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Extends Playwright test to measure code coverage

babel coverage istanbul playwright

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Extends Playwright test to measure code coverage




# Playwright Test Coverage


A [Playwright]( extension that collects code coverage from running end-to-end tests. Assumes that code has been instrumented with [babel-plugin-istanbul]( during the build process.

## Prerequisites

- Playwright test framework
- `babel-plugin-istanbul` plugin
- `nyc` for running tests

npm i -D @playwright/test babel-plugin-istanbul nyc

## Installation

npm i -D playwright-test-coverage

## Usage

Write your Playwright tests as usual, except `require` `test` and `expect` from this package as follows:

// tests/foo.spec.js
const { test, expect } = require("playwright-test-coverage");

// Use test and expect as usual
test("basic test", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("");
const title = page.locator(".navbar__inner .navbar__title");
await expect(title).toHaveText("Playwright");

Then, instrument your front end source code for coverage using the `babel-plugin-istanbul` plugin.

Finally, run your server via `nyc` to capture code coverage. For more details see [istanbul/nyc](

### Options

- `ISTANBUL_TEMP_DIR` - Set this environment variable to specify where Istanbul coverage files should be output. Defaults to `$CWD/.nyc_output`.

## Demo

See [anishkny/playwright-test-coverage-demo]( or accompanying [blog post](

## Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

## Acknowledgements

Inspired by [mxschmitt/playwright-test-coverage](

## License
