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WebAssembly runtime for Crystal

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WebAssembly runtime for Crystal




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Wasmer Crystal

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A complete and mature WebAssembly runtime for Crystal based on


* **Easy to use**: The `wasmer` API mimics the standard WebAssembly API,
* **Fast**: `wasmer` executes the WebAssembly modules as fast as
possible, close to **native speed**,
* **Safe**: All calls to WebAssembly will be fast, but more
importantly, completely safe and sandboxed.

**Documentation**: [browse the detailed API

**Examples** as tutorials: [browser the `examples/`
it's the best place for a complete introduction!

> **_NOTE:_**
Shard assumes you have [wasmer]( runtime installed and environment variable **`WASMER_DIR`** is setup properly, or you will encounter issues during compilation.

# Quick Introduction

The `wasmer` package brings the required API to execute WebAssembly
modules. In a nutshell, `wasmer` compiles the WebAssembly module into
compiled code, and then executes it. `wasmer` is designed to work in
various environments and platforms. To achieve this, Wasmer (the
original runtime) provides multiple engines and multiple

Succinctly, an _engine_ is responsible to drive the _compilation_ (by
using a _compiler_) and the _execution_ of a WebAssembly
module. Wasmer comes with many engines and compilers.

## Installation

1. Add the dependency to your `shard.yml`:

github: naqvis/wasmer-crystal

2. Run `shards install`

And you're ready to get fun!

## Usage

require "wasmer"

## Example

We highly recommend to read the
directory, which contains a sequence of examples/tutorials. It's the
best place to learn by reading examples.

But for the most eager of you, and we know you're numerous you
mischievous, there is a quick toy program in
`examples/appendices/`, written in Rust:

pub extern fn sum(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
x + y

After compilation to WebAssembly, the
binary file is generated.

Then, we can execute it in Crystal:

require "wasmer"

# Let's define the engine, that holds the compiler.
engine =

# Let's define the store, that holds the engine, that holds the compiler.
store =

# Above two lines are same as invoking below helper method
# store = Wasmer.default_engine.new_store

# Let's compile the module to be able to execute it!
module_ = store,"#{__DIR__}/simple.wasm")

# Now the module is compiled, we can instantiate it.
instance = module_

# get the exported `sum` function
# function methods returns nil if it can't find the requested function. we know its there, so let's add `not_nil!`
sum = instance.function("sum").not_nil!

# Call the exported `sum` function with Crystal standard values. The WebAssembly
# types are inferred and values are casted automatically.
result =, 37)

puts result # => 42

And then, finally, enjoy by running:

$ crystal examples/appendices/

## Development
To run all tests

`crystal spec`

## What is WebAssembly?

Quoting [the WebAssembly site](

> WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a
> stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable target
> for compilation of high-level languages like C/C++/Rust, enabling
> deployment on the web for client and server applications.

About speed:

> WebAssembly aims to execute at native speed by taking advantage of
> [common hardware
> capabilities](
> available on a wide range of platforms.

About safety:

> WebAssembly describes a memory-safe, sandboxed [execution
> environment]( […].

## License

The entire project is under the MIT License. Please read [the `LICENSE` file][license].

## Contributing

1. Fork it ()
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request

## Contributors

- [Ali Naqvi]( - creator and maintainer
