
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software. is a GitLab API wrapper written by Crystal

crystal gitlab gitlab-api

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation is a GitLab API wrapper written by Crystal




# 💎

[![Build Status](]( is a [GitLab API]( wrapper writes with [Crystal]( Language.
Inspired from [gitlab]( gem for ruby version. **No support GraphQL API**

Build in crystal version >= `v1.0.0`, Docs Generated in latest commit.

## Installation

github: icyleaf/

## Usage

require "gitlab"

# configuration
endpoint = ""
token = ""

# initialize a new client
g = Gitlab.client(endpoint, token)
# => #

# get the authenticated user
user = g.user
# => {"name" => "icyleaf", "username" => "icyleaf", "id" => 34, "state" => "active", "avatar_url" => "", "web_url" => "http://gitlab.docker:10080/u/icyleaf", "created_at" => "2016-05-14T09:23:42.594+05:30", "is_admin" => true, "bio" => nil, "location" => nil, "skype" => "", "linkedin" => "", "twitter" => "", "website_url" => "", "last_sign_in_at" => "2016-05-14T09:24:00.575+05:30", "confirmed_at" => "2016-05-14T09:23:42.457+05:30", "email" => "[email protected]", "theme_id" => 2, "color_scheme_id" => 1, "projects_limit" => 8, "current_sign_in_at" => "2016-06-18T20:11:15.609+05:30", "identities" => [], "can_create_group" => true, "can_create_project" => true, "two_factor_enabled" => false, "external" => false, "private_token" => "xxx"}

# get the user's email
email = user["email"]
# => "[email protected]"

# get list of projects
projects = g.projects({ "per_page" => 5 })

# handle the exception
pp g.delete_group(999)
rescue ex
pp ex.message
# Here has one variable "response" instance of Gitlab::HTTP::Response
# Friendly for developer to debug and control expressions.
pp ex.response.code
pp ex.response.body

# request not handled APIs
# example: request a GET method to call "/application/settings"

# get gitlab settings

# update gitlab settings
g.put("/application/settings", { "signup_enabled" => "false" })

For more information, refer to [API Documentation](

## Progress

### Built-in

- Http Client - [Halite](
- Exceptions
- Gitlab wrapper
- Authentication
- 100% Rspec Coveraged

### Gitlab

#### Completed

- Service Status (**Not Gitlab API**)
- Check service available - `available?`
- Users
- List Users - `users`
- Single user - `user(user_id)`
- User creation - `create_user`
- User modification - `edit_user`
- User deletion - `delete_user`
- Current user - `user`
- User deletion - `delete_user`
- List custom attributes for given user - `user_custom_attributes(user_id)`
- Add custom attribute for given user - `user_add_custom_attribute(user_id, key)`
- Delete custom attribute for given user - `user_delete_custom_attribute(user_id, key)`
- Block user - `block_user(user_id)`
- Unblock user - `unblock_user(user_id)`
- List SSH keys - `ssh_keys`
- List SSH keys for user - `ssh_keys(user_id)`
- Single SSH key `ssh_key(ssh_key_id)`
- Add SSH key - `create_ssh_key`
- Add SSH key for user - `create_ssh_key(user_id)`
- Delete SSH key for current user - `delete_ssh_key`
- Delete SSH key for given user - `delete_ssh_key(user_id)`
- List emails - `emails`
- List emails for user - `emails(user_id)`
- Single email - `email`
- Add email - `add_email`
- Add email for user - `add_email(user_id)`
- Delete email for current user - `delete_email`
- Delete email for given user - `delete_email(user_id)`
- Session
- Login session - `session`
- Projects (including setting Webhooks)
- Uploads
- Upload a file - `upload_file`
- List projects - `projects`
- List owned projects - `owned_projects`
- List starred projects - `starred_projects`
- List ALL projects - `all_projects`
- Get single project - `project`
- Get project events - `project_events`
- Create project - `create_project`
- Create project for user - `create_project(user_id)`
- Edit project - `edit_project`
- Fork project - `fork_project`
- Star a project - `star_project`
- Unstar a project - `unstar_project`
- Archive a project - `archive_project`
- Unarchive a project - `unarchive_project`
- Remove project - `delete_project`
- Team members
- List project team members - `project_members`
- Get project team member - `project_member`
- Add project team member - `add_project_member`
- Edit project team member - `edit_project_member`
- Remove project team member - `remove_project_member`
- Share project with group - `share_project`
- Pages Domains
- List project pages domains - `project_pages_domains`
- Get project pages domain - `project_pages_domain`
- Add project pages domain - `add_project_pages_domain`
- Edit project pages domain `edit_project_pages_domain`
- Remove project pages domain - `remove_project_pages_domain`
- Hooks
- List project hooks - `project_hooks`
- Get project hook - `project_hook`
- Add project hook - `add_project_hook`
- Edit project hook - `edit_project_hook`
- Delete project hook - `remove_project_hook`
- Branches
- List branches - `project_branchs`
- List single branch - `project_branch`
- Protect single branch - `protect_project_branch`
- Unprotect single branch - `unprotect_project_branch`
- Admin fork relation
- Create a forked from/to relation between existing projects. - `create_fork_from`
- Delete an existing forked from relationship - `remove_fork_from`
- Search for projects by name - `project_search`
- Repositories
- List repository tree - `tree`
- Raw blob content - `blow`
- Get an archive of the repository - `archive_project`
- Compare branches, tags or commits - `compare`
- Contributors - `contributors`
- Repository File
- Gets a repository file - `get_file`
- Get raw file content - `file_contents`
- Create a file
- Edit a file
- Remove a file
- Commits
- List repository commits - `commits`
- Get a single commit - `commit`
- Get the diff of a commit - `commit_diff`
- Get the comments of a commit - `commit_coments`
- Post comment to commit - `create_commit_comment`
- Commit status
- Get the status of a commit - `commit_status`
- Post the build status to a commit - `update_commit_status`
- Branches
- List repository branches - `branches`
- Get single repository branch - `branch`
- Protect repository branch - `protect_branch`
- Unprotect repository branch - `unprotect_branch`
- Create repository branch - `create_branch`
- Delete repository branch - `delete_branch`
- Merge Requests
- List merge requests - `merge_requests`
- Get single MR - `merge_request`
- Get single MR commits - `merge_request_commit`
- Get single MR changes - `merge_request_changes`
- Create MR - `create_merge_request`
- Update MR - `edit_merge_request`
- Delete a merge request - `delete_merge_request`
- Accept MR - `accept_merge_request`
- Cancel Merge When Build Succeeds - `cancel_merge_request_when_build_succeed`
- Comments on merge requests - `merge_request_comments`
- List issues that will close on merge - `merge_request_closed_issues`
- Subscribe to a merge request - `subscribe_merge_request`
- Unsubscribe from a merge request - `unsubscribe_merge_request`
- Issues
- List issues - `issues`
- List project issues - `issues(project_id)`
- Single issue - `issue`
- New issue - `create_issue`
- Edit issue - `edit_issue` / `close_issue` / `reopen_issue`
- Delete an issue - `delete_issue`
- Move an issue - `move_issue`
- Subscribe to an issue - `subscribe_issue`
- Unsubscribe from an issue - `unsubscribe_issue`
- Comments on issues - Comments are done via the **notes** resource
- Keys
- Get SSH key with user by ID of an SSH key - `key`
- Labels
- List labels - `labels`
- Create a new label - `create_label`
- Delete a label - `delete_label`
- Edit an existing label - `edit_labe`
- Subscribe to a label - `subscribe_label`
- Unsubscribe from a label - `unsubscribe_label`
- Milestones
- List project milestones - `milestones`
- Get single milestone - `milestone`
- Create new milestone - `create_milestone`
- Edit milestone - `edit_milestone`
- Get all issues assigned to a single milestone - `milestone_issues`
- Get all merge requests of a given milestone. - `milestone_merge_requests`
- Notes (comments)
- Issues
- List project issue notes - `issue_notes`
- Get single issue note - `issue_note`
- Create new issue note - `create_issue_note`
- Modify existing issue note - `edit_issue_note`
- Delete an issue note - `delete_issue_note`
- Snippets
- List all snippet notes - `snippet_notes`
- Get single snippet note - `snippet_note`
- Create new snippet note - `create_snippet_note`
- Modify existing snippet note - `edit_snippet_note`
- Delete a snippet note - `delete_snippet_note`
- Merge Requests
- List all merge request notes - `merge_request_notes`
- Get single merge request note - `merge_request_note`
- Create new merge request note - `create_merge_request_note`
- Modify existing merge request note - `edit_merge_request_note`
- Delete a merge request note - `delete_merge_request_note`
- Deploy Keys
- List deploy keys - `deploy_keys`
- Single deploy key - `deploy_key`
- Add deploy key - `create_deploy_key`
- Delete deploy key - `remove_deploy_key`
- Groups
- List groups - `groups`
- List a group's projects - `group_projects`
- Details of a group - `group`
- New group - `create_group`
- Transfer project to group - `transfer_project_to_group`
- Update group - `edit_group`
- Remove group - `delete_group`
- Search for group - `group_search`
- Group members
- List group members - `group_members`
- Get member detail of group - `group_member`
- Add group member - `add_member_to_group`
- Edit group team member - `edit_member_to_group`
- Remove user team member - `remove_member_to_group`
- Namespaces in groups - same as **List group**
- Tags
- List project repository tags - `tags`
- Get a single repository tag - `tag`
- Create a new tag - `create_tag`
- Delete a tag - `delete_tag`
- Create a new release - `create_release_notes`
- Update a release - `update_release_notes`
- Version
- Get Gitlab version - `version`

#### Todo (optional)

- Award Emoji
- Project Snippets
- Services
- System Hooks
- Settings
- Boards
- Gitlab CI
- Builds
- Jobs
- Runners
- Pipelines

## Help and Discussion

You can browse the API documents:

You can browse the Changelog:

If you have found a bug, please create a issue here:

## How to Contribute

Your contributions are always welcome! Please submit a pull request or create an issue to add a new question, bug or feature to the list.

All [Contributors]( are on the wall.

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## License

[MIT License]( © icyleaf