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A list of common questions with answers ask during interview of ruby on rails job.

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A list of common questions with answers ask during interview of ruby on rails job.




Ruby on Rails Interview Questions! :tada:


##### What are the advantages of using Ruby on Rails in Web Development?
* A good article from [Sentia](
* A good article from [Toptal](

##### What are the disadvantages of using Ruby on Rails in Web Development?
* A nice answer from [StackExchange](

##### What do you mean by `Agile Development`?
* A good page on [WikiPedia](
* A good explaination on [TutotialsPoint](

##### Explain MVC in terms of Rails.
* A good explaination on [TutotialsPoint](

##### What are different components of Ruby on Rails?
* [Slidershare] (

##### Give list of frameworks which is similar to Rails.
##### What makes Ruby different from other programming languages?
##### What do you mean by Meta Programming?
##### Explain how everything is an object in Ruby.
##### How could you explain the Ruby OOP model?
##### Give difference between last 3 versions of Rails.
##### What's the major improvements in Rails 5.0?
* A good article from [Site Point](
* Another good blog post from [Michelada] (

##### What do you mean by ORM?

##### What is the difference between eager and lazy loading in rails?
* A good explanation can be found from [] (

##### What is Self-Referential Association aka Self Join?
* A good explanation from [Rails Casts] (

##### List down types of associations in Rails.
##### What is functionality of `Helpers`?
##### Explain eagerloading.
* A good article with types of preloading [eagerloading] (

##### What are your favourite Gems?
##### Define block, proc and lambda and give difference between them.
##### What is ActiveRecord?
##### Explain Active Record Callbacks.
* A good explanation from [Ruby on Rails Guides] (

##### Explain Filters.
##### Define resource, resources, collection and namespace in terms of routes.
##### List down servers supported by Rails.
##### What things we can define within `Model`?
##### What is Asset Pipeline?
* [Official documentation](

##### How parsing has been done from ERB file to HTML?
##### What is difference between `String` and `Symbol`?
* Necessary information about Strings and Symbols could be found [there](

##### What is difference between `Render` and `Redirect`?
##### What is difference between `Gems` and `Plugins`?
##### What is difference between `Gemfile` and `Gemfile.lock`?
##### What is difference between `save` and `save!`
##### What is difference between `find` and `find_by_xxx` method?
##### What is difference between `includes` and `extends`?
##### What is difference between `form_for` and `form_tag`?
##### What is difference between `TDD` and `BDD`?
##### What is difference between `Application Server` and `Web Server`?
##### What is difference between `==`, `===`, `eql?` and `equal?`?
##### What is single table inheritance(STI) in Rails?
* Necessary information could be found [here](
##### What is polymorphic associations in Rails? How it is differ from single table inheritance?
* Necessary information could be found [here](
##### What will be printed after running the code [here](
* Awswer of the above question is [here](
##### Lets say you have a controller method that you want to access from view. How will you do that?

## Contribution Guidelines

* The question must be unique
* Question must be related with Ruby/Rails
* A pull request must contain only single question


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Creative Commons License
Ruby on Rails Interview Questions by Rishi Pithadiya is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.