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Pretty REST-like URLs in EasyAdmin

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Pretty REST-like URLs in EasyAdmin




# EasyAdmin Pretty URLs

### Symfony Bundle that introduces customizable routes to EasyAdmin

## Example


## Instalation

1. Install the bundle by running
composer require marcin-jozwikowski/easy-admin-pretty-urls

1. Enable the bundle by adding it to your `config/bundles.php` if not enabled automatically
MarcinJozwikowski\EasyAdminPrettyUrls\EasyAdminPrettyUrlsBundle::class => ['all' => true],

1. Add a routes set pointing to a directory containing your Controllers
resource: 'src/Controller'
type: 'pretty_routes'
The `resource` is a directory path relative to your projects root directory. Type must always equal to `pretty_routes`. See _Fine-tuning_ / _Define routes manually_ section to learn how this step can be ommitted.

Other routing structures can be utilized as well, for example:
resource: 'src/Controller'
type: 'pretty_routes'
prefix: /{_locale}
_locale: '%app_locales%'
_locale: '%locale%'

1. Make your main DashboardController extend `\MarcinJozwikowski\EasyAdminPrettyUrls\Controller\PrettyDashboardController` or manually override the a default template like so:
public function configureCrud(): Crud
return parent::configureCrud()
->overrideTemplate('layout', '@EasyAdminPrettyUrls/layout.html.twig')
->overrideTemplate('crud/field/association', '@EasyAdminPrettyUrls/crud/field/association.html.twig');

## Configuration

The following parameters are in use:

| Parameter | Defalt value | Description |
| `route_prefix` | `pretty` | First part of route name |
| `default_dashboard` | `App\\Controller\\EasyAdmin\\DashboardController::index` | Controller action to invoke |
| `include_menu_index` | `false` | Should menu index be included in path |
| `drop_entity_fqcn` | `false` | Should `entityFqcn` be removed from the URLs |

To change the default values set the parameter in your `services.yaml`
easy_admin_pretty_urls.: ''

Or create a `config/packages/easyadmin_pretty_urls.yaml` file with
: ''

## Twig

There are one function, and one filter being registered by a Twig extension in this bundle:

* `pretty_urls_include_menu_index()` Function returns the `include_menu_index` value from Configuration
* `|pretty_urls_remove_actions` Filter removed the unnecessary query elements from the URL string

## Fine-tuning

* ### Define custom URL

By default, the URL is created as `/`.

To change that behavior specify `path` value in `PrettyRoutesController` attribute for the whole controller, and/or
in `PrettyRoutesAction` attribute for the specific action.

The following configuration will result in the action URL of `special/list` instead of the default `any_fancy/index`.
#[PrettyRoutesController(path: 'special')]
class AnyFancyController {

#[PrettyRoutesAction(path: 'list')]
public function index() {
// ....

* ### Select actions to create routes for

By default pretty routes are generated for `index`, `new`, `detail`, `edit`, and `delete` actions.

To change that, add a `PrettyRoutesController` attribute to the controller you want to modify and list the actions you want to have pretty routes in `actions` parameter.
#[PrettyRoutesController(actions: ['index', 'foo', 'bar'])]
class AnyFancyController {

* ### Define routes manually
Instead of defining a `pretty_routes` routes to automatically parse all classes in a directory you can ceate routes that will replace your default EasyAdmin CRUD actions.
path: /foobar-url
controller: \App\Controller\EasyAdmin\DashboardController::index
crudControllerFqcn: \App\Controller\FoobarCrudController
crudAction: index
* `controller` value must point to your projects DashboardController
* `defaults` `crudControllerFqcn` and `crudAction` must point to your target CRUD controller and its action.
* `path` can be anything of your choosing
* Route name must match the pattern `__` with
* `` equal to `crudAction` value from the defaults
* `` being the target controller class name (not FQCN - just the last part) stripped of `Controller`, written in _snake_case_
* `` is set to `pretty` by default. See Configuration to ways to change it.
* When routes are defined manually the _Installation step 3_ is not required.

You can generate a YAML routes configuration for existing controllers for further manual modifications by running
bin/console pretty-routes:dump

## Troubleshooting

* ### Routes not working

If your routes are still not generated despite being added, check your logs for `'Pretty route not found'` with `debug` level. Those will list all the EasyAdmin routes that did not have their pretty counterparts.

Most probably, there's some naming missmatch.

* ### Checking the Resource parsing results

To see what is the outcome of parsing a `pretty_routes` Resource run the following command:
bin/console pretty-routes:debug