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"curl" for substrate runtime upgrade testing

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"curl" for substrate runtime upgrade testing




# Uptest

Substrate r*U*ntime u*P*grade *TEST*ing library

[![ LibUptest](](
[![ Libuptest](](
[![License: MIT](](

Funded by:
![Polkadot Treasury](polkadot-treasury-logo.svg)

### Documentation:

### Latest release:

## Uptest

Uptest aims to be an easy stand alone library for testing runtime upgrades before they are deployed.
Use libuptest to execute extrensic test before and after the upgrade is pushed

#### substrate runtime *UP*grade *TEST*ing suit

With uptest you can:
* Easily query changes mades to types, storagemaps etc..
* Quickly get started with writing extrinsic tests with libuptest, let the library handle the execution logic before and after the runtime upgrade takes place
* More lightweight standalone version, rust code is not reliant on the main substrate repo
* Utilize a standalone rust library to build out your integration tests
* Filter output based on pallet, to get a detailed change log
* Schedule tests to execute before and/or after a runtime upgrade takes place, developers does not need to spend any extra time, tracking the state and execution flow of the runtime upgrade with polkadot.js typescript
* no kitchensink-runtime needed

See future []( for more details

### Got a feature you want us to add on the roadmap?
[Submit a github issue](

### To be avaliable with cargo in the near future:

### Check out future planned features here:

### Examples

Run examples:
$ sh

#### Get metadata version:
use libuptest::jsonrpseeclient::JsonrpseeClient;
use libuptest::ws_mod::get_metadata_version;

println!("Connecting to Edgeware");
let dial_edg: JsonrpseeClient = JsonrpseeClient::edgeware_default_url().unwrap();//.unwrap();//.unwrap();
let edg_version: u8 = get_metadata_version(dial_edg).await?;

println!("Connected to chain: {:?} and got metadata version: {:?}", "Edgeware", edg_version);
`cargo run -p uptest-examples --example metadata_version`

### Get all pallet's storagevalues and storage maps:
cargo run -p uptest-examples --example get_pallet_storagemaps_storagevalues

### Default connection endpoints:
The rpcclient comes with 5 different "default" chain endpoints:
* with_default_url -> ws://
* edgeware_default_url -> wss://
* polkadot_default_url -> wss://
* kusama_default_url -> wss://
* sora_default_url -> wss://

## Examples and Documentation:

## Runtime Migrations links: