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A simple URL shortener created with Laravel 10

laravel php

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

A simple URL shortener created with Laravel 10




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## :busts_in_silhouette: Multi user
Easyshortener can have multiple users \
Manage all of them from the built-in administration panel

## :lock: Two Factor Authentication
Have piece of mind with built in two factor authentication

## :sparkles: Easy to use
Crafted with love and care to provide the best experience possible

## :whale2: Built for docker
Deploy Easyshortener easier with your favorite container engine


[![Open in Gitpod](](
[![Deploy on Easypanel](](

## Installation

Confused? Check out our [install guide](
- `composer install` - Installs dependencies to last updated version
- `php artisan migrate` - Migrates the database
- Set `EASYSHORTENER_ALLOW_REGISTRATION` to `true` to create your account - run `php artisan config:cache` once done
- `npm run build` - Builds assets

## Docker

[Compose file](
docker run --name easyshortener -v /etc/easyshortener:/var/www/html -e APP_DEBUG=false -e EASYSHORTENER_ENABLE_REGISTRATION=true -e EASYSHORTENER_INSTALLATION_ENV=docker -e EASYSHORTENER_ALLOW_ANALYTICS=true -e FORCE_HTTPS=false -e DB_CONNECTION=sqlite -e DB_DATABASE=/database/sqlite/easyshortener.db
Need to access your container? Use `docker exec -it imageid /bin/sh`

## Testing

- `php artisan test` - Running this will refresh the entire database
- `php artisan db:seed` - This creates a user called `User` with the credentials `[email protected]:password`

## Commands

| Command | Description | Arguments |
| ----------------------- | -------------- | --------- |
| php artisan view:link | View all the links currently available on your Easyshortener instances connected database | None |
| php artisan delete:link | Delete a link from your Easyshortener instance | ID |

## Environment Variables

| Variable | Description | Arguments |
| -------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------ |
| EASYSHORTENER_ALLOW_REGISTRATION | Allows registration for your Easyshortener instance | true/false |
| EASYSHORTENER_INSTALLATION_ENV | Sets the install platform of your Easyshortener instance | easypanel/docker/webhost |
| EASYSHORTENER_ALLOW_ANALYTICS | Disable redirect tracking for all links on your Easyshortener instance | true/false |
| FORCE_HTTPS | Force HTTPS connection for your Easyshortener instance | true/false |

## License

Easyshortener is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](