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Pretty, short, one-line ZSH prompt that makes you feel at home

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Pretty, short, one-line ZSH prompt that makes you feel at home




# ⌂ home

> Pretty, short, one-line ZSH prompt that makes you feel at home


## Installation

If you wish to install just prompt, paste this line in your `~/.zshrc`:

PROMPT="%F{000}%(?.%K{148}.%K{red}) %(?.⌂.✘) %F{249}%K{236} %1~ %k%f "

If you'd like all features described below, add this repository with any zsh package manger:

# for zplug
zplug sheerun/home

# for antigen
antigen bundle sheerun/home

# for antibody
antibody bundle sheerun/home

# for zinit
zinit load sheerun/home

## Features

- Shows green ⌂ by default or red ✘ if previous command failed
- Shows current directory name (type `pwd` for full path)
- Use emacs keybindings (for example ctrl-a to go to start of command, ctrl-e to the end)
- Ctrl-z toggles process back and forth between background and foreground (useful for vim)
- Different default prompt color for ssh sessions
- Adds extra characters to word definition so Ctrl-w works better
- Makes autocompletion faster, more accurate, and enables fuzzy matching
- Adds history lines as soon as they appear, rather than waiting for shell exit
- You can type git commands without `git` (for example `log` for `git log` or `merge` for `git merge`)
- A few of extra git aliases:
- `st` is `git status`
- `ci` is `git commit`
- `co` is `git checkout`
- `br` is `git branch`
- `dc` is `git diff --cached`
- `amend` is `git commit -C HEAD --amend`
- All aliases just work when you use `sudo`
- Install and setup fzf (command, auto-completion, bindings)
- Enables colors and directories-first if GNU utils are available
- Sets shell language to English by default (`LANG="en_US.UTF-8"`)
- Any text can be safely pasted in iTerm2, xterm, without worrying it will execute
- `man` pages are colorful

## Anti-features

- Nothing for the right side of prompt (no mess when copying commands and their output)
- Doesn't show any git information in prompt (type `st` for git status)

## License