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Select text in Zsh command line using Shift, as in many text editors and GUI programs

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Select text in Zsh command line using Shift, as in many text editors and GUI programs




= Zsh Shift Select Mode
:proj-name: zsh-shift-select
:gh-name: jirutka/{proj-name}
// Enable kbd:[] macro

Emacs[shift-select mode] for Zsh – select text in the command line using kbd:[Shift] as in many text editors, browsers and other GUI programs.

This plugin does not override any existing widgets and binds only **shift**ed keys (see <>).
It creates a new `shift-select` keymap that is automatically activated when the shift selection is invoked (using any of the defined **shift**ed keys) and deactivated (the current keymap switches back to `main`) on any key that is not defined in the `shift-select` keymap.
Thanks to this approach, it does not interfere with other plugins (for example, it works with[zsh-autosuggestions] without any change).

Key bindings for moving the cursor _without_ selection (e.g. kbd:[Ctrl] + arrows, kbd:[Home] etc.) are out of scope of this plugin.footnote:[You can take inspiration from[key bindings in alpine-zsh-config].]
So is synchronization with the system clipboard.footnote:[For an example, see[clipboard integration in alpine-zsh-config].]

image::media/demo.gif[Example of using zsh-shift-select]

== Key Bindings

=== List of keys defined in the `emacs` and `shift-select` keymap:

* kbd:[Shift + Left Arrow] – select one character to the left
* kbd:[Shift + Right Arrow] – select one character to the right
* kbd:[Shift + Up Arrow] – select one line up
* kbd:[Shift + Down Arrow] – select one line down
* kbd:[Shift + Home] or kbd:[Shift + Ctrl + A] – select to the beginning of a line
* kbd:[Shift + End] or kbd:[Shift + Ctrl + E] – select to the end of a line
* kbd:[Shift + Ctrl + Left Arrow] ^<>^ – select to the beginning of a word
* kbd:[Shift + Ctrl + Right Arrow] ^<>^ – select to the end of a word
* kbd:[Shift + Ctrl + Home] ^<>^ – select to the beginning of an input buffer
* kbd:[Shift + Ctrl + End] ^<>^ – select to the end of an input buffer

[[macos, ]]
_^^ The last four actions use kbd:[Shift + Option] instead of kbd:[Shift + Ctrl] on macOS._

=== List of keys defined in the `shift-select` keymap only:

* kbd:[Delete] or kbd:[Backspace] – delete selected text

If you want to add custom key bindings to manipulate with active selection, define them in the `shift-select` keymap (`bindkey -M shift-select ...`).

TIP: You can use default kbd:[Alt + W] or kbd:[Ctrl + W] key bindings to copy (`copy-region-as-kill`) or cut (`backward-kill-word`) selected text to the “kill buffer”, and kbd:[Ctrl + Y] to paste (`yank`) the contents of the “kill buffer”.

== Terminals Compatibility

Some keys may not work in your terminal by default.
To find out if this is the case, run `cat` (without any arguments) in your terminal and press the key sequence in question.
If nothing is printed, it means that your terminal or operating system has intercepted the key sequence.

This plugin has been tested in the following terminals:

| Terminal | State

| Alacritty | ✔️ works out-of-box
| Kitty | ⚙️ kbd:[Shift + Ctrl] doesn’t work out-of-box, apply <>
| WezTerm | ⚙️ kbd:[Shift + Ctrl + arrows] doesn’t work out-of-box, apply <>

=== Kitty[Kitty] uses kbd:[Shift + Ctrl] as the modifier for all its shortcuts ([kitty_mod]) by default.
Add the following snippet to your `kitty.conf` to unmap the key strokes used by this plugin.

# Don't intercept the following key strokes to make zsh-shift-select work.
map ctrl+shift+left no_op
map ctrl+shift+right no_op
map ctrl+shift+home no_op
map ctrl+shift+end no_op

=== WezTerm[WezTerm] uses kbd:[Shift + Ctrl + Left Arrow] and kbd:[Shift + Ctrl + Right Arrow] to activate a pane in the left and right direction, respectively (see[Default Key Assignments] in the docs).
If you want to use these keys in Zsh instead, you can disable the default assignments in your `wezterm.lua`:

[source, lua]
return {
keys = {
{ key = 'LeftArrow', mods = 'CTRL|SHIFT', action = 'DisableDefaultAssignment' },
{ key = 'RightArrow', mods = 'CTRL|SHIFT', action = 'DisableDefaultAssignment' },

== Installation

=== Using sheldon

If you use[sheldon] plugin manager, run the following command:

[source, sh, subs="+attributes"]
sheldon add {proj-name} --github {gh-name}

=== Using zgenom

If you use[zgenom] (successor of[zgen]) plugin manager, add `zgenom load "{gh-name}"` to your `.zshrc`.

=== Using Oh My Zsh

If you use[Oh My Zsh] framework:

. Clone this repository into `$ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins` (by default `~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins`):
[source, sh, subs="+attributes"]
git clone{gh-name}.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/{proj-name}

. Add the plugin to the list of plugins for Oh My Zsh to load (inside `$ZDOTDIR/.zshrc`, by default `~/.zshrc`):
[source, sh, subs="+attributes"]
# other plugins...

. Start a new terminal session.

=== On Alpine Linux

If you use[Alpine Linux] v3.16+ or Edge, you can install {proj-name} via `apk` and load it using the plugin loader provided in the default Zsh configuration on Alpine (see `/etc/zsh/zshrc`).

. Install {proj-name} package (as root).
[source, sh, subs="+attributes"]
apk add {proj-name}

. Symlink {proj-name} plugin to your Zsh plugins directory footnote:[Alternatively, you can add `ZSH_LOAD_SYSTEM_PLUGINS=yes` to your `.zshenv` to automatically load all Zsh plugins installed from Alpine packages.]:
[source, sh, subs="+attributes"]
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/zsh/plugins
ln -s /usr/share/zsh/plugins/{proj-name} ~/.local/share/zsh/plugins/

=== Manually (Git Clone)
:plugin-dir: ~/.local/share/zsh/plugins/{proj-name}

. Clone this repository somewhere on your machine. This guide will assume `{plugin-dir}`.
[source, sh, subs="+attributes"]
git clone{gh-name} {plugin-dir}

. Add the following to your `$ZDOTDIR/.zshrc` (by default `~/.zshrc`):
[source, sh, subs="+attributes"]
source {plugin-dir}/{proj-name}.plugin.zsh

. Start a new terminal session.

== References

*[Zsh zle shift selection – StackOverflow] (the first inspiration, but the used approach is different)
*[Zsh Line Editor]

== License

This project is licensed under[MIT License].
For the full text of the license, see the link:LICENSE[LICENSE] file.