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A zsh prompt theme that mimics git bash.

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A zsh prompt theme that mimics git bash.




# gitbash theme for zsh

A zsh prompt theme that mimics the default prompt from [Git for Windows][gitwindows].

![An uncanny recreation of git bash's default theme on Windows, complete with the inexplicable “MINGW64” string](./


# Quick setup

1. Clone this repo somewhere, for example `~/repos/gitbash-zsh-theme`.
2. Add the following to your `~/.zshrc`:

fpath=(~/repos/gitbash-zsh-theme/functions $fpath)
autoload -U promptinit
prompt gitbash

Replace `~/repos/gitbash-zsh-theme` with wherever you cloned this repo.

# Customization

Love git bash, but hate `MINGW64`? Well, lucky for you, you can change
it to whatever you want. `prompt gitbash` takes one argument, which
allows customizes this string:

prompt gitbash 'Your string here!'

# Full installation instructions

This prompt is built using zsh's awesome [prompt theme system][prompt].
There's a few things that the prompt theme system needs:

First, a file called `prompt_$THEME_setup` to be somewhere on your
[`$fpath`][fpath]. You can either copy `functions/prompt_gitbash_setup`
to a directory on your current `$fpath` (Protip! Check which directories
are on your `$fpath` with `typeset -p fpath`) or append this repo's
`functions` dir to your `$fpath` (recommended).

Then you need to initialize the prompt system:

autoload -U promptinit

Finally, you can use the `prompt` command to choose any prompt in your
`$fpath`. You can list all the prompts available with:

prompt -l

You can preview prompts with:

prompt -p $THEME

Or preview all prompts with:

prompt -p

You can even change themes during sessions:

prompt gitbash
prompt restore


# Inspiration

I used the file from the Git for Windows installation, namely, [].


# License

© 2022 Eddie Antonio Santos. MIT licensed.