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Human: AI-powered 3D Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Body Pose Tracking, 3D Hand & Finger Tracking, Iris Analysis, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction, Gaze Tracking, Gesture Recognition

age-estimation body-segmentation body-tracking emotion-detection face-detection face-matching face-mesh face-position face-recognition faceid gaze-tracking gender-prediction gesture-recognition hand-tracking iris-tracking tensorflowjs tfjs

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Human: AI-powered 3D Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Body Pose Tracking, 3D Hand & Finger Tracking, Iris Analysis, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction, Gaze Tracking, Gesture Recognition




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# Human Library

**AI-powered 3D Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition,**
**Body Pose Tracking, 3D Hand & Finger Tracking, Iris Analysis,**
**Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction, Gaze Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Body Segmentation**

## Highlights

- Compatible with most server-side and client-side environments and frameworks
- Combines multiple machine learning models which can be switched on-demand depending on the use-case
- Related models are executed in an attention pipeline to provide details when needed
- Optimized input pre-processing that can enhance image quality of any type of inputs
- Detection of frame changes to trigger only required models for improved performance
- Intelligent temporal interpolation to provide smooth results regardless of processing performance
- Simple unified API
- Built-in Image, Video and WebCam handling

[*Jump to Quick Start*](#quick-start)

## Compatibility

- **Browser**:
Compatible with both desktop and mobile platforms
Compatible with *CPU*, *WebGL*, *WASM* backends
Compatible with *WebWorker* execution
Compatible with *WebView*
- **NodeJS**:
Compatibile with *WASM* backend for executions on architectures where *tensorflow* binaries are not available
Compatible with *tfjs-node* using software execution via *tensorflow* shared libraries
Compatible with *tfjs-node* using GPU-accelerated execution via *tensorflow* shared libraries and nVidia CUDA

## Releases
- [Release Notes](
- [NPM Link](
## Demos

*Check out [**Simple Live Demo**]( fully annotated app as a good start starting point ([html]([code](*

*Check out [**Main Live Demo**]( app for advanced processing of of webcam, video stream or images static images with all possible tunable options*

- To start video detection, simply press *Play*
- To process images, simply drag & drop in your Browser window
- Note: For optimal performance, select only models you'd like to use
- Note: If you have modern GPU, *WebGL* (default) backend is preferred, otherwise select *WASM* backend

- [**List of all Demo applications**](
- [**Live Examples galery**](

### Browser Demos

*All browser demos are self-contained without any external dependencies*

- **Full** [[*Live*]]( [[*Details*]]( Main browser demo app that showcases all Human capabilities
- **Simple** [[*Live*]]( [[*Details*]]( Simple demo in WebCam processing demo in TypeScript
- **Embedded** [[*Live*]]( [[*Details*]]( Even simpler demo with tiny code embedded in HTML file
- **Face Detect** [[*Live*]]( [[*Details*]]( Extract faces from images and processes details
- **Face Match** [[*Live*]]( [[*Details*]]( Extract faces from images, calculates face descriptors and similarities and matches them to known database
- **Face ID** [[*Live*]]( [[*Details*]]( Runs multiple checks to validate webcam input before performing face match to faces in IndexDB
- **Multi-thread** [[*Live*]]( [[*Details*]]( Runs each Human module in a separate web worker for highest possible performance
- **NextJS** [[*Live*]]( [[*Details*]]( Use Human with TypeScript, NextJS and ReactJS
- **ElectronJS** [[*Details*]]( Use Human with TypeScript and ElectonJS to create standalone cross-platform apps
- **3D Analysis with BabylonJS** [[*Live*]]( [[*Details*]]( 3D tracking and visualization of heead, face, eye, body and hand
- **VRM Virtual Model Tracking with Three.JS** [[*Live*]]( [[*Details*]]( VR model with head, face, eye, body and hand tracking
- **VRM Virtual Model Tracking with BabylonJS** [[*Live*]]( [[*Details*]]( VR model with head, face, eye, body and hand tracking

### NodeJS Demos

*NodeJS demos may require extra dependencies which are used to decode inputs*
*See header of each demo to see its dependencies as they are not automatically installed with `Human`*

- **Main** [[*Details*]]( Process images from files, folders or URLs using native methods
- **Canvas** [[*Details*]]( Process image from file or URL and draw results to a new image file using `node-canvas`
- **Video** [[*Details*]]( Processing of video input using `ffmpeg`
- **WebCam** [[*Details*]]( Processing of webcam screenshots using `fswebcam`
- **Events** [[*Details*]]( Showcases usage of `Human` eventing to get notifications on processing
- **Similarity** [[*Details*]]( Compares two input images for similarity of detected faces
- **Face Match** [[*Details*]]( Parallel processing of face **match** in multiple child worker threads
- **Multiple Workers** [[*Details*]]( Runs multiple parallel `human` by dispaching them to pool of pre-created worker processes
- **Dynamic Load** [[*Details*]]( Loads Human dynamically with multiple different desired backends

## Project pages

- [**Code Repository**](
- [**NPM Package**](
- [**Issues Tracker**](
- [**TypeDoc API Specification - Main class**](
- [**TypeDoc API Specification - Full**](
- [**Change Log**](
- [**Current To-do List**](

## Wiki pages

- [**Home**](
- [**Installation**](
- [**Usage & Functions**](
- [**Configuration Details**](
- [**Result Details**](
- [**Customizing Draw Methods**](
- [**Caching & Smoothing**](
- [**Input Processing**](
- [**Face Recognition & Face Description**](
- [**Gesture Recognition**](
- [**Common Issues**](
- [**Background and Benchmarks**](

## Additional notes

- [**Comparing Backends**](
- [**Development Server**](
- [**Build Process**](
- [**Adding Custom Modules**](
- [**Performance Notes**](
- [**Performance Profiling**](
- [**Platform Support**](
- [**Diagnostic and Performance trace information**](
- [**Dockerize Human applications**](
- [**List of Models & Credits**](
- [**Models Download Repository**](
- [**Security & Privacy Policy**](
- [**License & Usage Restrictions**](

*See [**issues**]( and [**discussions**]( for list of known limitations and planned enhancements*

*Suggestions are welcome!*

## App Examples

Visit [Examples gallery]( for more examples

## Options

All options as presented in the demo application...

**Results Browser:**
[ *Demo -> Display -> Show Results* ]


## Advanced Examples

1. **Face Similarity Matching:**
Extracts all faces from provided input images,
sorts them by similarity to selected face
and optionally matches detected face with database of known people to guess their names
> [demo/facematch](demo/facematch/index.html)


2. **Face Detect:**
Extracts all detect faces from loaded images on-demand and highlights face details on a selected face
> [demo/facedetect](demo/facedetect/index.html)


3. **Face ID:**
Performs validation check on a webcam input to detect a real face and matches it to known faces stored in database
> [demo/faceid](demo/faceid/index.html)


4. **3D Rendering:**
> [human-motion](


5. **VR Model Tracking:**
> [human-three-vrm](
> [human-bjs-vrm](


6. **Human as OS native application:**
> [human-electron](

**468-Point Face Mesh Defails:**
(view in full resolution to see keypoints)


## Quick Start

Simply load `Human` (*IIFE version*) directly from a cloud CDN in your HTML file:
(pick one: `jsdelirv`, `unpkg` or `cdnjs`)



For details, including how to use `Browser ESM` version or `NodeJS` version of `Human`, see [**Installation**](

## Code Examples

Simple app that uses Human to process video input and
draw output on screen using internal draw helper functions

// create instance of human with simple configuration using default values
const config = { backend: 'webgl' };
const human = new Human.Human(config);
// select input HTMLVideoElement and output HTMLCanvasElement from page
const inputVideo = document.getElementById('video-id');
const outputCanvas = document.getElementById('canvas-id');

function detectVideo() {
// perform processing using default configuration
human.detect(inputVideo).then((result) => {
// result object will contain detected details
// as well as the processed canvas itself
// so lets first draw processed frame on canvas
human.draw.canvas(result.canvas, outputCanvas);
// then draw results on the same canvas
human.draw.face(outputCanvas, result.face);
human.draw.body(outputCanvas, result.body);
human.draw.hand(outputCanvas, result.hand);
human.draw.gesture(outputCanvas, result.gesture);
// and loop immediate to the next frame
return result;


or using `async/await`:

// create instance of human with simple configuration using default values
const config = { backend: 'webgl' };
const human = new Human(config); // create instance of Human
const inputVideo = document.getElementById('video-id');
const outputCanvas = document.getElementById('canvas-id');

async function detectVideo() {
const result = await human.detect(inputVideo); // run detection
human.draw.all(outputCanvas, result); // draw all results
requestAnimationFrame(detectVideo); // run loop

detectVideo(); // start loop

or using `Events`:

// create instance of human with simple configuration using default values
const config = { backend: 'webgl' };
const human = new Human(config); // create instance of Human
const inputVideo = document.getElementById('video-id');
const outputCanvas = document.getElementById('canvas-id');'detect', () => { // event gets triggered when detect is complete
human.draw.all(outputCanvas, human.result); // draw all results

function detectVideo() {
human.detect(inputVideo) // run detection
.then(() => requestAnimationFrame(detectVideo)); // upon detect complete start processing of the next frame

detectVideo(); // start loop

or using interpolated results for smooth video processing by separating detection and drawing loops:

const human = new Human(); // create instance of Human
const inputVideo = document.getElementById('video-id');
const outputCanvas = document.getElementById('canvas-id');
let result;

async function detectVideo() {
result = await human.detect(inputVideo); // run detection
requestAnimationFrame(detectVideo); // run detect loop

async function drawVideo() {
if (result) { // check if result is available
const interpolated =; // get smoothened result using last-known results
human.draw.all(outputCanvas, interpolated); // draw the frame
requestAnimationFrame(drawVideo); // run draw loop

detectVideo(); // start detection loop
drawVideo(); // start draw loop

or same, but using built-in full video processing instead of running manual frame-by-frame loop:

const human = new Human(); // create instance of Human
const inputVideo = document.getElementById('video-id');
const outputCanvas = document.getElementById('canvas-id');

async function drawResults() {
const interpolated =; // get smoothened result using last-known results
human.draw.all(outputCanvas, interpolated); // draw the frame
requestAnimationFrame(drawResults); // run draw loop
}; // start detection loop which continously updates results
drawResults(); // start draw loop

or using built-in webcam helper methods that take care of video handling completely:

const human = new Human(); // create instance of Human
const outputCanvas = document.getElementById('canvas-id');

async function drawResults() {
const interpolated =; // get smoothened result using last-known results
human.draw.canvas(outputCanvas,; // draw current webcam frame
human.draw.all(outputCanvas, interpolated); // draw the frame detectgion results
requestAnimationFrame(drawResults); // run draw loop

await{ crop: true });; // start detection loop which continously updates results
drawResults(); // start draw loop

And for even better results, you can run detection in a separate web worker thread

## Inputs

`Human` library can process all known input types:

- `Image`, `ImageData`, `ImageBitmap`, `Canvas`, `OffscreenCanvas`, `Tensor`,
- `HTMLImageElement`, `HTMLCanvasElement`, `HTMLVideoElement`, `HTMLMediaElement`

Additionally, `HTMLVideoElement`, `HTMLMediaElement` can be a standard `` tag that links to:

- WebCam on user's system
- Any supported video type
e.g. `.mp4`, `.avi`, etc.
- Additional video types supported via *HTML5 Media Source Extensions*
e.g.: **HLS** (*HTTP Live Streaming*) using `hls.js` or **DASH** (*Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP*) using `dash.js`
- **WebRTC** media track using built-in support

## Detailed Usage

- [**Wiki Home**](
- [**List of all available methods, properies and namespaces**](
- [**TypeDoc API Specification - Main class**](
- [**TypeDoc API Specification - Full**](


## TypeDefs

`Human` is written using TypeScript strong typing and ships with full **TypeDefs** for all classes defined by the library bundled in `types/human.d.ts` and enabled by default

*Note*: This does not include embedded `tfjs`
If you want to use embedded `tfjs` inside `Human` (`` namespace) and still full **typedefs**, add this code:

> import type * as tfjs from '@vladmandic/human/dist/tfjs.esm';
> const tf = as typeof tfjs;

This is not enabled by default as `Human` does not ship with full **TFJS TypeDefs** due to size considerations
Enabling `tfjs` TypeDefs as above creates additional project (dev-only as only types are required) dependencies as defined in `@vladmandic/human/dist/tfjs.esm.d.ts`:

> @tensorflow/tfjs-core, @tensorflow/tfjs-converter, @tensorflow/tfjs-backend-wasm, @tensorflow/tfjs-backend-webgl

## Default models

Default models in Human library are:

- **Face Detection**: *MediaPipe BlazeFace Back variation*
- **Face Mesh**: *MediaPipe FaceMesh*
- **Face Iris Analysis**: *MediaPipe Iris*
- **Face Description**: *HSE FaceRes*
- **Emotion Detection**: *Oarriaga Emotion*
- **Body Analysis**: *MoveNet Lightning variation*
- **Hand Analysis**: *HandTrack & MediaPipe HandLandmarks*
- **Body Segmentation**: *Google Selfie*
- **Object Detection**: *CenterNet with MobileNet v3*

Note that alternative models are provided and can be enabled via configuration
For example, body pose detection by default uses *MoveNet Lightning*, but can be switched to *MultiNet Thunder* for higher precision or *Multinet MultiPose* for multi-person detection or even *PoseNet*, *BlazePose* or *EfficientPose* depending on the use case

For more info, see [**Configuration Details**]( and [**List of Models**](

## Diagnostics

- [How to get diagnostic information or performance trace information](

`Human` library is written in [TypeScript]( **5.1** using [TensorFlow/JS]( **4.10** and conforming to latest `JavaScript` [ECMAScript version 2022]( standard

Build target for distributables is `JavaScript` [EMCAScript version 2018](

For details see [**Wiki Pages**](
and [**API Specification**](

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