
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

This repo is used to demo various testing scenarios with Playwright 🎭, using the official test-runner and scripts authored in TypeScript.

browser-automation e2e-testing github-actions playwright testing typescript

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

This repo is used to demo various testing scenarios with Playwright 🎭, using the official test-runner and scripts authored in TypeScript.




# 🎭 demo.playwright

This repo is used to demo various testing scenarios with [Playwright]( 🎭, using the official test-runner and scripts authored in TypeScript.

The [test.yml](../../actions/workflows/test.yml) GitHub Action workflow is used to:

## Run Playwright example tests

**[accessibility](./accessibility/tests/example.spec.ts)** - runs accessibility checks against [](

**[android](./android/tests/example.spec.ts)** - runs a basic test using Android's WebView.

**[basic](./basic)** - basic tests to show interactions, element selectors, assertions, upload files, read a response, mock a response, and page object model (POM).

**[chrome-extension](./chrome-extension/tests/example.spec.ts)** - basic test that gets a handle to the background page of Chrome extension.

**[drag-and-drop](./drag-and-drop/tests/example.spec.ts)** - runs example drag-and-drop test utilizing [](

**[fixtures](./fixtures/tests)** - runs example tests utilizing [test and worker fixtures](

**[github-api](./github-api/tests/example.spec.ts)** - uses GitHub API to test creation of a new repo, bug, and feature, then deletion of repo.

**[oauth](./oauth/tests/example.spec.ts)** - runs oauth tests for LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google, to login to .

**[performance](./performance/tests/example.spec.ts)** - web performance tests using resource timing API, DevTools, and lighthouse, run against

**[svgomg](./svgomg/tests/example.spec.ts)** - End-to-end tests for SVGOMG! site, hosted at [](

**[todomvc](./todomvc/tests/example.spec.ts)** - End-to-end tests for ToDoMVC site, hosted at [](

**[visual-comparison](./visual-comparison/tests/example.spec.ts)** - visually compares snapshots with golden screenshots and text content for landing page.

## Publish each HTML report to their respective directory

When the above tests are finished, the results are published to GitHub pages:

* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](

## Configuration

The [baseURL]( value for most tests is set via [.env file]( that you'll find at the root of each folder. Typically this file is gitignored; by including it in this demo repo, it makes running and sharing these tests easier.

## Have a testing scenario you'd like to see included?

Please [open an issue](../../issues/new?assignees=MarcusFelling&labels=testing-scenario-idea& with details.