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a postgres driver for crystal

crystal postgres

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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a postgres driver for crystal




# crystal-pg
A native, non-blocking Postgres driver for Crystal


## usage

This driver now uses the `crystal-db` project. Documentation on connecting,
querying, etc, can be found at:


### shards

Add this to your `shard.yml` on a generated crystal project,
and run `shards install`

``` yml
github: will/crystal-pg

### Example usage

``` crystal
require "db"
require "pg""postgres://user:pass@host:port/db_name?option1=a&option2=b") do |db|
... use db ...

### More

`crystal-pg` also supports some functionality past the typical `crystal-db` usage:

### Listen/Notify

There are two ways to listen for notifications. For docs on `NOTIFY`, please
read .

1. Any connection can be given a callback to run on notifications. However they
are only received when other traffic is going on.
2. A special listen-only connection can be established for instant notification
processing with `PG.connect_listen`.

``` crystal
# see full example in examples/
PG.connect_listen("postgres:///", "a", "b") do |n| # connect and listen on "a" and "b"
puts " got: #{n.payload} on #{}" # print notifications as they come in

### Arrays

Crystal-pg supports several popular array types. If you only need a 1
dimensional array, you can cast down to the appropriate Crystal type:

``` crystal
PG_DB.query_one("select ARRAY[1, null, 3]", &.read(Array(Int32?))
# => [1, nil, 3]

PG_DB.query_one("select '{hello, world}'::text[]", &.read(Array(String))
# => ["hello", "world"]

### Error Handling
It is possible to catch errors and notifications and pass them along to Crystal for further handling.
DB.connect("postgres:///") do |cnn|
# Capture and print all exceptions
cnn.on_notice { |x| puts "pgSQL #{x}" }

# A function that raises exceptions
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
AS $$
IF str = 'yes' THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'Glad we agree!';
RAISE EXCEPTION 'You know nothing John Snow!';

# Notice handling example
SELECT foo('yes');
# => pgSQL NOTICE: Glad we agree!

# Exception handling example
SELECT foo('no');
# => pgSQL ERROR: You know nothing John Snow!
# Unhandled exception: You know nothing John Snow! (PQ::PQError)
# from lib/pg/src/pq/ in 'handle_error'
# from lib/pg/src/pq/ in 'handle_async_frames'
# from lib/pg/src/pq/ in 'read'
# from lib/pg/src/pq/ in 'expect_frame'
# from lib/pg/src/pq/ in 'read_next_row_start'
# from lib/pg/src/pg/ in 'move_next'
# from lib/pg/src/pg/ in 'perform_exec'
# from lib/db/src/db/ in 'perform_exec_and_release'
# from lib/db/src/db/ in 'exec:args'
# from lib/db/src/db/ in 'exec'
# from spec/ in '__crystal_main'
# from /usr/share/crystal/src/crystal/ in 'main_user_code'
# from /usr/share/crystal/src/crystal/ in 'main'
# from /usr/share/crystal/src/crystal/ in 'main'
# from __libc_start_main
# from _start
# from ???

## Requirements

Crystal-pg is [regularly tested on](
the Postgres versions the [Postgres project itself supports](
Since it uses protocol version 3, older versions probably also work but are not guaranteed.

## Supported Datatypes

- text
- boolean
- int8, int4, int2
- float4, float8
- timestamptz, date, timestamp (but no one should use ts when tstz exists!)
- json and jsonb
- uuid
- bytea
- numeric/decimal (1)
- varchar
- regtype
- geo types: point, box, path, lseg, polygon, circle, line
- array types: int8, int4, int2, float8, float4, bool, text, numeric, timestamptz, date, timestamp
- interval (2)

1: A note on numeric: In Postgres this type has arbitrary precision. In this
driver, it is represented as a `PG::Numeric` which retains all precision, but
if you need to do any math on it, you will probably need to cast it to a
float first. If you need true arbitrary precision, you can optionally
require `pg_ext/big_rational` which adds `#to_big_r`, but requires that you
have LibGMP installed.

2: A note on interval: A Postgres interval can not be directly mapped to a built
in Crystal datatype. Therfore we provide a `PG::Interval` type that can be converted to
`Time::Span` and `Time::MonthSpan`.

# Authentication Methods

By default this driver will accept `scram-sha-256` and `md5`, as well as
`trust`. However `cleartext` is disabled by default. You can control exactly
which auth methods the client will accept by passing in a comma separated list
to the `auth_methods` parameter, for example

``` crystal"postgres://,md5,scram-sha-256")

**DO NOT TURN `cleartext` ON UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED IT!** Merely by having
this option enabled exposes a postgres client to downgrade man-in-the-middle
attacks, even if the server is configured to not support cleartext. Even if you
use TLS, you are not safe unless you are fully verifying the server's cert, as
the attacker can terminate TLS and re-negotiate a connection with the server.

client attacker server
I want to connect \
\-> intercepts, forwards
I want to connect \
\-----> receives connection request

/ I support scram and/or md5 only
intercepts, sends <-/
/ I only support cleartext
receives attacker <-/
claiming server
only supports cleartext
sends password because
cleartext enabled \
\-> receives clear password,
negotiates scram/md5
with real server \
\--> accepts scram/md5 auth


It is a mistake for any driver to support cleartext by default, and it's a
mistake that postgres continues to have this as an option at all.