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Oh My Zsh theme with a little cat twist

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Oh My Zsh theme with a little cat twist




# mau

I use [Oh My Zsh]( for my command line in [iTerm]( on the Mac and other *linx distros.
**mau** is an Oh My Zsh theme that I hacked together combining the best of the _kphoen_ and _smt_ themes. **mau** is the English
literation of the Chinese word for _cat_.

This theme puts all the status information on one line then and has a clean command line with the Chinese character for cat.

![alt text](./mau.zsh-theme.png)

## Installing **mau**

1. Clone the **mau.zsh-theme** project.
2. Copy the **mau.zsh-theme** file to your *$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/themes* directory.
3. Open your *$HOME/.zshrc* file.
4. Set the **ZSH_THEME** variable to **mau**, then save the file.
5. Run `source $HOME/.zshrc`
6. Revel in the fun that is Oh My Zsh with **mau**

## Community

**mau** is included in the [awesome-zsh-plugin]( themes.

## Credits

Thanks to [Tao Wang]( for the colorful tidbits.