
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

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* libemu-svn
Get the libemu code via Git and build it as documented on the reference

* curl

Compile the modules:

If you need to compile the modules with a specific Python version you can
do it through the PHONEYC_PYTHON environment variable i.e. simply exporting
the variable this way before moving on

$ export PHONEYC_PYTHON=python2.5

will force the build system to use python2.5 instead of the default one.
Otherwise skip this step.


* Option #1

Build the code executing these commands

$ cd modules
$ make
$ make install

Please note that you don't need root privileges when running `make install'.
This option could cause you a few troubles at compile time. In such case
please refer to option #2.

* Option #2

This is the most simple and straightforward way to install PhoneyC but it
requires root privileges. This option should be used as a fallback in case
option #1 raises some troubles.

If you're running PhoneyC on one of the following Linux distributions

* Debian
* Ubuntu
* Gentoo

you can build the code by simply running

# make [debian|ubuntu|gentoo]

and everything should be setup properly.

Test the installation:

In order to test the installation simply run it on a sample malicious
page in samples/ directory as shown below.

buffer@alnitak ~/honeynet/phoneyc $ python file://samples/4158.html
[2011-01-17 11:32:47] [ALERT] NeoTracePro.TraceTarget overflow in arg0
Log written into: log/ad5048081277127857aad08e0bfd5e55

|MESSAGE:Shellcode Detected!
|Now run it:
[{'rettype': 'HMODULE', 'retval': 1906376704, 'name': 'LoadLibraryA', 'arguments': [('LPCTSTR', 'lpFileName', ('', '', 'ws2_32'))]}, {'rettype': 'int', 'retval': 0, 'name': 'WSAStartup', 'arguments': [('WORD', 'wVersionRequested', 2), ('LPWSADATA', 'lpWSAData', 1244276)]}, {'rettype': 'SOCKET', 'retval': 66, 'name': 'WSASocket', 'arguments': [('int', 'af', 2), ('int', 'type', 1), ('int', 'protocol', 0), ('LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFO', 'lpProtocolInfo', 0), ('GROUP', 'g', 0), ('DWORD', 'dwFlags', 0)]}, {'rettype': 'int', 'retval': 0, 'name': 'bind', 'arguments': [('SOCKET', 's', 66), ('sockaddr_in *', 'name', ('', '', [('short', 'sin_family', 2), ('unsigned short', 'sin_port', 27901), ('in_addr', 'sin_addr', [('unsigned long', 's_addr', '')]), ('char', 'sin_zero', ' ')])), ('int', 'namelen', 16)]}, {'rettype': 'int', 'retval': 0, 'name': 'listen', 'arguments': [('SOCKET', 's', 66), ('int', 'backlog', 2)]}, {'rettype': 'SOCKET', 'retval': 68, 'name': 'accept', 'arguments': [('SOCKET', 's', 66), ('sockaddr *', 'addr', ('', '', [])), ('int', 'addrlen', None)]}, {'rettype': 'int', 'retval': 0, 'name': 'closesocket', 'arguments': [('SOCKET', 's', 66)]}, {'rettype': 'BOOL', 'retval': -1, 'name': 'CreateProcess', 'arguments': [('LPCWSTR', 'pszImageName', ('', '', 'g\x12')), ('LPCWSTR', 'pszCmdLine', ('', '', 'cmd')), ('LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES', 'psaProcess', None), ('LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES', 'psaThread', None), ('BOOL', 'fInheritHandles', 1), ('DWORD', 'fdwCreate', 0), ('LPVOID', 'pvEnvironment', None), ('LPWSTR', 'pszCurDir', None), ('LPSTARTUPINFOW', 'psiStartInfo', ('', '', [('DWORD', 'cb', 0), ('LPTSTR', 'lpReserved', 0), ('LPTSTR', 'lpDesktop', 0), ('LPTSTR', 'lpTitle', 0), ('DWORD', 'dwX', 0), ('DWORD', 'dwY', 0), ('DWORD', 'dwXSize', 0), ('DWORD', 'dwYSize', 0), ('DWORD', 'dwXCountChars', 0), ('DWORD', 'dwYCountChars', 0), ('DWORD', 'dwFillAttribute', 0), ('DWORD', 'dwFlags', 0), ('WORD', 'wShowWindow', 0), ('WORD', 'cbReserved2', 0), ('LPBYTE', 'lpReserved2', 0), ('HANDLE', 'hStdInput', 0), ('HANDLE', 'hStdOutput', 0), ('HANDLE', 'hStdError', 0)])), ('PROCESS_INFORMATION', 'pProcInfo', ('', '', [('HANDLE', 'hProcess', 4711), ('HANDLE', 'hThread', 4712), ('DWORD', 'dwProcessId', 4712), ('DWORD', 'dwThreadId', 4714)]))]}, {'rettype': 'DWORD', 'retval': 0, 'name': 'WaitForSingleObject', 'arguments': [('HANDLE', 'hHandle', 4712), ('DWORD', 'dwMilliseconds', -1)]}]

|MESSAGE:Heapspray Detected!
|MISC:{'sledge_char': 'A', 'sec_char_cnt': 0, 'sledge_cnt': 4193496, 'sec_char': '\x00'}

|MESSAGE:Heapspray Detected!
|MISC:{'sledge_cnt': 4193496, 'sec_char_cnt': 0, 'sec_char': '\x00', 'sledge_char': 'A'}

|MESSAGE:Heapspray Detected!
|MISC:{'sledge_char': 'A', 'sec_char_cnt': 33, 'sledge_cnt': 4193514, 'sec_char': 'K'}

Run it:

$ python URL-you-what-to-examine