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Responsive ZSH theme featuring Git status information and a colored line above the prompt

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Responsive ZSH theme featuring Git status information and a colored line above the prompt




# Headline ZSH Theme

Headline. A stylish theme with deliberate use of space. No dependencies. Customizable.

## Features
### Separator Line
A line above the prompt info text with matching colors. May be disabled with `HEADLINE_LINE_MODE=off` for a more compact prompt.

### Information Line
` @ : | []`

This line collapses to fit within the terminal width. Individually style each segment of the information line using [ANSI SGR codes]( (which are conveniently aliased in the theme file). You can customize the characters for joining segments and disable segments entirely.

### Git Status
All the Git status symbols are customizable. The defaults are below:

| Symbol | Meaning |
| `+` | staged changes |
| `!` | unstaged changes |
| `?` | untracked files |
| `↓` | commits behind |
| `↑` | commits ahead |
| `↕` | commits diverged |
| `*` | stashed files |
| `✘` | conflicts |
| (none) | clean branch |

### *Exit Code*
`→ ()`

When enabled with `HEADLINE_DO_ERR=true`, print non-zero exit codes ahead of the prompt. The exit code meaning is merely a guess for the semi-standard exit codes (in the range 126-143) and is often incorrect.

### *Clock*
When enabled with `HEADLINE_DO_CLOCK=true`, display the time to the right of the prompt.

## Installation
Download the `headline.zsh-theme` file.
$ wget

In your `~/.zshrc`, source the `headline.zsh-theme` file.
source your/path/to/headline.zsh-theme

More details in **[Installation](docs/**

## Customization

The `headline.zsh-theme` file describes variables ([around line 70](headline.zsh-theme#L70)) for customizing prompt behavior, colors, styles, symbols, etc. You can edit the theme file directly or set these variables in your `~/.zshrc` *after* sourcing the theme to override the defaults. Play around with it and make it your own!

More details in **[Customization](docs/**

## Terminal Setup
For the continuous line above the prompt, use a font with ligatures such as [Fira Code](

If you want symbols, use a font that has them such as [FiraCode Nerd Font]( and assign your desired symbols to the prefix variables.

More details in **[Terminal Setup](docs/**

## Screenshots
Screenshots of theme in [iTerm2]( Using [FiraCode Nerd Font]( for continuous line and fancy icons.

> Status showing `+` for staged changes, `!` for unstaged changes, and `?` for untracked files (configurable).

> Optional icons, special font needed.

> Path truncated to fit in available space, user and host hidden.

> Optionally show clock and exit code.

## Related
* [Headline Oh My Posh Theme](

## Credits
* Headline's Git status functions are inspired by `git.zsh` in [Oh-My-Zsh's core library](
* Thanks to u/romkatv (author of [Powerlevel10k]( for the [Reddit post]( describing how to calculate prompt string display length.