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zfzf is a fzf-based file picker for zsh which allows you to quickly navigate the directory hierarchy

directory-traversal file-picker fzf fzf-scripts linux shell term terminal zsh zsh-functions zsh-plugin

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

zfzf is a fzf-based file picker for zsh which allows you to quickly navigate the directory hierarchy




# zfzf [![version](]( [![license: MIT](](

> Zsh + fzf

## Demo

![demonstration screencast](

## Install

# zinit
zinit light b0o/zfzf

## Usage

zfzf can work in three ways:

- as a standalone utlity by running the `zfzf` command
- as a ZLE (zsh line editor) plugin via a keyboard shortcut
- as a Zsh completion for file paths (experimental and buggy)

### As a standalone utility

zfzf can be invoked by running the `zfzf` command and optionally passing a path
as the first argument. The result will be printed to stdout.

### As a ZLE plugin

By default, zfzf is mapped to `Alt-period`. If your cursor is adjacent to any
non-whitespace text when you trigger zfzf, it will attempt to interpret that
text as a path.

### As a Zsh completion function

If you would like to use zfzf to complete filenames when you press tab, you
should call the `enable-zfzf-tab` function in your `.zshrc`.

If you use other completion plugins like fzf-tab, you should call
`enable-zfzf-tab` after all other plugins have been loaded and enabled,
otherwise another plugin may override zfzf.

You can later call `disable-zfzf-tab` to restore the prior completion function.


zfzf v0.2.0

zfzf is a fzf-based file picker for zsh which allows you to easily navigate the
directory hierarchy and pick files using keybindings.

zfzf can be used as a standalone program, as an explicit zle widget, and as a
file path completion. By default, zfzf can be explicitly triggered with Alt-.
(this is configurable with the ZFZF_ZSH_BINDING option).

If you would like to use zfzf as your file completion when you press tab, you
should call the enable-zfzf-tab function in your .zshrc. If you use other
completion plugins like fzf-tab, you should call enable-zfzf-tab after all
other plugins have been loaded and enabled. You can later call disable-zfzf-tab
to restore the prior completion function.

Configuration Options
Environment Variable Default Value

When enabled, files and previews will be colorized.

When enabled, the focused item will be displayed in the fzf preview window.

When enabled, display '.' and '..' at the top of the file listing.

Sets the keybinding sequence used to trigger zfzf. If set to the empty
string, zfzf will not be bound. You can create a keybinding yourself by
binding to the zfzf zle widget. See zshzle(1) for more information on key

These options control zfzf's use of non-standard programs. Valid values
- 0: Disable program
- 1: Enable program (Force)
- 2: Enable program (Optional)
If the value 2 is used, the program will be enabled only if it is found in
the PATH or if its path is explicitly specified as described below.

These options allow paths to non-standard programs to be manually

Default Key Bindings

return accept final
alt-return accept final (return absolute path)
esc escape
ctrl-g escape (return absolute path)
alt-o accept query
ctrl-d accept query final
alt-P append query
ctrl-o replace query
alt-i descend into directory or accept file
alt-. descend into directory or accept file
alt-u ascend into parent directory
alt-> ascend into parent directory
alt-U ascend to next existing ancestor



- [ ] configurable options
- [ ] fzf key bindings
- [ ] sorting
- [ ] filtering
- [x] color
- [ ] fzf options

## License

© 2021 Maddison Hellstrom

Released under the MIT License.