
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

OSL is a simple shared list web-application based on Node and VueJS. Typical uses include shopping lists of course, and any other small todo-list that needs to be used collaboratively.

collaborative mongodb nodejs pwa todolist vuejs websocket

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

OSL is a simple shared list web-application based on Node and VueJS. Typical uses include shopping lists of course, and any other small todo-list that needs to be used collaboratively.




OSL logo

# Our Shopping List

OSL is a simple **shared list** application. Typical uses include **shopping
lists** of course, and any other small todo-list that needs to be used

The current implementation provides the following features:
- **Multiple boards** (can be disabled, see `VUE_APP_SINGLEBOARD_MODE`)
- Each board with **multiple lists**
- **Real-time sync** between users
- Items with the following fields: name, quantity, details
- **Checkable** items
- 2 **display modes** for items (unchecked only / checked only, sorted by check time)
- Intuitive **search**
- **Mobile-first UI** with swipeable items
- [PWA]( basic support
- Partial internationalisation (i18n)
- Only EN and FR languages are available at that time, but PR are welcome for more!
See examples [here](./client/src/locales).

But, at this date it lacks the following:
- Full PWA support with offline mode and deferred sync

## โญ New in v2: Boards feature

Before v2, **all of the lists** on an instance were available to **all users**.

Version 2 introduces a new feature called "boards". It's simply a way to group
lists together under a common name. That name can then be shared so that
people use the lists from a board collaboratively.

But, you might want to disable that feature and keep using a unique board for
your whole instance. In that case, just use the provided
`VUE_APP_SINGLEBOARD_MODE` environment variable.

**But have no fear, you can always:**

- Switch from _singleboard_ mode to multi-board
- In that case you'll have to
create a new board and choose it as target for existing lists with the
provided CLI tool.
- Switch from multi-board mode to _singleboard_
- In that case you can choose which lists to migrate to the special
unique board, but you'll lose access to all other lists (they are not
deleted, just not accessible anymore)

> See next ยง for instructions on how to enable one mode or the other.

## โ˜ Instructions when migrating from v1 to v2

Version 2 has added the _multiboard_ feature which changes the default mode
the application runs into.

If you already had a working v1, and would like to upgrade to v2 please follow
the steps below:

> โš  **Back up your data before proceeding!**

### If you want to keep using one single board on your instance (just like on v1)

- Make sure you set the `VUE_APP_SINGLEBOARD_MODE` to `1`
- Once started, use the CLI to migrate existing lists to the special board
used as common parent for lists in "singleboard" mode.
docker-compose exec app node cli.js board:create --singleboard
docker-compose exec app node cli.js list:move-to-board --all --singleboard
- Use the application as usual (you might have to clear your browser's cache
to make sure there's no invalid data left).

### If you want to enable the new _boards_ feature and migrate your existing lists to a dedicated board

- Make sure `VUE_APP_SINGLEBOARD_MODE` is **not set** or set to `0`
- Create a new board with the name of your choice
# Get the created board's slug from the output and use it in the following command
docker-compose exec app node cli.js board:create my-board
docker-compose exec app node cli.js list:move-to-board --all --board my-board
- Open the application, and from the home screen open the board you've just created
to find your lists.

## ๐Ÿ–ผ Screenshots

### Mobile

> โ˜ Screenshots are from v1, but v2 looks mostly the same.

Click here to see more!

### Desktop

> โ˜ Screenshots are from v1, but v2 looks mostly the same.

Click here to see more!

## ๐Ÿ“ฆ Installation

### ๐Ÿ‹ With Docker

With a running [MongoDB 4.x]( container as
`mymongo` on the host:

docker run --detach \
--name our-shopping-list \
--link mymongo:mongodb \
--publish 80:8080 \

### ๐Ÿ‹ With `docker-compose`

Use the provided [`docker-compose.yml`](doc/docker-compose.yml) and adapt it to
your needs.

Then to start the containers:

docker-compose up -d

**Available environment variables for the `app` container**

- **System keys**
- `LISTEN_PORT` (default: `8080`)
- `MONGODB_HOST` (default: `mongodb`)
- `MONGODB_PORT` (default: `27017`)
- `MONGODB_DB` (default: `osl`)
- `BASE_URL` (default: _empty_) Set to base path if your web root is not `/` (ex: `/my-osl/`)

> MongoDB authentication is not supported yet.

- **Application keys**
- `VUE_APP_APM_ENABLED` (default: `0`) [Reference](
- `VUE_APP_APM_LOGLEVEL` (default: `warn`) [Reference](
- `VUE_APP_APM_SERVERURL` (default: `http://localhost:8200`) [Reference](
- `VUE_APP_APM_SERVERURLPREFIX` (default: `/intake/v${apiVersion}/rum/events`) [Reference](
- `VUE_APP_BOARD_DELETION_ENABLED` (default: `0`) [Reference](
- `VUE_APP_CHECKED_ITEMS_HISTORY_SORT_FIELD` (default: `lastCheckedAt`, see available fields [here](./client/src/models/Item.js))
- `VUE_APP_CLIENT_LOG_CONSOLE_ENABLED` (default: `false`, [see doc here](
- `VUE_APP_CLIENT_LOG_ENABLED` (default: `false`, [see doc here](
- `VUE_APP_CLIENT_LOG_LEVEL` (default: `debug`)
- `VUE_APP_EDIT_ITEM_ON_CREATE` (default: `0`)
- `VUE_APP_HOME_MESSAGE` (default: _empty_)
- `VUE_APP_I18N_FALLBACK_LOCALE` (default: `en`)
- `VUE_APP_I18N_FORCE_LOCALE` (default: `0`)
- `VUE_APP_I18N_LOCALE` (default: `en`)
- `VUE_APP_LIST_ALL_BOARDS_ENABLED` (default: `0`, has no effect in _singleboard_ mode)
- `VUE_APP_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY_PREFIX` (default: `OurShoppingList_`)
- `VUE_APP_SHORT_TITLE` (default: `OSL`)
- `VUE_APP_SINGLEBOARD_MODE` (default: `0`)
- `VUE_APP_TITLE` (default: `Our Shopping List`)
- `VUE_APP_USE_ITEM_QUICK_SYNTAX` (default: `0`) [Reference](

### Robots.txt

By default, the embedded `robots.txt` prevents search engines from browsing the application:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

You can change this behavior by mounting the `robots.txt` of your choice at `/app/robots.txt` in the container.

### ๐Ÿ—’ Notes for reverse-proxy (SSL offloading)

OSL uses a WebSocket to allow server-to-client communication. So using a
reverse-proxy to forward the connection implies the presence of the following
sections below in the corresponding virtual host.

Replace `` and `8080` with the IP of the OSL host if your RP is not
the host itself and/or if you're using another port.

#### Apache


Allow from all

ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
ProxyPreserveHost On

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} =websocket [NC]
RewriteRule /(.*) ws://$1 [P,L]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} !=websocket [NC]
RewriteRule /(.*)$1 [P,L]

#### Nginx

location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;

proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";

proxy_redirect http://localhost:8080 https://ourshoppinglist.myhost;

### โš  Notes when serving multiple instances on different web roots

Remember to set the `BASE_URL` variable to the matching web root on each instance.

Make sure you set `VUE_APP_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY_PREFIX` to a unique value too, otherwise clients switching from
one instance to another might corrupt the internal cache in their browser.


- 1st instance on
- `BASE_URL` = `public-osl/`
- 2nd instance on
- `BASE_URL` = `private-osl/`
- etc.

### Debugging on server side

You can use the [standard `DEBUG`](
environment variable to enable the verbose mode of the server:

Example to log all operations related to **socket-io** (WebSocket) and the **URL rewrite** process
(when using a custom `BASE_URL`):


Or if you need to log everything:


## ๐Ÿ‘ท Developer installation

> ๐Ÿ‹ This method also uses Docker, but with the local source files mounted
> into the `node` container.

First of all, clone this project in the directory of your choice. Then from it:

make dev-pull
make dev-init
make dev-upd

Now start the Webpack Development Server with

make dev-watch

> If you don't, you'll get 504 errors in the console on `/sockjs-node/*` requests
> and you won't get hot reloading on changes.

If you want to enter the container, just use

make dev-shell

### Special cases

In development mode, the service worker is not enabled.
To workaround this limitation, you may want to ponctually build the JS bundle
in "production" mode.

Here's how:

make dev-shell

cd client/
NODE_ENV=production yarn build

Then reload the page in your browser and the SW should be activated.
You have to make sure you are running the app **with TLS enabled**. Use the
`ENABLE_TLS` variable to use the embedded TLS proxy if needed.