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An Ada 2012 library for document container files

ada archiving dcf dcf-ada zip

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An Ada 2012 library for document container files




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# dcf-ada

An Ada 2012 library for document container files, a Zip-based archive files
with some limitations:

* Only the "store" (uncompressed) and "deflate" ([RFC 1951][url-deflate])
compression methods can be used

* Archives cannot be encrypted or contain digital signatures

* Archives cannot be split into multiple files

This library is based on the [Zip-Ada][url-zip-ada] library, with extensive

* Binary and Windows-specific files have been removed with [The BFG Repo Cleaner][url-bfg]

* Reformatted code to Ada default style guide

* Removed obsolescent features and implementation-defined extensions

* All packages except one that uses `Ada.Calendar` are preelaborated

* Removed unneeded features

* Removed lots of duplicated code and simplified the API, reducing SLOC from 12k to 4.5k

## Usage

Before the archived files in a document container file can be queried
or extracted, the archive first needs to be opened and loaded:

Archive_Stream : aliased DCF.Streams.File_Zipstream := DCF.Streams.Open (Archive_Name);
Info : DCF.Zip.Zip_Info;

Then load the archive by calling `DCF.Zip.Load (Info, Archive_Stream)`.
While the `Info` and `Archive_Stream` objects are in scope, the files
can be visited in order to extract them.

### Visiting archived files in a document container file

Files can be extracted by visiting over all the archived files in the
archive and then extracting each of them:

procedure Visit_File (File : DCF.Zip.Archived_File) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Visiting " & File.Name);
end Visit_File;

procedure Visit_All_Files is new DCF.Zip.Traverse (Visit_File);
procedure Visit_One_File is new DCF.Zip.Traverse_One_File (Visit_File);

Call `Visit_All_Files (Info)` to visit all files. To extract a single
file, call `Visit_One_File (Info, "my-file.txt")` instead.

### Querying an archived file

A `File` object of type `Archived_File` can be queried:

* `Name` returns the name (path) of the file

* `Compressed_Size` gives the compressed size

* `Uncompressed_Size` gives the uncompressed size

* `Date_Time` returns the modification date and time

* `Compressed` returns True if compressed with the "deflate" algorithm
and False if stored uncompressed

* `Encrypted` returns True if the file is encrypted and False otherwise.
Note that encryption is prohibited and not supported, thus these files
cannot be decrypted and extracted

* `CRC_32` returns the CRC code. This number can be printed with

### Extracting an archived file

While visiting an archived file, the file can be extracted using a
`Stream_Writer` object. First create the file and then write to it:

File_Stream : aliased DCF.Streams.File_Zipstream := DCF.Streams.Create (File.Name);
Stream_Writer : DCF.Unzip.Streams.Stream_Writer (File_Stream'Access);
(Destination => Stream_Writer,
Archive_Info => Info,
File => File,
Verify_Integrity => False);

If you want to extract to a `Stream_Element_Array`, use `DCF.Streams.Array_Zipstream`:

Byte_Stream : aliased DCF.Streams.Array_Zipstream (My_Element_Array'Access);
Stream_Writer : DCF.Unzip.Streams.Stream_Writer (Byte_Stream'Access);

If you want to verify the integrity of the file without extracting it, set
`Verify_Integrity` to `True` and use `null` in the discriminant of `Stream_Writer`.

Note that you should verify that `File.Name` is a valid path and sanitize
it before attempting to create and write to the file.

## Dependencies

In order to build the library, you need to have:

* An Ada 2012 compiler

* [Alire][url-alire] and `make`

## Using the library

Use the library in your crates as follows:

alr with dcf

## Installing the tools

Some tools to compress or decompress document container files can be build with:

$ make
$ make PREFIX=~/.local install

## Thanks

Much thanks to @zertovitch for the Zip-Ada project.

## Contributing

Please read the [contributing guidelines][url-contributing] before opening
issues or pull requests.

## License

This library is distributed under the terms of the [MIT License][url-mit].
The first line of each Ada file should contain an SPDX license identifier
tag that refers to this license:

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

[url-contributing]: /