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Unmaintained mirror of zinit-zsh/z-a-patch-dl

zinit zinit-annex zsh

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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Unmaintained mirror of zinit-zsh/z-a-patch-dl




# zinit-annex-patch-dl

A Zinit extension (i.e., an [annex]( that downloads files and
applies patches. It adds two ice modifiers:

zinit ice dl'{URL} [-> {optional-output-file-name}]; …' …


zinit ice patch'{file-name-with-the-patch-to-apply}; …' …

The Zinit annex (i.e., an extension) will:

- Download the given `{URL}` under the path `{optional-output-file-name}` (if no file name is given, then it is taken
from the last segment of the URL) in case of the `dl''` ice-mod,
- Apply a patch given by the `{file-name-with-the-patch-to-apply}` in case of the `patch''` ice-mod.

You can use this functionality to download and apply patches. For example, to install `fbterm`, two patches are being
needed, one to fix the operation, the other one to fix the build:

zinit ice \
as"command" \
atclone"./configure --prefix=$ZPFX" \
atpull"%atclone" \
dl"" \
dl" -> ins.patch" \
make"install" \
patch"ins.patch; 0001-Fix-build-with-gcc-6.patch" \
pick"$ZPFX/bin/fbterm" \

zinit load izmntuk/fbterm

This command will result in:

![fbterm example](

## Installation

Run the following command to add the annex to Zinit:

zinit light zdharma-continuum/zinit-annex-patch-dl

After executing this command, you can use the `dl''` and `patch''` ice-mods.