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A simple theme for the ZSH shell

cli command-line design oh-my-zsh-theme productivity prompt script shell shell-script theme zsh zsh-theme

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

A simple theme for the ZSH shell




# July
## About
This repository contains the source code of July, a simple theme for the ZSH shell.

Here is a preview that you can check it out:


> [!NOTE]
> This theme uses the terminal emulator's colors, so they may look different in your setup when compared to the preview.

### Features
This theme can show you:

- The name of sourced virtual environments.
- Your host and user name.
- The path of the directory you are in.

## Installation
### Dependencies
In order to install and run this software properly, the following dependencies must be installed:

- `ZSH`: this is the shell this themes applies on.
- `git`: it will be used to clone this repository.

### Stand-alone Procedures (recommended for most users)
These steps are intended for users that want to perform a stand-alone install of this theme. As it does not need any extra dependency, it is the recommended option for most users.

- Clone this repository using `git`.

git clone --depth 1\

- Add the following source rule to your `~/.zshrc` file. Ensure to not source any other theme to avoid conflicts.

source ~/.local/share/zsh/themes/july/july.zsh-theme

- Open a new ZSH session. The theme should now be installed and running.

### OhMyZSH Procedures
These procedures are intended for users that want to use this theme within the OhMyZSH framework.

- Install [OhMyZSH](
- Clone this repository using `git` to OhMyZSH's custom themes directory.

git clone --depth 1\

- Change the value of the `ZSH_THEME` variable in your `~/.zshrc` file to use the theme.


- Open a new ZSH session. The theme should now be installed and running.

## Support
If you need any kind of support, for instance: help with troubleshooting, have questions about it or want to give improvement suggestions, please report them by filing new issues in its [issues page](

## Copyright
This software is under the MIT license. A copy of the license is bundled with the source code.