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Authomatic OAuth1/OAuth2/OpenID Login Integration with Plone

authentication oauth oauth2 openid plone plone-addon

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Authomatic OAuth1/OAuth2/OpenID Login Integration with Plone





OAuth2 / OpenId Authentication in Plone

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**pas.plugins.authomatic** provides OAuth2 and OpenID login capability for Plone sites by integrating the awesome [Authomatic]( package.

Authomatic is a framework agnostic library
for Python web applications
with a minimalistic but powerful interface
which simplifies authentication of users
by third party providers like Facebook or Twitter
through standards like OAuth and OpenID.
*by author Peter Hudec on Authomatic website*

Supported Providers

Out of the box, **pas.plugins.authomatic** supports the following providers

*OAuth 1.0a*

- Bitbucket
- Flickr
- Meetup
- Plurk
- Twitter
- Tumblr
- UbuntuOne
- Vimeo
- Xero
- Xing
- Yahoo

*OAuth 2.0*

- Amazon
- Behance
- Bitly
- Cosm
- DeviantART
- Eventbrite
- Facebook
- Foursquare
- GitHub
- Google
- LinkedIn
- PayPal
- Reddit
- Viadeo
- VK
- WindowsLive
- Yammer
- Yandex


- python-openid
- Google App Engine based OpenID.


This package supports Plone sites using Volto or the Classic UI.

For the Classic UI:

- This package creates a view called `authomatic-handler` where you can login with different providers.
- The view can be used as well to add an identity from a provider to an existing account.
- The provider is choosen in the URL so if you call `/authomatic-handler/PROVIDER` you will use PROVIDER to login.

For Volto:

- Endpoint `@login` with GET: Returns list of authentication options
- Endpoint `@login-authomatic` with GET: Provide information to start the OAuth process.
- Endpoint `@login-authomatic` with POST: Handles OAuth login and returns a JSON web token (JWT).
- For Volto sites you must also install [@plone-collective/volto-authomatic](

Configuration is, currently, done via Classic UI:

- Plugin configuration is available in the Controlpanel `@@authomatic-controlpanel` (linked under users)
- Example JSON configuration (first level key is the PROVIDER):

"github": {
"display": {
"title": "Github",
"cssclasses": {
"button": "plone-btn plone-btn-default",
"icon": "glypicon glyphicon-github"
"as_form": false
"propertymap": {
"email": "email",
"link": "home_page",
"location": "location",
"name": "fullname"
"class_": "authomatic.providers.oauth2.GitHub",
"consumer_key": "5c4901d141e736f114a7",
"consumer_secret": "d4692ca3c0ab6cc1f8b28d3ccb1ea15b61e7ef5c",
"access_headers": {
"User-Agent": "Plone Authomatic Plugin"


Add **pas.plugins.authomatic** to the Plone installation using `pip`:

pip install pas.plugins.authomatic
or add it as a dependency on your package's ``

install_requires = [

Start Plone and activate the plugin in the addons control-panel.


Using Classic UI, go to the `Authomatic` controlpanel.


Configuration parameters for the different authorization are provided as JSON text in there. We use JSON because of its flexibility.


Details about the configuration of each provider can be found at [Authomatic provider section](

There are some differences in configuration:

- Value of `"class_"` has to be a string, which is then resolved as a dotted path.
- Each provider can get an optional entry `display` with sub-enties such as:

- `title` which is used in the templates instead of the section name.
- `iconclasses` which is applied in the templates to an span.
- `buttonclasses` which is applied in the templates to the button.
- `as_form` (true/false) which renders a form for OpenId providers.

- Each provider can get an optional entry `propertymap`.
It is a mapping from authomatic/provider user properties to plone user properties, like `"fullname": "name",`. Look at each providers documentation which properties are available.

Source Code and Contributions

If you want to help with the development (improvement, update, bug-fixing, ...) of `pas.plugins.authomatic` this is a great idea!

- [Issue Tracker](
- [Source Code](

Please do larger changes on a branch and submit a Pull Request.

Creator of **pas.plugins.authomatic** is Jens Klein.

We appreciate any contribution and if a release is needed to be done on PyPI, please just contact one of us.


You need a working `python` environment (system, virtualenv, pyenv, etc) version 3.7 or superior.

Then install the dependencies and a development instance using:

make build

To run tests for this package:

make test

By default we use the latest Plone version in the 6.x series.


The project is licensed under the GPLv2.