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A fast and extremely minimal shell prompt with git tracking.

bash bashrc git github minimal prompt pure shell shell-prompt shell-theme terminal theme toledo zsh zshrc

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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A fast and extremely minimal shell prompt with git tracking.




# :package: toledo

A fast and extremely minimal shell prompt with git tracking.


## Features

- Fast.
- Minimal.
- Lightweight.
- Works on `BASH`, `ZSH`, `DASH`, `YASH`. Sorry `ASH`.
- Works on macOS but you need `oh-my-zsh` installed.
- POSIX compliant (to a certain extent).

## Table of Contents

- [What is it?](#What-Is-It)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Prompt Character](#Prompt-Character)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [`clone_repo` usage](#clone_repo-usage)

## What Is It

`toledo` was an attempt to create a minimal prompt that had git functionality. It's a slew of borrowed ideas that worked well together.

## Installation


git clone

# Inside your .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.
. /path/to/toledo

## Prompt Character

You can customize the prompt character by modifying the lambda `λ` sign on line [62]( .

export PS1="\$(parse_git_branch) \$(parse_git_dirty) λ "

## Usage

### The script also includes several useful Git aliases:

`gs`: `git status`

`gd`: `git diff`

`gc`: `git commit -m`

`gp`: `git push`

`gcb`:`git checkout -b`

`gco`: `git checkout`

`gf`: `git fetch`

`gcl`: `clone_repo (an alias for git clone)`


#### `clone_repo` usage

gcl [] [-gh | -gl]

- : the GitHub or GitLab username that owns the repository.
- : the name of the repository.
- (optional): the name of the directory where the repository will be cloned. If not provided, it will use the name of the repository.
-gh or -gl (optional): specify whether to clone from GitHub (-gh) or GitLab (-gl). The default is GitHub.

## Screenshots

#### Initial Screen


#### Untracked File [`?`]


#### Modified File [`*`]


#### Renamed File [`~`]


#### Deleted File [`-`]


#### Switch Branch


#### Branch is ahead [`!`]


#### New file Added [`+`]


#### Branch is behind [`ˬˬ`]


## MISC recommendations

As is `toledo` is pretty functional and can be used as your daily shell prompt,
however if you want extra functionality consider using it alongside `oh-my-zsh`
or anything similar.