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zsh prompt with horizontal line

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zsh prompt with horizontal line




# Horizontal

2 lines ZSH prompt for developer

![horizontal with anonymous powerline font](screenshot.png)

## Features

- Command execution time will be displayed if it exceeds the set threshold.
- Shows `git` branch and whether it's dirty.
- Shows a face icon represent last command exit status.
- Shows python `virtualenv` name.

## Installation

### [antigen](

Add `antigen bundle nuimk/horizontal` to your .zshrc file (do not use the `antigen theme` function).

### [oh-my-zsh](

Symlink (or copy) `horizontal.zsh` to `~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/horizontal.zsh-theme` and add `ZSH_THEME="horizontal"` to your `.zshrc` file.

### [prezto](

Symlink (or copy) `horizontal.zsh` to `~/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_horizontal_setup` alongside Prezto's other prompts. Then `set zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'horizontal'` in `~/.zpreztorc`.

### Manual install

1. Either
- Clone this repo
- add it as a submodule, or
- just download `horizontal.zsh`

2. Symlink `horizontal.zsh` to somewhere in [`$fpath`]( with the name `prompt_horizontal_setup`. Run `echo $fpath` to see possible locations.

3. Initialize the prompt system (if not so already) and choose `horizontal`:

# .zshrc
autoload -U promptinit && promptinit
prompt horizontal

## Feature switchs

1 = enable
0 = disable

### `horizontal[cozy]=1`
Toggle a blank line before next prompt.

### `horizontal[color]=1`
Toggle Black-and-white prompt

### `horizontal[status]=1`
If set to zero, hide git, python virtual env and command execution time.

### `horizontal[git]=1`
Display or hide git status

### `horizontal[virtualenv]=1`
Display or hide python virtual environment name

### `horizontal[userhost]=1`
Display or hide `user|host` in prompt

## Settings

Override default value of configurable settings

### `horizontal_cmd_max_exec_time=5`
The max execution time of a process before its run time is shown when it exits.

### Example

# .zshrc

# override default setting

autoload -U promptinit && promptinit
prompt horizontal

## Integrating with powerline fonts
For the nice looking powerline symbols to appear,
you will need to install a patched font. Instructions can be found
in the official powerline [documentation](
Prepatched fonts can be found in the [powerline-fonts]( repository.

## License

[MIT]( Nui Narongwet

Inspired by adam2, based on [pure] ( by sindresorhus