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🍀 a configurable theme for zsh


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🍀 a configurable theme for zsh




# Clover

🍀 a configurable theme for [zsh], inspired by [zeta-zsh-theme] and [pure].



- Highlights environment changes

Username and host changes the style for special environments: root, remote, container

- Async VCS status

Background process, don't blocks your workflow

- Execution time

Show human readable execution time for long run command

- Python

Virtualenv prompt is included

- Show the error

Prompt indicator changes whether the last run success (🍀/đŸ”Ĩ)

- Configurable

Read the configuration section below

## Installation

#### [oh-my-zsh](

clone this repo into `$ZSH_CUSTOM`:

cd ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-"~/.oh-my-zsh/custom"}/themes
git clone [email protected]:tzing/clover.zsh-theme.git clover

then change the theme:


#### [zinit](

zinit light tzing/clover.zsh-theme

#### Manual

clone this repo to somewhere you like:

git clone [email protected]:tzing/clover.zsh-theme.git

and source the main script in your `.zshrc`

source /clover.zsh-theme

## Configurations

This theme reads the configurations from [`zstyle`]. All context name must be prefixed with `:prompt:clover:`. Styles are always configurable, and for some components you could also customized the symbols.

Here's a disgram that shows context names:

┌---------------------------------------------------------------------------- user
| ┌----------------------------------------------------------------------- host
| | ┌------------------------------------------------------------- path
| | | ┌----------------------------------------- vcs:branch
| | | | ┌---------------------------------- vcs:status (read details below)
| | | | | ┌------------------- execution-time
| | | | | | ┌-------------- current-time
# user@hostname: ~/clover.zsh-theme 10s (12:00:00 +0800)
(.venv) 🍀
| └----------------------------------------------------------------------- prompt
└------------------------------------------------------------------------------ venv



Run zstyle command with the key `style`. And the value could be the [visual effect] expresssion in zsh prompt expansion.

[visual effect]:

An example of setting the path to bold cyan:

zstyle :prompt:clover:path style '%B%F{cyan}'


Use key `symbol` for customization. For example, setting VCS staged info to literally the text ``:

zstyle :prompt:clover:vcs:status:staged style ''

| context name | usage | default style | default symbol |
| ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `current-time` | Current time | blue | *(not supported)* |
| `execution-time` | Last execution time | 242 | *(not supported)* |
| `host:container` | Host name when it is inside a container | bold white text in magenta bg | *(not supported)* |
| `host:default` | Host name | bold cyan | *(not supported)* |
| `host:remote` | Host name when it is remote session | bold white text in blue bg | *(not supported)* |
| `path` | Current path | bold yellow | *(not supported)* |
| `prompt:default` | Prompt color | green | 🍀 |
| `prompt:fail` | Prompt color when last run failed | red | đŸ”Ĩ |
| `user:default` | User name | bold green | *(not supported)* |
| `user:root` | User name when current user is `root` | bold green | *(not supported)* |
| `vcs:action` | Current action in VCS | red | *(not supported)* |
| `vcs:branch` | Current branch name | bold blue | *(not supported)* |
| `vcs:status:ahead` | [Git only] Current branch is ahead of remote | cyan | ⇡ |
| `vcs:status:behind` | [Git only] Current branch is behind of remote | magenta | â‡Ŗ |
| `vcs:status:clean` | [Git only] Work tree is clean | green | ✔ |
| `vcs:status:diverge` | [Git only] Diverged changes found | red | ⇕ |
| `vcs:status:staged` | Found staged changes in current repo | green | ≡ |
| `vcs:status:unstaged` | Found unstaged changes in current repo | magenta | ✱ |
| `vcs:status:untracked` | [Git only] Found untracked file | 242 | ? |
| `virtualenv` | Python [virtualenv] prompt prefix | 242 | *(not supported)* |


> **Note**
> VCS information (`:prompt:clover:vcs:*`) are evaluated in background process, which is forked in first [precmd] run.
> Runtime zstyle settings will not take effect. But you could still change the style in `.zshrc`.
> [precmd]:

### Others

There are some other settings could be changed through `zstyle` too:

| context name | key | usage | default |
| ---------------- | -------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| `current-time` | `format` | Format for current time. See [strftime(3)] for more details. | `%H:%M:%S %z` |
| `execution-time` | `min-display-second` | Only show execution time when last run is longer than this time. | 5 |
