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Zsh plugin for Symfony

symfony zsh-plugin

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Zsh plugin for Symfony




# symfony.plugin.zsh


A zsh plugin for the [Symfony]( PHP framework.

## Features

* Usefull commands and shortcuts;
* Symfony's [commands]( and options autocompletion;
* Autocompletion for [Symfony CLI](;
* [Docker]( and [DDEV]( support;
* Works with [Laravel](#laravel) or any other similar PHP framework.

## Installation

If you need an autocompletion, please, install [symfony-complete.plugin.zsh]( first.

### [Antigen](

antigen bundle voronkovich/symfony.plugin.zsh
### [Zplug](

zplug "voronkovich/symfony.plugin.zsh"

### [Oh My Zsh](

git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/symfony

Edit `.zshrc` to enable the plugin:

plugins=(... symfony)

### Manual

Clone this repo and add this into your `.zshrc`:

source path/to/cloned/repo/symfony.plugin.zsh

## Usage

This plugin provides some usefull commands and shortcuts:

* `sf` is used for running Symfony's [console commands]( e.g. `sf debug:router`, `sf c:c` and etc. But it also has some special subcommands:
- `serve` runs a development web server. Depending on configuration it will use `docker compose up`, `symfony serve`, `ddev start` or `php -S`
- `status` shows status (web server, containers and etc.);
- `stop` stops a development web server;
- `run` runs a program with environment depending on the current context (current machine, `symfony run`, `ddev`, `docker` and etc.);
- `php` runs a PHP (version depends on project's configuration);
- `composer` runs a [Composer](;
- `phpunit` runs a [PHPUnit](;
- `phive` runs a [PHIVE](;
- `psql` runs a [psql]( PostgreSQL client;
- `open` opens a local project in a browser;
- `mails` opens a local project mail catcher web interface in a browser;
* `sfnew` creates new Symfony project. It's just a shortcut for `symfony new`;
* `sfservice` shows a service definition. It has an autocompletion for services ids;
* `sfroute` shows a route definition. It has autocompletion for routes names;
* `sfconfig` shows a container extensions configuration. It has autocompletion for extensions names;

## Containers support (Docker/DDEV and etc.)

If you run your app inside a [Docker]( container, you'll probably need to configure a "runner": a command that executes another commands. You can do it by setting a special `SF_RUNNER` environment variable. Just place it in your `.zshrc` or in a local `.env` or `.env.local` files inside of your project's root:

# "symfony" is a service name in a `docker-compose.yml`
SF_RUNNER="docker-compose exec symfony --"

But, if you use a [DDEV]( or a [dunglas/symfony-docker]( you don't need to configure anything. All works out of the box.

## Configuration

The `sf` command can be configured via following environment variables:

- `SF_CONSOLE`: sets the console binary

**Allowed values**: any valid path to binary file

**Default:** "bin/console"

# Yes, you can use this plugin with the Laravel too
export SF_CONSOLE="artisan"

- `SF_RUNNER`: sets command runner

**Allowed values**: any valid command

**Default:** configured automatically

export SF_RUNNER="docker-compose exec -- laravel.test"

- `SF_DDEV`: enables/disables DDEV autodetection.

**Allowed values:** "on", "off"

**Default:** "on"

When enabled `sf` will check project's folder for existence of `.ddev` directory and configure runner to use `ddev exec`

# Disable DDEV detection
export SF_DDEV=off

- `SF_DOCKER` enbales/disables Docker autodetection

**Allowed values:** "on", "off"

**Default:** "on"

When enabled `sf` will try to detect a proper runner from a `docker-compose.yml` or `docker-compose.yaml` files. If the file exists, `sf` will try to find common service names: `php` and `app` and automatically configure runner e.g. `docker compose exec php --`

# Disable Docker detection
export SF_DOCKER=off

- `SF_SYMFONY_CLI` enbales/disables [Symfony CLI]( usage

**Allowed values:** "on", "off"

**Default:** "on"

When enabled `sf` will try to detect if [Symfony CLI]( installed and use it as the runner instead of local `php`

# Disable Symfony CLI
export SF_SYMFONY_CLI=off

- `SF_LOCAL` enbales/disables local runner

**Allowed values:** "on", "off"

**Default:** "on"

When enabled `sf` will use a default system php installation as a fallback

# Disable local
export SF_LOCAL=off

You can put the configuration in your global `.zshrc` file or in a local `.env` or `.env.local` files inside of your project's root.

## Laravel

BTW, you can use this plugin with the [Laravel]( :). To do this, just create a wrapper function in your `.zshrc` with configuration like this (in this example I use [Sail](

artisan() {
SF_CONSOLE='artisan' SF_RUNNER='docker-compose exec -- laravel.test' sf "$@"

compdef _sf artisan

## ASCII movie


## License

Copyright (c) Voronkovich Oleg. Distributed under the MIT.