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Oh My ZSH plugin to use your Yubikey stored GPG keys from WSL

gpg oh-my-zsh oh-my-zsh-plugin wsl2 yubikey zsh zsh-plugins

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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Oh My ZSH plugin to use your Yubikey stored GPG keys from WSL




# wsl2-ssh-pageant-oh-my-zsh-plugin

[oh-my-zsh plugin]( to use your
Yubikey stored GPG keys from WSL.

This plugin implements the instructions of the
[wsl2-ssh-pageant repo]( as a
oh-my-zsh plugin.

To create your certificate and keys, the most comprehensive guide is probably
the [YubiKey Guide]( from drduh. In this
guide you will find information on how to backup properly your private keys.
However, the WSL part is for WSL 1.

[This other guide](
on Medium is specific to Windows and contains a section on WSL2.

This plugins avoids adding code to your `~/.zshrc` file when you're using
`oh-my-zsh` on WSL.

## Install

Create a new directory in `$ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins` called `wsl2-ssh-pageant` and
clone this repo into that directory. Note: it must be named `wsl2-ssh-pageant`
or oh-my-zsh won't recognize that it is a valid plugin directory.

git clone --depth 1 $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/wsl2-ssh-pageant

## Usage

Add `wsl2-ssh-pageant` to the `plugins=()` list in your `~/.zshrc` file and
you're done.