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Minimalist plugins for bash and zsh

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Minimalist plugins for bash and zsh




# shell-fns

Minimalist plugins for bash and zsh.

## Installation

Clone the repository in your local machine:

git clone --depth 1 ~/.shell-fns

## Usage

Source `~/.shell-fns/` after setting required variables and desired
plugins in your `~/.bashrc` or `~/.zshrc` file:

export SF_EDITOR='subl'
export SF_PLUGINS=( git npm pip )

source ~/.shell-fns/

## Plugins

- [gh](/plugins/gh/)
- [gh_gist](/plugins/gh_gist/)
- [gh_issue](/plugins/gh_issue/)
- [gh_pr](/plugins/gh_pr/)
- [gh_release](/plugins/gh_release/)
- [gh_repo](/plugins/gh_repo)
- [git](/plugins/git/)
- [neovim](/plugins/neovim/)
- [npm](/plugins/npm/)
- [nvm](/plugins/nvm/)
- [nvm_win](/plugins/nvm_win/)
- [pip](/plugins/pip/)
- [pnpm](/plugins/pnpm/)
- [scoop](/plugins/scoop/)
- [vitejs](/plugins/vitejs/)
- [wezterm](/plugins/wezterm/)

## Built-in aliases

| Alias | Command |
| ----- | ------------------------------- |
| sfCf | cd ~/.shell-fns; ${SF_EDITOR} . |
| path | echo -e "${PATH//:/\\\n}" |
| mkd | mkdir -p |
| .. | cd .. |
| .1 | cd .. |
| .2 | cd ../.. |
| .3 | cd ../../.. |
| c | clear |
| zz | exit |
| rm | rm -rv |
| rmf | rm -rvf |
| cp | cp -rv |

## Global variables

These variables are required and are used by some plugins:

- `SF_EDITOR`: Editor executable name. Example: `subl`, `code`, `nvim`. It can also be editor functions of [`neovim`](/plugins/neovim/) plugin.

## Colored messages

You can print colored messages with `echo -e`:

echo -e "Message in ${RED}red color${NOCOLOR} and in ${GREEN}green color${NOCOLOR}"

Be sure to use `${NOCOLOR}` for reset color in your printed message and at the end of the message.

Available colors:

- `RED`
- `BLUE`
- `CYAN`

## Updates

If you want to update `shell-fns`, you just need to run:
