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Datamapper like Crystal ORM and adapter for Elasticsearch

crystal datamapper elastic elasticsearch

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Datamapper like Crystal ORM and adapter for Elasticsearch




# Hermes [![Build Status](](

This is an integration of Crystal and Elasticsearch via HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

## Installation

Add this to your application's `shard.yml`:

github: imdrasil/

## Usage

### Configuration


require "hermes"

in places where you load your configurations. For now you need to specify all configurations using dsl but in future support of yaml configuration files for different environments will be added. So this is regular configuration for playground environment:

Hermes::Config.configure do |conf| = "localhost"
conf.port = 9200

Default values:

| attribute | value |
| --- | --- |
| `host` | `"localhost"` |
| `port`| `9200` |
| `schema` | `"http"` |

### Command management

For command management Hermes uses [Sam]( So in your `` just add loading migrations and Jennifer hooks.

require "./your_configuration_folder/*"
load_dependencies "./", "hermes"
# your another tasks here

#### Commands
Now you can use next commands:

- put all mappings to Elasticsearch

$ crystal -- es:mapping:update

- updates configurations of all indexes

$ crystal -- es:index:update_all

- creates all indexes

$ crystal -- es:index:create_all

- updates configuration of provided index

$ crystal -- es:index:update index_name

- creates given index

$ crystal -- es:index:create index_name

- destroy given index

$ crystal -- es:index:destroy index_name

- destroy all indexes

$ crystal -- es:index:destroy_all

### Index

First of all specify all your indexes. Here is example of some test index:

class TestIndex < Hermes::Index
index_name "test_index"

mappings: {
post: {
properties: {
title: {
type: "text",
fields: {
raw: {
type: "keyword",
likes: {type: "integer"},
user: {:type => "text"},
text: {:type => "text"},
tag: {:type => "keyword"},
created_at: {:type => "date"},

user: {
properties: {
full_name: {type: "text"},
location: {type: "geo_point"},
photo: {type: "binary"},

> You could use both `NamedTuple` and hash notation

`config` macros allows you specify configs for index (settings, mappings, etc.). Here regular Elasticsearch options should be used.

Also using `index_name` method custom index name could be stored. By default underscored class name without last "_index" part is taken.

### Repository

Hermes implements some kind of Datamapper pattern so all CRUD and search logic will be inside of repository which allows to separate search and domain logic. So regular repository looks like this:

class PostRepository < Hermes::Repository(TestIndex, Post)

By default repository name is underscored class name without last "_repository" part. But it can be specified using `document_type` method.

### Persistent

This is module which includes mapping rules for fields. This allows to mix it into any class. Here is simple example:

class Post
include Hermes::Persistent

title: String,
likes: {type: Int32, default: 0},
user: String,
text: String,
tag: {type: String, nilable: true},
created_at: Time | Nil,
non_existing_field: {type: Int32 | Nil, nilable: true}

`es_fields` macros works almost same way as `JSON.mapping` except generating several extra methods:

- `#{{attribute_name}}!` - for all given attributes with getters; makes not nil assertion
- `#initialize(Hash(String, Any))`
- `#initialize(Hash(Symbol, Any))`
- `#initialize(**)`
- `#assign_es_fields(Hash)` - will set all given fields
- `#assign_es_fields(**)`
- `#to_hash` - returns hash with all attributes (keys are strings)

#### Data types

All regular Crystal data types, which could be mapped from Elasticsearch data types, are supported (like `Int32`, `String` or `Times`, or `Array(Int32)`). Also supported all "special" data types:

- binary (`Hermes::Types::Binary`)
- range (`Hermes::Types::Range(T)`)

> Due to Elasticsearch documentation there are several supported data types: `Int32`, `Int64`, `Float32` `Float64`, `Time`.
- IP address (`Hermes::Types::IP`)
- geometrical
- geo_point (`Hermes::Types::GeoPoint`)
- circle (`Hermes::Types::Circle`)
- envelope (`Hermes::Types::Envelop`)
- geometry collection (`Hermes::Types::GeometryCollection`)
- line string (`Hermes::Types::LineString`)
- multi line string (`Hermes::Types::MultiLineString`)
- multi point (`Hermes::Types::MultiPoint`)
- multi polygon (`Hermes::Types::MultiPolygon`)
- point (`Hermes::Types::Point`)
- polygon (`Hermes::Types::Polygon`)

### CRUD

#### Create

New object can be created from Hash (with string keys), NamedTuple or new Persistent object.

PostRepository.create({"user" => "kim", "message" => "some message", "tag" => "es", "time" => Time.local })

PostRepository.create(user: "eddy", message: "some message", tag: "es", time: Time.local )

obj ={"user" => "kim", "message" => "some message", "tag" => "es", "time" => Time.local })

Due to Elasticsearch documentations, new object will be indexed in several seconds. So to do it immediatly you can manualy refresh:

# or passing true as second parameter for #save, true)

Such usage could slow down everything.

#### Read

Single document can be retrieved by it's id:

PostRepository.find("elastic_uid_here") # object or nil
PostRepository.find!("elastic_uid_here") # object or exception
PostRepository.multi_get(["uid1", "uid2"]) # array of found objects by their ids

Also regular Elasticsearch query dsl could be used:

query: {
bool: {
must: {
term: {user: "kim"},
should: [
{term: {tag: "wow"}},
{term: {tag: "es"}},
minimum_should_match: 1,
boost: 1.0,

It will return `SearchResponse(T)` object (in this case `T` is a `Post`). It provide access to all response data and has shortcuts for search and aggregation results (`entries` and `aggs` methods).

If you need only count of matched objects:

query: {
bool: {
must: {
term: {user: "kim"},
should: [
{term: {tag: "wow"}},
{term: {tag: "es"}},
minimum_should_match: 1,
boost: 1.0,
}) # some Int32 value

Also there is shortcut for aggregations:

PostRepository.aggregate({max_date: {max: {field: "time"}}})

It will return object of `SearchResponse(T)` as well as `search` but without entries inside.

#### Update

If you want to save new version of object, use regular same:

obj.message = "another message"

Also there is method for `_update` Elasticsearch endpoint:

PostRepository.update("some_id", { script: {...}}) # allow specify entire request body

PostRepository.update_doc("some_id", {user: "tomas"}) # accepts "doc" part of body

PostRepository.update_by_script("some_id", {
script: {
inline: "ctx._source.likes += params.count",
lang: "painless",
params: {count: 1},
}) # allow specify entire request body

and `_update_by_query`

script: {
inline: "ctx._source.likes += params.count",
lang: "painless",
params: {count: 1},
query: {
term: {
user: "kim",

#### Delete

To delete object by it's id use:


Also you can do it using query:

PostRepository.delete_by_query({query: {match: {message: "some message"}}})

## Restrictions

Hermes uses one connection and is needed to be tested with multi-threading (check safety).

## Development

There are still a lot of work to do. Tasks for next versions:

- [ ] fully cover with tests
- [ ] add IP related logic to `Hermes::Types::IP` and move it to separate shard (like [ruby-ip](
- [ ] think about adding smth like [connection pool](
- [ ] add [Jennifer]( support
- [ ] add more things below...

## Contributing

1. [Fork it]( )
2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
5. Create a new Pull Request

Please ask me before start any work on some feature.

Also if you want to use it in your application - ping me please, my email could be found in my profile.

To run test use regular `crystal spec`.

## Contributors

- [imdrasil]( Roman Kalnytskyi - creator, maintainer