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Compare 2 load tests. This tool create a JUnit XML file with KPI rules and compare 2 JMeter CSV Report (current and reference) result in html, csv and json formats

cicd csv-comparison jmeter jmeter-plugin jmeter-plugins junit junit-xml kpi kpis

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Compare 2 load tests. This tool create a JUnit XML file with KPI rules and compare 2 JMeter CSV Report (current and reference) result in html, csv and json formats




# Compare 2 load tests JMeter Report CSV File and create a JUnit Report based on custom Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

This tool read KPI declarations in a file and apply the KPI assertion on 2 JMeter Report CSV files (current and reference) and generates a result file in JUnit XML format and others formats Html, Json and Csv.

JMeter Report CSV file is created with Listener :
- Summary Report, documentation at [Summary Report](
- Aggregate Report, documentation at [Aggregate Report](
- Synthesis Report, documentation at [Synthesis Report](

and "Save Table Data" button


JMeter Report CSV could be generated in Command Line Interface (CLI) with :
- JMeterPluginsCMD tool, documentation at [JMeterPluginsCMD](
- E.g : JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv aggregate.csv --input-jtl results.csv --plugin-type AggregateReport
- JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv synthesis.csv --input-jtl results.csv --plugin-type SynthesisReport
- jmeter-graph-tool-maven-plugin maven plugin, documentation at [jmeter-graph-tool-maven-plugin](

Example of a JMeter Report CSV file (Synthesis Report)

![jmeter report csv](doc/images/example_csv_file.png)

The column separator is ',' and the decimal separator is the period '.' character (usually : LANG=en_US)

The first line contains **header** column name

![headers jmeter report csv](doc/images/headers_jmeter_report_csv_file.png)

## The KPI file format
The KPI file need 6 columns :
1) name_kpi the name of the KPI also the classname in the Test Case in JUnit
2) metric_csv_column_name the column name **header** in the JMeter Report CSV file (**header** likes : `# Samples` or `Average` or `Min` or `Max` or `90% Line` or `Std. Dev.` or `Error %` or `Throughput` or `Received KB/sec` or `Avg. Bytes` or `MY_COLUMN_NAME`)
3) label_regex the Label name in regular expression, label header in the JMeter Report CSV file (E.g : `SC01_P.*` or `SC\d+_P.*` or `SC01_P01_LOGIN` or `SC01_P01_LOGIN|SC01_P02_HOME` or `\d+ /.*` )
4) comparator the comparator `<` or `<=` or `>` or `>=`
5) compare_to `empty` (column value is empty) or `REFERENCE`
5) threshold_delta the value
6) comment a comment to explain the kpi

If compare_to is empty, value is compared to current result threshold_delta **absolute** value (E.g : 2000 ms **absolute**), for `Error %` value between 0 and 1 (0.20 for 20%)

If compare_to equals `REFERENCE`, current value not end with `%` then compare to (reference value + threshold_delta) **delta** value (E.g : **add** 500 ms (**delta**) to the reference value)

If compare_to equals `REFERENCE`,current value ended with `%` then compare to (reference value + threshold_delta/100) **delta** % value (E.g : **add** 10% (**delta**) to the reference value)

Examples :

Percentiles_90,90% Line,SC01_P01_LOGIN,<=,REFERENCE,500 : The current value column `90% Line` for Label SC01_P01_LOGIN need to be <= (The reference value column `90% Line` for Label SC01_P01_LOGIN + 500 ms delta)

Page Size,Avg. Bytes,SC.*,<=,,6120 : The current value colum `Avg. Bytes` for Labels starting with "SC" need to be <= 6120 Bytes (absolute value)

Errors rate,Error %,SC\d+\_SCRIPT.*,<=,REFERENCE,5% : The current value column `Error %` for Labels matching regex need to be <= (The reference value column `Error %` for Labels matching regex * 1.05 (5% delta) )

The column separator is ',' and the decimal separator is the period '.' character for the kpi file

Percentiles_90,90% Line,SC\d+_P.*,<=,REFERENCE,500,Current <= (Reference + 500 ms)
Percentiles_90 specific pages,90% Line,SC01_P03_LOGIN|SC03_P03_LOGIN,<=,REFERENCE,10%,Current <= (Reference * 1.10)
Percentiles_90 specific pages,90% Line,SC01_P03_LOGIN|SC03_P03_LOGIN,<=,REFERENCE,,Current <= Reference
Average Pages,Average,SC\d+_P.*,<=,,2000,Current <= 2000 ms
Average Pages,Average,SC\d+_P.*,<=,REFERENCE,-5%,Current <= Reference * 0.95) Reference -5% <= Current < Reference +5%
Average Pages,Average,SC\d+_P.*,<,REFERENCE,5%,Current < (Reference * 1.05)
Errors rate,Error %,SC\d+_SCRIPT.*,<,,0.10,Current < 0.10
Errors rate,Error %,SC\d+_SCRIPT.*,<=,REFERENCE,5%,Current < (Reference + 5%)
Page Size,Avg. Bytes,SC.*,<=,,6120,Current <= 6120 Bytes
Max time specific API,Max,SC01_P05_LANCE_RECH,<=,,100,Current <= 100
Number pages,# Samples,SC.*,>,REFERENCE,,Current >= Reference

KPI View in Excel

![kpi in Excel](doc/images/kpi_excel.png)

Save in UTF-8 comma separator **no BOM** or csv with comma separator if you have only ASCII characters (no accent é,è, à ...)

## Parameters
The tool have parameters :

usage: io.github.vdaburon.jmeter.utils.comparekpi.JUnitReportCompareJMReportCsv -csvJMReportCurrent <csvJMReportCurrent>
-csvJMReportReference <csvJMReportReference> [-csvLabelColumnName <csvLabelColumnName>] [-csvOutFile <csvOutFile>] [-divHtmlOutFile
<divHtmlOutFile>] [-exitReturnOnFail <exitReturnOnFail>] [-help] [-htmlOutFile <htmlOutFile>] [-jsonOutFile <jsonOutFile>]
[-junitFile <junitFile>] -kpiFile <kpiFile>
-csvJMReportCurrent <csvJMReportCurrent> JMeter report current csv file (E.g : summary.csv or aggregate.csv or synthesis.csv)
-csvJMReportReference <csvJMReportReference> JMeter report reference csv file (E.g : summary_ref.csv or aggregate_ref.csv or
-csvLabelColumnName <csvLabelColumnName> Label Column Name in CSV JMeter Report (Default : Label)
-csvOutFile <csvOutFile> Csv out file result optional (E.g: result.csv)
-divHtmlOutFile <divHtmlOutFile> Div Partial Html Page out file result optional (E.g: div_result.html), to include in an
another HTML Page
-exitReturnOnFail <exitReturnOnFail> if true then when kpi fail then create JUnit XML file and program return exit 1 (KO); if
false (Default) then create JUnit XML File and exit 0 (OK)
-help Help and show parameters
-htmlOutFile <htmlOutFile> Html out file result optional (E.g: result.html)
-jsonOutFile <jsonOutFile> Json out file result optional (E.g: result.json)
-junitFile <junitFile> junit file name out (Default : TEST-jmeter-junit-plugin-compare-jmreport.xml)
-kpiFile <kpiFile> KPI file contains rule to check and compare to reference value (E.g : kpi_compare.csv)
E.g : java -jar junit-reporter-kpi-compare-jmeter-report-csv-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -csvJMReportCurrent summary.csv
-csvJMReportReference summary_ref.csv -kpiFile kpi_compare.csv -exitReturnOnFail true
or more parameters : java -jar junit-reporter-kpi-compare-jmeter-report-csv-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -csvJMReportCurrent
aggreagate.csv -csvJMReportReference aggregate_ref.csv -csvLabelColumnName Label -kpiFile kpi_compare.csv -junitFile junit_compare.xml
-htmlOutFile result.html -divHtmlOutFile div_result.html -csvOutFile result.csv -jsonOutFile result.json -exitReturnOnFail true

## JUnit Report XML file generated
Example JUnit XML file generated :

Actual value 80.0 exceeds threshold 76.0 for samples matching "SC\d+_P.*"; fail label(s) "SC01_P01_ACCUEIL", "SC03_P02_DMD_FORM_LOGIN", "SC01_P02_DMD_FORM_LOGIN", "SC03_P03_LOGIN", "SC01_P03_LOGIN", "SC01_P04_DMD_FORM_RECH", "SC03_P04_LIEN_STATS", "SC01_P05_LANCE_RECH", "SC03_P06_LOGOUT", "SC01_P06_DETAIL_DOC", "SC01_P07_RETOUR_LISTE", "SC01_P08_RETOUR_MENU", "SC01_P09_LOGOUT"

Actual value 38365.0 exceeds threshold 6120.0 for samples matching "SC.*"; fail label(s) "SC01_P01_ACCUEIL", "SC03_P01_ACCUEIL", "SC01_P04_DMD_FORM_RECH", "SC03_P04_LIEN_STATS", "SC01_P05_LANCE_RECH", "SC01_P06_DETAIL_DOC", "SC01_P07_RETOUR_LISTE", "SC03_SCRIPT_STATS", "SC01_SCRIPT_RECH_AFF_DETAIL"

Actual value 132.0 exceeds threshold 100.0 for samples matching "SC01_P05_LANCE_RECH"; fail label(s) "SC01_P05_LANCE_RECH"

Actual value 4.0 is less or equals then threshold 4.0 for samples matching "SC.*"; fail label(s) "SC03_SCRIPT_STATS", "SC01_SCRIPT_RECH_AFF_DETAIL"

Remark : failure message is limited to 1024 characters, if failure message finished with "..." then the message is voluntarily truncated.

## JUnit Report in a Gitlab Pipeline
A JUnit Report with KPIs display in a Gitlab Pipeline

![junit gitlab pipeline](doc/images/junit_report_in_gitlab_pipeline.png)

If you click on button "View Details" for Status Fail, you will show the fail message

![junit gitlab pipeline detail fail](doc/images/junit_report_in_gitlab_pipeline_detail_fail.png)

## JUnit Report in Jenkins Build
A JUnit Report with KPIs display in Jenkins Build

![junit jenkins build](doc/images/junit_report_jenkins.png)

If you click on link "Name Test" fail , you will show the fail message

![junit jenkins build detail fail](doc/images/junit_report_jenkins_detail_fail.png)

## Html out format
The result could be a html page ou partial html page (div)

![html out format](doc/images/html_out_result.png)

## Csv out format
The result in a csv file

![csv out format](doc/images/csv_out_result.png)

## Json out format
The result in a Json file

![csv out format](doc/images/json_out_result.png)

## License
See the LICENSE file Apache 2 [](

## Usage Maven
The maven groupId, artifactId and version, this plugin is in the **Maven Central Repository** [![Maven Central junit-reporter-kpi-compare-jmeter-report-csv](](

Just include the plugin in your `pom.xml` and execute `mvn verify`

or individual launch `mvn -jmeterReportCurrent=synthesis.csv -DjmeterReportReference=synthesis_ref.csv -DkpiFile=kpi.csv -DjunitFile=TEST-jmeter-junit-plugin-compare-jmreport.xml exec:exec@create_junit-reporter-kpi-compare-jmeter-report`










## Simple jar tool
This tool is a java jar, so it's could be use as simple jar (look at [Release]( to download jar file)

java -jar junit-reporter-kpi-compare-jmeter-report-csv-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -csvJMReportCurrent summary.csv -csvJMReportReference summary_ref.csv -kpiFile kpi.csv -junitFile junit-report.xml -exitReturnOnFail true

## Tool installed with jmeter-plugins-manager
This tool could be installed with the jmeter-plugins-manager from

The tool name is : "vdn@github - junit-reporter-kpi-compare-jmeter-report-csv tool"

in JMETER_HOME\bin (Windows)

junit-reporter-kpi-compare-jmeter-report-csv.cmd -csvJMReportCurrent summary.csv -csvJMReportReference summary_ref.csv -kpiFile kpi.csv -junitFile junit-report.xml -htmlOutFile result.html -csvOutFile result.csv


in JMETER_HOME/bin (Linux or MacOS) -csvJMReportCurrent summary.csv -csvJMReportReference summary_ref.csv -kpiFile kpi.csv -junitFile junit-report.xml -htmlOutFile result.html -csvOutFile result.csv

## Link to other project
Usually this plugin is use with [jmeter-graph-tool-maven-plugin](

## Versions
version 1.3 change default freemaker directory for html_templates because same directory and same files name than others tools junit-report-kpi-xxx generate errors

version 1.2 add installer

version 1.1 export result in html, json or csv format

Version 1.0 initial version