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A plugin to alert you when a long-running command has finished

alert plugin zsh

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

A plugin to alert you when a long-running command has finished




# zlong_alert.zsh

`zlong_alert.zsh` will send a desktop notification and sound a
[bell]( to alert you when a
command that has taken a long time (default: 15 seconds) has completed.

Desktop notifications are sent using `notify-send` on Linux and using [`alerter`]( on MacOS.


## Installation

### Pre-requisite for MacOS only

Ensure that you downloaded the alerter binary from [here](, have placed it in your PATH, and given the file executable permissions before continuing with any of the installation methods.

### zplug

zplug "kevinywlui/zlong_alert.zsh"

### Oh My Zsh

1. Download the plugin

a. Clone into `$ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zlong_alert`.


b. if on archlinux you can use this [aur]( package

2. Add `zlong_alert` to `plugins` in `.zshrc`.

### Zim

Add in your `~/.zimrc`:
zmodule "kevinywlui/zlong_alert.zsh" --name zlong_alert

### Manual

This script just needs to be sourced so add this to your `.zshrc`:
source /path/to/zlong_alert.zsh


## Configuration

There are 7 variables you can set that will alter the behavior this script.

- `zlong_duration` (default: `15`): number of seconds that is considered a long duration.
- `zlong_ignore_cmds` (default: `"vim ssh"`): commands to ignore (do not notify).
- `zlong_ignore_pfxs` (default: `"sudo time"`): prefixes to ignore (consider command in argument).
- `zlong_send_notifications` (default: `true`): whether to send notifications.
- `zlong_terminal_bell` (default: `true`): whether to enable the terminal bell.
- `zlong_ignorespace` (default: `false`): whether to ignore commands with a leading space
- `zlong_message` (default: `'"Done: $cmd Time: $ftime"'`): define a custom message to display

For example, adding the following anywhere in your `.zshrc`
zlong_ignore_cmds="vim ssh pacman yay"
will alert you, without sending a notification, if a command has lasted for more
than 2 seconds, provided that the command does not start with any of `vim ssh
pacman yay`.

### zlong_message

`zlong_message` requires very specific syntax in order to function correctly.
Arguments passed must be wrapped in single quotes and then doubles quotes in order
for the variables to be passed in correctly to the evaluation function. Currently,
the variables `$cmd` and `$ftime` are available to be included in your `zlong_message`
definition. Some notification clients (i.e. notify-send) allow both a heading and
a body message to be passed. Examples of how to do so are below:

zlong_message='"Done: $cmd Time: $ftime"'
zlong_message='"Finished ($ftime)" "$cmd"'

## Changelog


## Credit

This script is the result of me trying to understand and emulate this gist:
My version fixes some things
(possibly bugs?) that I did not like about the original version.