
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A very flexible cross platform HTTP stub application.

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

A very flexible cross platform HTTP stub application.






Quickly stub away any HTTP service.

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Table of Contents

- [About](#about)
- [Built With](#built-with)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Example](#example)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [Documentation](docs/
- [Tools](#tools)
- [Roadmap](#roadmap)
- [Support](#support)
- [Project assistance](#project-assistance)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Authors & contributors](#authors--contributors)
- [Security](#security)
- [License](#license)


## About

HttPlaceholder lets you stub away any HTTP webservice.

It was thought up while I was working at a company which had many interconnected webservices. The development process
was very painful, because it meant all the other webservices should also be started on my local dev PC, or I had to use
the "development" environment, which did not work for half of the time. HttPlaceholder fills this gap nicely.


* can easily be installed on your dev PC.
* can be used to easily create stubs, either as separate YAML files, through the API or through the user interface.
* can easily be hosted on any server.
* can use many different HTTP condition checkers and response writers to make your HTTP stubs as specific as you need.

Also visit the website:

### Built With

- [.NET 8](
- [Vue.js](
- [Bootstrap](
- [CodeMirror](
- [ImageSharp](

## Getting Started

### Prerequisites

Linux, Windows and Mac are supported.

### Installation

Follow these steps to install / update HttPlaceholder. If you update HttPlaceholder, make sure to read the [changelog](CHANGELOG) to see if there are no breaking changes.

**Install on Windows**

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

**Install on Linux**

curl -o- | bash

**Install on Mac**

curl -o- | bash


HttPlaceholder has a Docker image; it can be found [here](

Run the following command to run a basic HttPlaceholder container: `docker run -p 5000:5000 dukeofharen/httplaceholder:latest`

**Install as .NET tool**

dotnet tool install --global HttPlaceholder

### Example

- Install HttPlaceholder (see [Installation](#installation)).
- Create a new .yaml file (e.g. `stub.yaml`).
- Copy and paste these contents in your new file:

- id: situation-01
method: GET
equals: /users
equals: 12
equals: first_name
statusCode: 200
text: |
"first_name": "John"
Content-Type: application/json

- Open the terminal in the folder you've added the `stub.yaml` file and run the following command: `httplaceholder`.
HttPlaceholder will now start and will load the stubs in the current folder.

- Perform a specific HTTP call to HttPlaceholder so your provided response will be returned.
- For Linux / Mac (cURL needs to be installed):
curl "http://localhost:5000/users?id=12&filter=first_name" -D-
- For Windows (uses Powershell):
(Invoke-WebRequest "http://localhost:5000/users?id=12&filter=first_name").RawContent

- You can view and inspect the performed requests in the user interface at .

For more sophisticated examples, go to the [samples](docs/ to view samples for all supported HTTP condition checkers and response writers. Learn more about HttPlaceholder by reading the [documentation](docs/

## Documentation

- [Installation](docs/
- [Windows](docs/
- [Linux](docs/
- [Mac](docs/
- [Docker](docs/
- [Getting started](docs/
- [Stub samples](docs/
- [REST API](docs/
- [Configuration](docs/
- [Request conditions](docs/
- [Response writers](docs/
- [Management interface](docs/

### Tools
* [HttPlaceholder REST API client for .NET](docs/

## Roadmap

See the [open issues]( for a list of proposed features (and known

- [Top Feature Requests]( (Add your votes using the ๐Ÿ‘ reaction)
- [Top Bugs]( (Add your votes using the ๐Ÿ‘ reaction)
- [Newest Bugs](

## Support

Reach out to the maintainer at one of the following places:

- [GitHub discussions](
- The email which is located [in GitHub profile](

## Project assistance

If you want to say **thank you** or/and support active development of HttPlaceholder:

- Add a [GitHub Star]( to the project.
- Tweet about HttPlaceholder on your Twitter.
- Send me an email (see my [GitHub Profile](

## Contributing

First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what make the open-source community such an
amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are **greatly

We have set up a separate document containing our [contribution guidelines](docs/

Thank you for being involved!

## Authors & contributors

The original setup of this repository is by [dukeofharen]( (

For a full list of all authors and contributors,
check [the contributor's page](

## Security

HttPlaceholder follows good practices of security, but 100% security can't be granted in software. HttPlaceholder is
provided **"as is"** without any **warranty**. Use at your own risk.

_For more info, please refer to the [security](docs/

## License

This project is licensed under the **MIT license**.

See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.