after waiting for the given round.

### Gets the genesis information.

### Returns 200 (OK) if healthy.

### Return metrics about algod functioning.

### Gets the current swagger spec.

### Get account information and balances.
$return=$algorand->get("v2","accounts","{address}","?exclude=none&?format=json"); //?exclude=none or all. When set to all will exclude asset holdings, &format=json or msgpack (opcional, default json)

### Get account information about a given app.

### Get account information about a given asset.

### Get a list of unconfirmed transactions currently in the transaction pool by address.

### Get application information.

### Get box information for a given application.

### Get all box names for a given application.

### Get asset information.

### Get the block for the given round.

### Get the block hash for the block on the given round.

### Gets a proof for a given light block header inside a state proof commitment

### Get a proof for a transaction in a block.

### Starts a catchpoint catchup. For the last catchpoint access:

### Aborts a catchpoint catchup.

### Get a LedgerStateDelta object for a given round

### Get the current supply reported by the ledger.

### Returns the minimum sync round the ledger is keeping in cache.

### Removes minimum sync round restriction from the ledger.

### Given a round, tells the ledger to keep that round in its cache.

### Add a participation key to the node

### Return a list of participation keys

### Append state proof keys to a participation key

### Get participation key info given a participation ID

### Delete a given participation key by ID

### Special management endpoint to shutdown the node. Optionally provide a timeout parameter to indicate that the node should begin shutting down after a number of seconds.
$params['params']=array("timeout" => 0);
$return=$algorand->post("v2","shutdown", $params);

### Get a state proof that covers a given round

### Compile TEAL source code to binary, produce its hash

### Disassemble program bytes into the TEAL source code.

### Provide debugging information for a transaction (or group).
"accounts" => array(), //Account
"apps" => array(), //Application
"latest-timestamp" => 0, //integer
"protocol-version" => "", //string
"round" => 0, //integer
"sources" => array(), //DryrunSource
"txns" => "", //string (json) > array

### Broadcasts a raw transaction to the network.
#Generate and Sign the transaction with cli or this sdk:
//CLI sample
#./goal clerk send -a 1000 -f {address_from} -t {address_to} -d data -o transactions/tran.txn
#./goal clerk sign --infile="trans/tran.txn" --outfile="trans/tran.stxn" -d data



### Get parameters for constructing a new transaction

### Get a list of unconfirmed transactions currently in the transaction pool.

### Get a specific pending transaction.

For more details:

## For use the **KMD**:
Start the SDK
$algorand_kmd = new Algorand("kmd","{kmd-token}","localhost",7833); //get the token key in data/kmd-{version}/kmd.token and port in data/kmd-{version}/

$algorand_transactions = new Algorand_transactions;

#### Get Versions

#### Get swagger.json

#### Create Wallet
"wallet_name" => "",
"wallet_password" => "",
"wallet_driver_name" => "sqlite",

#### Wallet List

#### Wallet Init
"wallet_id" => "",
"wallet_password" => "",

#### Wallet Info
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,

#### Wallet Rename
"wallet_id" => "",
"wallet_name" => "",
"wallet_password" => "",

#### Wallet Handle Token Release
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,

#### Wallet Handle Token Renew
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,

#### Generate a key
"display_mnemonic" => false,
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

#### Delete a key
"address" => "",
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
"wallet_password" => ""

#### Export a key
"wallet_password" => "testes",
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token


require_once 'sdk/algokey.php';
$algokey=new algokey;



#### Import a key
require_once 'sdk/algokey.php';

$algokey=new algokey;
$words="ripple trap smoke crop name donor sun actor wreck disease mushroom sweet because phrase involve sail umbrella control swing uncle card phrase human absent marble";
$words_array=explode(" ",$words);


"private_key" => $privatekey,
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

#### List keys in wallet
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

#### Master Key export
"wallet_password" => "",
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

#### Delete a multisig
"address" => "",
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
"wallet_password" => ""

#### Export a multisig
"address" => "",
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

#### Import a multisig
"multisig_version" => "1",
"pks" => array(''),
"threshold" => 1,
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

#### List multisig in wallet
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token

#### Sign a multisig transaction
"partial_multisig" => array(
"Subsigs" => array(
"Key" => array(),
"Sig" => array(),
"Threshold" => 1,
"Version" => 1
"public_key" => array(''),
"signer" => array(''),
"transaction" => "",
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
"wallet_password" => ""

#### Sign a program for a multisig account
"address" => "",
"data" => "",
"partial_multisig" => array(
"Subsigs" => array(
"Key" => array(),
"Sig" => array(),
"Threshold" => 1,
"Version" => 1
"public_key" => array(''),
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
"wallet_password" => ""

#### Sign program
"address" => "",
"data" => "",
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
"wallet_password" => ""

## For use **Transactions**:

### To sign with Algokey load the Private Key
$words=explode(" ","connect produce defense output sibling idea oil siege decline dentist faint electric method notice style cook unlock rice confirm host tone test vehicle able keen"); //2OEZACD77WSR5C2HFEHO2BYHQEATOGFIUW3REGKOGNPPNYPPLROHDU2CQE
$privateKey=$algokey->WordsToPrivateKey($words); //Array to load words

### To sign with KMD load the Wallet
$algorand_kmd = new Algorand("kmd","{kmd-token}","localhost",7833); //get the token key in data/kmd-{version}/kmd.token and port in data/kmd-{version}/

#Wallet Init //Only if you will use the KMD.
"wallet_id" => "",
"wallet_password" => "tests",

### Build and Sign a transaction
For details:


**appl** = ApplicationCallTx allows creating, deleting, and interacting with an application

**cert** = CompactCertTx records a compact certificate

**keyreg** = KeyRegistrationTx indicates a transaction that registers participation keys

**acfg** = AssetConfigTx creates, re-configures, or destroys an asset

**axfer** = AssetTransferTx transfers assets between accounts (optionally closing)

**afrz** = AssetFreezeTx changes the freeze status of an asset

**pay** = PaymentTx indicates a payment transaction

### Build Transaction
#### Application Call Transaction
"txn" => array(
"type" => "appl", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13029982, //First Valid
"lv" => 13023082, //Last Valid
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"apid" => "", //Application ID or empty if creating
"apan" => "", //OnComplete
"apat" => "", //Accounts
"apap" => "", //Approval Program
"apaa" => "", //App Arguments
"apsu" => "", //Clear State Program
"apfa" => "", //Foreign Apps
"apas" => "", //Foreign Assets
"apgs" => array( //GlobalStateSchema
"nui" => "", //Number Ints
"nbs" => "", //Number Byteslices
"apls" => array( //LocalStateSchema
"nui" => "", //Number Ints
"nbs" => "", //Number Byteslices
#### Compact Certificate
"txn" => array(
"type" => "cert", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13029982, //First Valid
"lv" => 13023082, //Last Valid
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"certrnd" => "", //Round
"certtype" => "", //CompactCertType
"cert" => "", //Cert

#### Register account online
"txn" => array(
"type" => "keyreg", //Tx Type
"selkey" => "X84ReKTmp+yfgmMCbbokVqeFFFrKQeFZKEXG89SXwm4=", //SelectionPK
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13009389, //First Valid
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"lv" => 13009489, //Last Valid
"votefst" => 13009489, //VoteFirst
"votelst" => 13009589, //VoteLast
"votekd" => 1730, //VoteKeyDilution
"votekey" => "eXq34wzh2UIxCZaI1leALKyAvSz/+XOe0wqdHagM+bw=",

#### Register account offline
"txn" => array(
"type" => "keyreg", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13009389, //First Valid
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"lv" => 13009489, //Last Valid

#### Close an Account
"txn" => array(
"type" => "pay", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13009389, //First Valid
"lv" => 13009489, //Last Valid
"gen" => "mainnet-v1.0", // GenesisID
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"note" => "Testes", //You note

#### Create an Asset
"txn" => array(
"type" => "acfg", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13027977, //First Valid
"lv" => 13028977, //Last Valid
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"apar" => array( //AssetParams
//"am" => "", //MetaDataHash
"an" => "MyToken", //AssetName
"au" => "", //URL
"dc" => 2, //Decimals
"t" => 100000000000, //Total
"un" => "MTK", //UnitName


#### Reconfigure an Asset
"txn" => array(
"type" => "acfg", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13027977, //First Valid
"lv" => 13028977, //Last Valid
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"caid" => 185553584,
"apar" => array( //AssetParams


#### Destroy an Asset
"txn" => array(
"type" => "acfg", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13027977, //First Valid
"lv" => 13028977, //Last Valid
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"caid" => 185553584, //ConfigAsset ID

#### Opt-in to an Asset
"txn" => array(
"type" => "axfer", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13028464, //First Valid
"lv" => 13028564, //Last Valid
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"xaid" => 185553584, //XferAsset ID

#### Revoke an Asset
"txn" => array(
"aamt" => 100,
"type" => "axfer", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13028982, //First Valid
"lv" => 13029982, //Last Valid
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"xaid" => 185553584, //XferAsset ID

#### Freeze an Asset
"txn" => array(
"afrz" => false,
"type" => "afrz", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13029982, //First Valid
"lv" => 13023082, //Last Valid
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"faid" => 185553584, //FreezeAsset

#### Transfer an Asset
"txn" => array(
"aamt" => 100,
"type" => "axfer", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13028982, //First Valid
"lv" => 13029982, //Last Valid
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"xaid" => 185553584, //XferAsset ID

#### Payment Transaction (ALGO)
"txn" => array(
"type" => "pay", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 13009389, //First Valid
"gen" => "mainnet-v1.0", // GenesisID
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"lv" => 13009489, //Last Valid
"note" => "Testes", //You note
"amt" => 1000, //Amount

### Sign Transaction
"transaction" => $algorand_kmd->txn_encode($transaction),
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
"wallet_password" => "testes"

echo $txn;

#### Broadcasts a raw transaction to the network.
$algorand = new Algorand_algod('{algod-token}',"localhost",53898);
echo "txId: $txId";

For more details:

## Atomic Transfers
Create Transactions

//Transaction 1
"txn" => array(
"type" => "pay", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 28259644, //First Valid
"gen" => "mainnet-v1.0", // GenesisID
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"lv" => 28260644, //Last Valid
"note" => "Testes", //You note
"amt" => 102, //Amount

//Transaction 2
"txn" => array(
"type" => "pay", //Tx Type
"fee" => 1000, //Fee
"fv" => 28259644, //First Valid
"gen" => "mainnet-v1.0", // GenesisID
"gh" => "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=", //Genesis Hash
"lv" => 28260644, //Last Valid
"note" => "Testes 2", //You note
"amt" => 203, //Amount

Group Transactions

#Assigns Group ID

Sign Transactions with Algokey
#Sign Transaction 1


#Sign Transaction 2



Sign Transactions with KMD
#Sign Transaction 1
"transaction" => $algorand_transactions->encode($transactions[0]),
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
"wallet_password" => "tests",


#Sign Transaction 2
"transaction" => $algorand_transactions->encode($transactions[1]),
"wallet_handle_token" => $wallet_handle_token,
"wallet_password" => "tests",

Send Transaction Group
#Broadcasts a raw atomic transaction to the network.
$algorand = new Algorand("algod","4820e6e45f339e0026eaa2b74c2aa7d8735cbcb2db0cf0444fb492892e1c09b7","localhost",53898);
echo "txId: $txId";

For more details:

## For use the **Indexer**:
Start the SDK
$algorand_indexer = new Algorand("indexer","{algorand-indexer-token}","localhost",8089);

#### Get health, Returns 200 if healthy.

#### Search for accounts.
//"application-id" => 0, //integer
//"asset-id" => 0, //integer
//"auth-addr" => "", //string
//"currency-greater-than" => 0, //integer
//"currency-less-than" => 0, //integer
"limit" => 100, //integer
//"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}
//"round" => 0, //integer

#### Lookup account information.

#### Lookup account transactions.
//"application-id" => 0, //integer
"asset-id" => 0, //integer
"after-time" => "", //string (date-time)
"before-time" => "", //string (date-time)
"currency-greater-than" => 0, //integer
"currency-less-than" => 0, //integer
"limit" => 100, //integer
//"max-round" => 0, //integer
//"min-round" => 0, //integer
//"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}
"note-prefix" => "", //string
"rekey-to" => false, //boolean
//"round" => "", //integer
"sig-type" => "sig", //enum (sig, msig, lsig)
"tx-type" => "pay", //enum (pay, keyreg, acfg, axfer, afrz, appl)
"txid" => "", //string


#### Search for applications
"application-id" => 0, //integer
"limit" => 100, //integer
//"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}

#### Lookup application.

#### Search for assets.
//"asset-id" => 0, //integer
//"creator" => 0, //integer
"limit" => 100, //integer
//"name" => "", //string
//"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}
//"unit" => "", //string

#### Lookup asset information.

#### Lookup the list of accounts who hold this asset
//"currency-greater-than" => 0, //integer
//"currency-less-than" => 0, //integer
"limit" => 100, //integer
//"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}
//"round" => "", //integer

#### Lookup the list of accounts who hold this asset
"address" => "", //string
"address-role" => "", //enum (sender, receiver, freeze-target)
"after-time" => "", //string (date-time)
"before-time" => "", //string (date-time)
"currency-greater-than" => 0, //integer
//"currency-less-than" => 0 //integer
"exclude-close-to" => false, //boolean
"limit" => 100, //integer
"max-round" => 0, //integer
"min-round" => 0, //integer
//"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}
"note-prefix" => "", //string
"rekey-to" => false, //boolean
//"round" => "", //integer
"sig-type" => "sig", //enum (sig, msig, lsig)
"tx-type" => "pay", //enum (pay, keyreg, acfg, axfer, afrz, appl)
"txid" => "", //string

#### Lookup block.

#### Search for transactions.
"address" => "", //string
"address-role" => "sender", //enum (sender, receiver, freeze-target)
"after-time" => "", //string (date-time)
"application-id" => 0, //integer
"asset-id" => 0, //integer
"before-time" => "", //string (date-time)
"currency-greater-than" => 0, //integer
"currency-less-than" => 0, //integer
"exclude-close-to" => "false", //boolean
"limit" => "100", //integer
"min-round" => 2466647, //integer
"max-round" => 2566647, //integer
"next" => "", //string - previous return {next-token}
"note-prefix" => "", //string
"rekey-to" => false, //boolean
//"round" => 2566247, //integer
"sig-type" => "sig", //enum (sig, msig, lsig)
"tx-type" => "pay", //enum (pay, keyreg, acfg, axfer, afrz, appl)
"txid" => "", //string

#### Lookup a single transaction.

For more details:

## Print the results
Full response with debug (json response)

Only response array

Only erros messages array

## Configurations
To enable Debug

To enable SSL

## License
php-algorand-sdk is licensed under a MIT license. See the [LICENSE]( file for details.

## Donate
If you would like to donate to help maintain our online nodes, this and future projects, this is our ALGO (Algorand) Wallet: IYVZLDFIF6KUMSDFVIKHPBT3FI5QVZJKJ6BPFSGIJDUJGUUASKNRA4HUHU

Thank you!