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A oh-my-zsh plugin for robo command completion.

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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A oh-my-zsh plugin for robo command completion.




# robo-zsh-plugin

`robo-zsh-plugin` is a zsh plugin for
[Robo]( This plugin can be install into oh-my-zsh [custom plugin]( folder.


## Installation

### oh-my-zsh

1. In the command line, change to `oh-my-zsh` plugins directory:

$ take ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins

2. Clone the repository into a new directory called `robo`:

git clone robo

3. Include `robo` plugin to your .zshrc file along with other plugins:

plugins=(osx brew git laravel codeception robo)

4. Restart your terminal application.

### [zgen](

If you're using [zgen](

1. Add `zgen load shengyou/robo-zsh-plugin` to your `.zshrc` along with your other `zgen load` commands.
2. `rm ${ZGEN_INIT}/init.zsh && zgen save`

### [Antigen](

If you're using [Antigen](

1. Add `antigen bundle shengyou/robo-zsh-plugin` to your `.zshrc` where you've listed your other plugins.
2. Close and reopen your Terminal/iTerm window to **refresh context** and use the plugin. Alternatively, you can run `antigen bundle shengyou/robo-zsh-plugin` in a running shell to have antigen load the new plugin immediately & temporarily.

## TODO & Bugs

* This plugin currentlly only support completion if you install robo through get_robo command.

## Contact
Shengyou Fan (If you like it, please endorse me on coderwall) [![endorse](](

Any questions, feel free to [contact me](