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This tool read KPI declarations in a file and apply the KPI assertion on a JMeter Report CSV file and generates a result file in JUnit XML format and Html, JSON or CSV format.

cicd jmeter jmeter-plugin jmeter-plugins junit junit-xml kpi kpis

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

This tool read KPI declarations in a file and apply the KPI assertion on a JMeter Report CSV file and generates a result file in JUnit XML format and Html, JSON or CSV format.




# Generating JUnit Report based on custom Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) applied to the JMeter Report CSV file

This tool read KPI declarations in a file and apply the KPI assertion on a JMeter Report CSV file and generates a result file in JUnit XML format and others formats Html, Json and Csv.

JMeter Report CSV file is created with Listener :
- Summary Report, documentation at [Summary Report](
- Aggregate Report, documentation at [Aggregate Report](
- Synthesis Report, documentation at [Synthesis Report](

and "Save Table Data" button


JMeter Report CSV could be generated in Command Line Interface (CLI) with :
- JMeterPluginsCMD tool, documentation at [JMeterPluginsCMD](
- E.g : JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv aggregate.csv --input-jtl results.csv --plugin-type AggregateReport
- JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv synthesis.csv --input-jtl results.csv --plugin-type SynthesisReport
- jmeter-graph-tool-maven-plugin maven plugin, documentation at [jmeter-graph-tool-maven-plugin](

Example of a JMeter Report CSV file (Synthesis Report)

![jmeter report csv](doc/images/example_csv_file.png)

The first line contains **header** column name

![headers jmeter report csv](doc/images/headers_jmeter_report_csv_file.png)

## The KPI file format
The KPI file need 5 columns :
1) name_kpi the name of the KPI also the classname in the Test Case in JUnit
2) metric_csv_column_name the column name **header** in the JMeter Report CSV file (**header** likes : `# Samples` or `Average` or `Min` or `Max` or `90% Line` or `Std. Dev.` or `Error %` or `Throughput` or `Received KB/sec` or `Avg. Bytes` or `MY_COLUMN_NAME`)
3) label_regex the Label name in regular expression, label header in the JMeter Report CSV file (E.g : `SC01_P.*` or `SC\d+_P.*` or `SC01_P01_LOGIN` or `SC01_P01_LOGIN|SC01_P02_HOME` or `\d+ /.*` )
4) comparator the comparator `<` or `<=` or `>` or `>=`
5) threshold the value (for percentage rate use value between 0 and 1, e.g : 0.02 for 2%)

The column separator is ',' for the kpi file

Percentiles_90,90% Line,SC\d+_P.*,<=,3000
Percentiles_90 specific pages,90% Line,SC01_P01_LOGIN|SC01_P02_HOME,<=,4000
Average Pages,Average,SC\d+_P.*,<=,2000
Errors rate,Error %,SC\d+_SCRIPT.*,<,0.01
Page Size,Avg. Bytes,SC.*,<=,512000
Max time specific API,Max,"010 /api/user/.+",<=,5000
Number pages,# Samples,SC.*,>,10

KPI View in Excel

![kpi in Excel](doc/images/kpi_excel.png)

Save in UTF-8 comma separator **no BOM** or csv with comma separator if you have only ASCII characters (no accent é,è, à ...)

## Parameters
The tool have parameters :

usage: io.github.vdaburon.jmeter.utils.reportkpi.JUnitReportFromJMReportCsv -csvJMReport <csvJMReport> [-csvLabelColumnName
<csvLabelColumnName>] [-csvOutFile <csvOutFile>] [-divHtmlOutFile <divHtmlOutFile>] [-exitReturnOnFail <exitReturnOnFail>] [-help]
[-htmlOutFile <htmlOutFile>] [-jsonOutFile <jsonOutFile>] [-junitFile <junitFile>] -kpiFile <kpiFile>
-csvJMReport <csvJMReport> JMeter report csv file (E.g: summary.csv or aggregate.csv or synthesis.csv)
-csvLabelColumnName <csvLabelColumnName> Label Column Name in CSV JMeter Report (Default: Label)
-csvOutFile <csvOutFile> Csv out file result optional (E.g: result.csv)
-divHtmlOutFile <divHtmlOutFile> Div Partial Html Page out file result optional (E.g: div_result.html), to include in an another
-exitReturnOnFail <exitReturnOnFail> If true then when kpi fail then create JUnit XML file and program return exit 1 (KO); If false
(Default) then create JUnit XML File and exit 0 (OK)
-help Help and show parameters
-htmlOutFile <htmlOutFile> Html out file result optional (E.g: result.html)
-jsonOutFile <jsonOutFile> Json out file result optional (E.g: result.json)
-junitFile <junitFile> JUnit XML file name out (Always created, default: TEST-jmeter-junit-plugin-jmreport.xml)
-kpiFile <kpiFile> KPI file contains rule to check (E.g: kpi.csv)
E.g : java -jar junit-reporter-kpi-from-jmeter-report-csv-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -csvJMReport summary.csv -kpiFile kpi.csv
-exitReturnOnFail true
or more parameters : java -jar junit-reporter-kpi-from-jmeter-report-csv-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -csvJMReport
AggregateReport.csv -csvLabelColumnName Label -kpiFile kpi_check.csv -junitFile junit.xml -htmlOutFile result.html -divHtmlOutFile
div_result.html -csvOutFile result.csv -jsonOutFile result.json -exitReturnOnFail false

## JUnit Report XML file generated
Example JUnit XML file generated :

Actual value 63.0 exceeds or equals threshold 30.0 for samples matching "SC\d+_P.*"; fail label(s) "SC01_P01_HOME", "SC03_P01_HOME", "SC03_P03_LOGIN", "SC01_P03_LOGIN", "SC03_P04_LINK_STATS", "SC01_P05_LAUNCH_FIND"

Actual value 79.0 exceeds or equals threshold 60.0 for samples matching "SC01_P05_LAUNCH_FIND"; fail label(s) "SC01_P05_LAUNCH_FIND"

Remark : failure message is limited to 1024 characters, if failure message finished with "..." then the message is voluntarily truncated.

## JUnit Report in a Gitlab Pipeline
A JUnit Report with KPIs display in a Gitlab Pipeline

![junit gitlab pipeline](doc/images/junit_report_in_gitlab_pipeline.png)

If you click on button "View Details" for Status Fail, you will show the fail message

![junit gitlab pipeline detail fail](doc/images/junit_report_in_gitlab_pipeline_detail_fail.png)

## JUnit Report in Jenkins Build
A JUnit Report with KPIs display in Jenkins Build

![junit jenkins build](doc/images/junit_report_jenkins.png)

If you click on link "Name Test" fail , you will show the fail message

![junit jenkins build detail fail](doc/images/junit_report_jenkins_detail_fail.png)

## Html out format
The result could be a html page ou partial html page (div)
![html out format](doc/images/html_out_result.png)

## Csv out format
The result in a csv file
![csv out format](doc/images/csv_out_result.png)

## Json out format
The result in a Json file
![csv out format](doc/images/json_out_result.png)

## License
See the LICENSE file Apache 2 [](

## Usage Maven
The maven groupId, artifactId and version, this plugin is in the **Maven Central Repository** [![Maven Central junit-reporter-kpi-from-jmeter-report-csv](](

Just include the plugin in your `pom.xml` and execute `mvn verify`

or individual launch `mvn -DjmeterReportFile=synthesis.csv -DkpiFile=kpi.csv -DjunitFile=jmeter-junit-plugin-jmreport.xml exec:exec@create_junit-report-kpi-from-jmeter-report`










## Simple jar tool
This tool is a java jar, so it's could be use as simple jar (look at [Release]( to download jar file)

java -jar junit-reporter-kpi-from-jmeter-report-csv-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -csvJMReport summary.csv -kpiFile kpi.csv -junitFile junit-report.xml -exitReturnOnFail true

## Tool installed with jmeter-plugins-manager
This tool could be installed with the jmeter-plugins-manager from

The tool name is : "vdn@github - junit-reporter-kpi-from-jmeter-report-csv tool"

in JMETER_HOME\bin (Windows)

junit-reporter-kpi-from-jmeter-report-csv.cmd -csvJMReport summary.csv -kpiFile kpi.csv -junitFile junit-report.xml -htmlOutFile result.html -csvOutFile result.csv


in JMETER_HOME/bin (Linux or MacOS) -csvJMReport summary.csv -kpiFile kpi.csv -junitFile junit-report.xml -htmlOutFile result.html -csvOutFile result.csv

## Link to other project
Usually this plugin is use with [jmeter-graph-tool-maven-plugin](

## Versions
version 1.6 change the default freemaker directory for html_templates because same directory and same files name than others tools junit-report-kpi-xxx generate errors

version 1.5 add installer

version 1.4 export result in html, json or csv format

Version 1.3 change Fail Message when Equality

Version 1.2 change package name (add reportkpi)

Version 1.1 change groupId

Version 1.0 initial version